嚜燜he 22nd SC Sustainable Forestry Teachers* Tour was held June 17-21 in Hartsville and surrounding areas with 18 teachers in attendance. Focus was on the impact that forests have on the

state*s environment, economy, and quality of life. A range of topics related to sustainable forestry were

covered. Stops included: a tour of RMS [Resource Mgt. Service] land, learning about Best Management Practices, visiting Sonoco*s Wood Yard, touring Randell C. Ewing*s Tree Farm [1998 SC Tree

Farmer of the Year], touring Canfor, Domtar and Arauco, state forest lands, and much more.

Among speakers was Cam Crawford, Forestry Association President & CEO, who welcomed the

group on opening day.

A Sponsors Dinner was held at the conclusion of the program. Special thanks was expressed to

all the Tour Sponsors, speakers, and participants.

※What seemed to impress the teachers the most was that forestry really is a science, and through

proper management, our forests in the state are productive, diverse, and sustainable,§ said Emily Oakman, the Forestry Association*s Director of Landowner Outreach, Forestry Education and Programs.

Oakman also served as a program instructor. ?



The Tour was hosted by the Forestry

Association of SC, SC Forestry Commission, SC Sustainable Forestry Initiative Implementation Committee, and SC

Timber Producers Association.

Allison Allen


Canfor Southern Pine

Charles Ingram Lumber Co.

Domtar Paper LLC

Enoree Chapter 每 SC SAF

Flowers Forestry, LLC

Georgia-Paci?c, LLC

Great Woods Companies, LLC

International Paper

Kalmia Gardens

Koppers Utility and Industrial Products

Marion Wood Products

Palmetto Pulpwood & Timber

Pee Dee Chapter 每 SC SAF

Potts Forestry and Real Estate

Randell Ewing, Tree Farmer

Resource Management Service, LLC

Sand Hills State Forest

SC Advocates for Agriculture

SC Chapter 每 Association of Consulting Foresters

SC Division of Society of American Foresters

SC Forestry Commission

SC Pole & Piling, Inc.

SC Tree Farm Committee

SC State Implementation Committee

Sonoco Forest Products

Southeastern Society of American Foresters

Sustainable Forestry Initiative, Inc.

WestRock CP, LLC

Wilson, Wright, & Coleman, Inc.


From The Participants

? Traveling to all of the di?erent locations; it was amazing to see the REAL THING

instead of it being told to us. 每 Alicia Ridder, River Blu? High School, Lexington, SC

? Visiting the di?erent forests and hearing how they were used. I did not know anything about forestry and having hands on experience really solidi?ed the concepts.

每 Kristen Cooper, Sterling School, Greenville, SC

? I enjoyed most getting out in the ?eld and seeing forestry in action. This gave me a

clear picture of what foresters do, and how forestry is sustainable.

每 Elizabeth Evans-Razi, Palmetto Learning Center, Chesterfield, SC

? Learning about the extent land management has evolved to as far as attention to

detail, how technology has come so far, and the fact that virtually every part of the tree

is used for something, to cause no waste.

每 John Bundy, Buford Elementary School, Lancaster, SC

? I really have a new perception for the forest products industry. The things that are

made and how all products are used really brought a new view.

- Alonzo McDonald, Manning High School, Manning SC

? The interaction between foresters and industry was something I was made more

aware of. The Sustainable Forestry Initiative is something everyone should know.

每 Michelle Greene, Lamar High School, Lamar, SC

? This tour reinforced my views on forestry and how important it is to everyday life.

每 Chris Cade, Abbeville High School, Abbeville, SC

Want more? Visit

Contact Emily Oakman, FASC*s Director of Landowner Outreach, Forestry Education and Programs, at 803/798-4170 or eoakman@.


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