A Roman Journey

A Roman Journey

As devised by Hazel Beales and Maxine Squire, Market Weighton School and Richard Ness and Linda Downes, Wolfreton School for the LEA pilot bridging unit.

The pupils are in a transition stage, preparing to move to secondary school. The idea of a journey seemed appropriate.

We decided to focus on historical and geographical change.

The overall aim way to produce a unit of work incorporating literacy objectives:

A Writing

1. writing to inform

2. writing to instruct

3. writing to describe

4. imaginative writing

5. organising text

6. writing for an audience and purpose

B Reading

1. reading for research

2. reading for relevance

3. developing skimming and scanning skills

C Speaking and Listening

1. shared group discussion

2. presentation

D Awareness of vocabulary; encouraging accurate use of subject specific vocabulary

E IT: improve data handling skills by selection of appropriate material from the Internet

and even

F Citizenship – working with others!!

|Lesson |Learning Objectives |Skills |Resources |Pupil Outcome |

|Lesson 1 |To know where Rome is |Locational knowledge of Rome |European maps of Rome, Italy |To identify location of Rome on a map of Italy |

| |To recognise Rome’s historical |Awareness of historical context of |OHP acetate |Oral feedback on significance of Rome – done on |

|Where is Rome? |significance |settlement |Laminated European maps |flip chart |

| |To distinguish between ancient and modern|Awareness of chronological differences |Photos of ancient/modern Rome |A list of difference between modern an ancient |

| |Rome |between ancient and modern Rome |Maps of ancient/modern Rome (city plan) |Rome |

| | | |Book box from school loans (page of pack) | |

| | | |Suggest using ‘Merton Park’ Yorkshire | |

| | | |Farming Museum | |

|Lessons 2, 3, 4 and 5 |Reading for research, and relevance |Data handling and selection |Checklist to find information |Leaflet on present day Rome or |

| |Use of skimming and scanning |Proof reading and drafting |Internet |Leaflet on modern day Rome |

|What is Rome like? |ICT handling skills and selection of |Communication |Leaflets/travel guides |(Guides to the city) |

| |appropriate material |Working with others |Library | |

| |Speaking and listening – group discussion|Handwriting and or word processing |Book box | |

| |Writing for any audience |Use of vocabulary and spelling. |Paper | |

| |Writing to instruct and inform. | |Pens | |

| | | |Glue | |

| | | |Scissors | |

| | | |Folders | |

|Lessons 6 |To describe routes |To use directional instructions |Street maps |Description of a route from a chosen place to a |

| |To develop a sense of place and time |To develop historical understanding re |Cards with places and landmarks to be given|specific landmark |

|Wish you were here! | |difference between past and present |to groups |Produce a postcard from selected landmark stating |

| | |Empathy |Paper |what is there/or role play describing the scene |

| | |Communication |Scissors | |

| | |Working with others |Pens | |

Suggestion for

The work to be continued in the Secondary School include:

1. To build on knowledge of historical Ancient Rome. Case study identifying primary/secondary sources

2. To use the skills of research, describing routes, identifying patterns and maps

3. To use different formats to present information

4. To consider the new journey to school using informative and descriptive writing skills

5. To compare the journey in reverse to contrast observational skills

6. To use the first chapter of ‘Whitby Witches’ and identify places and atmospheric description.

Resource List for Primary School Unit


• Contrasts and connections – John Murray Publishers (extracts included).

• The Roman Empire – Collins Living History (extract included)

• In Search of History – Early Times to 1066 (extract included)

• History Scene Book 1 – Peter Moss (extracts included)

Request from Library Service

• Rome and the Romans – Usborne

Audio Tape

Rome, the Centre of the Empire

Copies to follow

Video Tape

Rome – BBC History file


• The Empire Supplies Rome (The Times)

• Worksheet 2 – to be used with audio tape

• The City of Rome – video background notes

• Source A & B – use on OHP

• Descriptions of Rome





Use a suitable search engine and type in City of Rome it will provide links to modern and ancient Rome including city plans/maps.

CD Roms

Dorling Kindersley – History

Microsoft – Ancient Lands

CD versions of: Encarta



Aim is to use a variety of sources to produce guidebooks to modern and ancient Rome.

Aim is to allow students to use more than a book; they must use at least two different sources of information.

The Market Weighton school – Teaching Plan for Secondary phase of bridging unit

Teaching Time: At least 6 hours beginning September 2001.

X-curricular links = History




Language for Learning

Opportunities for ICT

Research skills

English Delivery

Lesson 1

Writing about journeys – providing a sequence of instructions for a journey from home to school complemented by a map or diagram. Brainstorming about different types of journey

Lesson 2

Reinforcing types of journey and looking at journeys at different times of day. Focus on the language of journeys and adjectives to create atmosphere and sense of place.

Lessons 3 & 4

Developing creative writing on the theme of journeys and using stimulus material from fiction/non-fiction sources.

Lessons 5 & 6

Autobiography – Human journey. Writing/role-playing the autobiography of Romulus.

Lesson 7

Personal timelines/autobiographies.

History Delivery

Lesson 1

Who were the Romans and how do we find out about their lives? Evidence handling and brainstorming. Produce a spidergram. Evidence handling develops speaking and listening skills.

Lesson 2

Who do the Romans think they were? The story of Romulus and Remus, why did they tell the story? Difference between fact and fiction.

Lessons 3 & 4

Storyboarding the myth of Romulus and Remus. Highlighting differences between mythical foundation of Rome and archaeological records.

Lessons 5 & 6

Journeys through time – how we use timelines and chronological language to journey through time, back to the Roman Empire.

Lesson 7

Continue into study of the development of the Roman Empire.

Geography link

- mapping of the school

- map work skills


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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