English Language Assessment Exam - Proficiency Kursu

English Language Assessment Exam

(Practice Test) | |

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|Exercise 1 |

|Read the following sentences carefully. Find the correct answer and mark it. |

|Formun Üstü |

|81.Ayse was not surprised she ______________ a cold after the concert. |

|[pic]made |

|[pic]ran |

|[pic]caught |

|[pic]could |

|[pic] |

|82. If you sense danger, please call me _____________________________. |

|[pic]immediately |

|[pic]finally |

|[pic]intentionally |

|[pic]incredibly |

|[pic] |

|83. _____ he was walking down the street, he ran into Jane. |

|[pic]As |

|[pic]When |

|[pic]Since |

|[pic]Before |

|[pic] |

|84. After I have seen him, I will _________ know my opinion about him. |

|[pic]tell you |

|[pic]let you |

|[pic]say you |

|[pic]inform you |

|[pic] |

|85. Leyla was __________________________ to have missed the concert. She really wanted to see it. |

|[pic]distracted |

|[pic]disappointed |

|[pic]disgusted |

|[pic]discovered |

|[pic] |

|86. Due to the _________ of a military conflict, the two countries were encouraged to talk. |

|[pic]frustration |

|[pic]threshold |

|[pic]threat |

|[pic]friction |

|[pic] |

|87. The width of the ___________ depends on the overall size of the painting. |

|[pic]frame |

|[pic]box |

|[pic]foundation |

|[pic]space |

|[pic] |

|88. Our driver is very____________; he will repair the car himself. |

|[pic]careful |

|[pic]capable |

|[pic]cautious |

|[pic]correct |

|[pic] |

|89. The government ___________ control the inflation rate or we will continue to get poorer. |

|[pic]have to |

|[pic]had to |

|[pic]has too |

|[pic]has to |

|[pic] |

|90. I'm quite __________________of finishing the work myself. |

|[pic]expert |

|[pic]happy |

|[pic]content |

|[pic]capable |

|[pic] |

|91. He told me this in secret. I am not allowed to _____________ anyone else. |

|[pic]speak |

|[pic]tell |

|[pic]whisper |

|[pic]say |

|[pic] |

|92. Lets cancel the meeting. There is not ___________ to talk to him about. |

|[pic]many |

|[pic]lots |

|[pic]much |

|[pic]nothing |

|[pic] |

|93. Everybody voted in the elections ___________ him. I don't know why he did not. |

|[pic]also |

|[pic]as well |

|[pic]except |

|[pic]despite |

|[pic] |

|94. Mehmet arrived _____________ Istanbul last Wednesday. |

|[pic]to |

|[pic]in |

|[pic]on |

|[pic]at |

|[pic] |

|95. She _______ the answer to me again, but I still do not fully understand it. |

|[pic]said |

|[pic]told |

|[pic]explained |

|[pic]reported |

|[pic] |

|96. For the ______________ of the storm, people remained under cover. |

|[pic]duration |

|[pic]time |

|[pic]hours |

|[pic]width |

|[pic] |

|97. I'm __________________a phone call from my parents tonight. |

|[pic]sending |

|[pic]waiting |

|[pic]expecting |

|[pic]hoping |

|[pic] |

|98. We were late ___________________the traffic jam. |

|[pic]due to |

|[pic]for |

|[pic]because |

|[pic]owing |

|[pic] |

|99. I am tired _____ listening to you. Please say something else. |

|[pic]with |

|[pic]on |

|[pic]to |

|[pic]of |

|[pic] |

|100. 100. He considered the splitting of the atom to be the major scientific______________ of the century. |

|[pic]turnout |

|[pic]outlook |

|[pic]layout |

|[pic]breakthrough |

|[pic] |

|101. There is a glut of engineers in the job ____________, and many graduates cannot get good jobs. |

|[pic]situation |

|[pic]area |

|[pic]place |

|[pic]market |

|[pic] |

|102. . From earliest recorded history, humans have competed to own as much ___________ land as possible. |

|[pic]fertile |

|[pic]product |

|[pic]fertility |

|[pic]produce |

|[pic] |

|103. The new grammar book contains many different types of ____________. |

|[pic]happening |

|[pic]actions |

|[pic]events |

|[pic]activities |

|[pic] |

|104. Don't worry about driving home tonight. You can stay in our _______________ room. |

|[pic]empty |

|[pic]spare |

|[pic]excess |

|[pic]open |

|[pic] |

|105. The police questioned the young man. He clearly was not guilty because he had a/an ______. |

|[pic]alibi |

|[pic]excuse |

|[pic]clue |

|[pic]story |

|[pic] |

|106. That overseas company wanted to be ____________ International Business Machines. |

|[pic]branched with |

|[pic]combined with |

|[pic]associated with |

|[pic]connected with |

|[pic] |

|107. Whenever I get close to a dog I always get very __________. I don't know why I panic so much. |

|[pic]nervous |

|[pic]angry |

|[pic]fidget |

|[pic]aggravated |

|[pic] |

|108. I never eat big grapes. I do not like the _____________ inside. |

|[pic]rocks |

|[pic]pips |

|[pic]kernels |

|[pic]stones |

|[pic] |

|109. I hate my room mate. He is so _____________ . He wants to know everything I do. |

|[pic]nosey |

|[pic]angry |

|[pic]interested |

|[pic]fascinated |

|[pic] |

|110. I'll be in New York soon. I will _________________ when I get there. |

|[pic]look you in |

|[pic]look you up |

|[pic]look you out |

|[pic]look you |

|[pic] |

|[pic] |

|Formun Altı |

|Exercise 2 |

|Read the following sentences carefully and find the correct form of the word given at the end of each sentence. Write the correct form |

|of the word in the answer box provided. |

|Example: The actors appeared on stage in alphabetical order.   ALPHABET |

|  |

|Formun Üstü |

|111. There is little I can  [pic]that will change the situation. SUGGEST |

|112. When you go  [pic], don't forget to take a torch. CAMP |

|113. The  [pic]asked him several interesting questions. INTERVIEW |

|114. The film was boring. It was completely  [pic]. FORGET |

|115. By November all millennium  [pic]will have been completed. PREPARE |

|116. After the storm there was total  [pic]in the city. CONFUSE |

|117. The price of  [pic]a letter has just gone up again. SEND |

|118. I wish I could change my  [pic]. I want to be French. NATION |

|119. When conducting research, a  [pic]approach is required. SYSTEM |

|120. Penicillin was a major scientific [pic]of this century. DISCOVER |

|Formun Altı |


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