Opening the Path to a Diverse Future - MassBio

Opening the Path to a Diverse Future

Creating gender balance in Massachusetts life sciences sector

A study of gender diversity within the life sciences

sector of Massachusetts.

About Liftstream and MassBio / iii

About Liftstream

We are passionate about shaping the future way in which people work and live. It is our mission to create a working world in which an inclusive leadership culture inspires people with diverse perspectives, experiences, and knowledge to achieve their fullest potential in accelerating science and technology innovation. We want people to engage in life sciences and unify around the common purpose of transforming healthcare for current and future generations.

Our understanding of the future of leadership, organizational culture and human capital in an evolving working world gives companies the ability to elevate their people and grow their business. Societal and cultural progress causes people to change their generational views and refocus their aspirations. Through analysis, we produce human capital insights to bring effective strategies to life. We constantly challenge ourselves to look further for the diverse qualities offered by an entire population. The uniqueness of the people we represent makes us different. Our original thinking and intentionally creative approach brings new and exciting talent possibilities from which to gain an advantage.

We build successful life science companies through exceptional and diverse leadership teams. Our focus is on leadership that can create a high performing and inclusive organizational culture capable of innovating, while developing a company that serves all its stakeholders, most importantly patients.

For more information about Liftstream, please visit

LinkedIn: pany/liftstream-ltd

Twitter: @liftstream

Liftstream Ltd UK T: +44 (0)203 178 5864 US T: +1 617 300 0657 E: info@

About MassBio

MassBio is a not-for-profit organization, founded in 1985, that represents and provides services and support for the world's leading life sciences supercluster.

MassBio is committed to advancing Massachusetts' leadership in the life sciences to grow the industry, add value to the healthcare system and improve patient lives.

Representing 975+ biotechnology companies, academic institutions, disease foundations and other organizations involved in life sciences and healthcare, MassBio leverages its unparalleled network of innovative companies and industry thought leaders to advance policy and promote education while providing member programs, events, industry information, and services.

For more information about MassBio, please visit:

LinkedIn: groups/65240

Twitter: @MassBio

Massachusetts Biotechnology Council 300 Technology Square, 8th Floor Cambridge, MA 02139

iv / Foreword


There is no debate about the lack of gender diversity in the life sciences industry, and the data backs it up: women make up 10% of Boards and only 20% of leadership teams even though 50% of entry level positions are filled by women. The legitimate debate is determining why the problem exists, and what actions must be taken to fix it.

MassBio recognizes gender diversity is a major problem facing the industry. How can life sciences companies continue to grow and succeed if women are not equally represented in leadership positions?

After an exploration of existing activities and studies related to gender diversity gaps in life sciences and beyond, along with in-depth discussion with leaders across our industry, we determined the biggest gap toward progress is a lack of data. We posited that if we could quantify why women are not advancing in their careers at the same rate as men, we could determine the best actions the industry could take ? both by companies and employees ? to fix it.

As you will read in the following report, the reasons for the gender diversity gap are myriad, but based on the survey responses from companies and employees, real progress is feasible if we agree to take action together as an industry.

Over the coming months and years, MassBio will commit to leading the industry toward actionable items for implementing change. This will include high level discussions at major national and local events because continued dialog is critical to a broader understanding. But it will also include more targeted activities such as networking events, mentoring programs, and the promotion of successful initiatives led by other entities.

This report answers a lot of questions while challenging some long-standing assumptions. We're excited to move forward from a data collection phase to an actionable one. We hope you'll join us in making real change for our industry.

Abbie Celniker Chair, MassBio Board of Directors; Partner, Third Rock Ventures

Robert Coughlin President & CEO, MassBio


Several studies addressing workforce diversity in the life sciences sector have been published, most often tackling matters which relate to the participation of women. The positive effect diversity is seen having on a company's strategy, innovation, performance, risk, investment, and people, are among the motives for such studies. Despite the resounding benefits resulting from increasing the participation of women, the boardrooms of biotech companies throughout the United States remain heavily dominated by men. Data indicates that nearly half of these companies have all male boards.

From July 2016 through to September 2017, Liftstream and MassBio have been working in partnership to undertake this study, the most extensive of its kind. The study is the first to look at the life sciences sector within the state of Massachusetts, to evaluate the gender differences which exist at every level of an organization. Furthermore, it expressly considers the impact of gender difference on the workforce, and how the current workforce system is leading to the loss of skilled and experienced women from the sector's leadership.

This study is necessary because if we're to tackle the current dearth of women at the top of corporations, and reach equivalence with men, then the availability of women with skill, experience, and motivation must also be on a par with men. For that to be achieved, we must identify the gaps, measure them, and apply corrective remedies to ensure equality throughout a person's career.

During a career, each of us goes through the cycle of seeking a job, fulfilling the job, and moving on. The number of times and rapidity with which we complete this sequence is of course specific to the individual. This report probes these individual phases and considers explicit situations which influence each, reporting the results respectively. It looks at individuals employed at every level in start-ups, small and medium sized companies (SMEs), and large companies too. It comprehensively reflects the career journey, from start to end.

Conducting the research was not without difficulty. A majority of companies declined to participate in the study and so we're grateful to those who committed to share their data and insights. If companies are dedicated to cultivating workplaces where people feel included, then many more will need to have the courage of their convictions, sharing their data and experiences for the benefit of all.

More data is needed in all areas of diversity if we're to effectively chart our progress, whether it be on the representation of women, or on race and ethnicity, where the problem is amplified from that seen by women. The data and insights we collected on race and ethnicity during this study support the need for a more targeted effort which addresses the specific characteristics of this chronic problem. Liftstream and MassBio propose to extend the diversity conversation beyond gender into the important area of race and ethnicity.

The collection and analysis of the data from this study have given us tremendous insights into what companies and individuals think about today's organizations. This report shares many of those insights and provides the evidence-base for action. We not only wanted to define the problems but to search for answers that will lead to increasing the participation of women in the sector. We cannot afford to leave talented people behind, or limit their opportunity, and so we must act on the evidence presented in this report.

Karl Simpson Founder and CEO of Liftstream

Preface / v


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