Unit 1

Grammar Practice (Plus)

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 I _________________ (just / make) some biscuits. They’re nicer than the ones I _________________ (make) last week.

2 In the past, children _________________ (work) in factories and _________________ (live) in unsanitary houses.

3 Rick _________________ (just / change) the channel. Why? Well, because he _________________ (already/watch) the film on Channel 1 two nights earlier.

4 We _________________ (get) there late because the train (be delayed) back in Manchester.

5 Sally _________________ (write) those letters yet? She _________________ (start) them hours ago, so they should be finished.

2 Write questions for the answers using the prompts.

1 When / Jenny / join / the book club?


Oh, on the fifth of September.

2 How long / Simon / have / a bad cold?


Oh, for a couple of days. He feels awful.

3 When / he / write / the play?


Two years ago.

4 he / lose / his umbrella?


Yes. He can’t find it anywhere.

5 What time / she /get up?


Seven o’clock this morning.

3 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 I’ve been to the gym …

a last weekend. c twice this weekend.

b since Tuesday. d a couple of days ago.

2 He’s been playing computer games …

a twice today. c from two to three o’clock.

b all afternoon. d last night.

3 He had been phoning Donald …

a since he got in. c twice today.

b these days. d but he has been busy.

4 Josephine has left the school …

a since two o’clock. c before you rang.

b five minutes ago. d and is on her way home.

5 Sean had gone home …

a since five o’clock. c as soon as the bell had rung.

b before the lesson ended. d from two hours.

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 I’ve _________________ (know) Simon all my life.

2 Susie got absolutely soaked because she _________________ (forget) to bring her umbrella.

3 We _________________ (wait) for you for ages. Why are you so late?

4 Tim has _________________ (tell) that awful joke at least four times already.

5 I _________________ (not eat) very much for breakfast so I felt very hungry by twelve o’clock.

6 How long you _________________ (renovate) that old house? Will you finish the work soon?

5 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Sally (1) _________________ (work) as a journalist in London for six months when I first (2) _________________ (meet) her in the summer of 2008. The week before, she (3) _________________ (just / write) a couple of important articles about British politics for her newspaper. Since then, Sally and I (4) _________________ (be) friends. She (5) _________________ (help) me many times in my career as a reporter and we (6) _________________ (have) a lot of fun together from time to time. She (7) _________________ (travel) in South America for the last month or so. She (8) _________________ (send) me a postcard last week, saying that she (9) _________________ (interview) a leading politician there earlier in the day, and that she (10) _________________ (have) a great story for one of the tabloids.

6 Translate the sentences into your own language.

1 Amy had been playing tennis for an hour when we arrived.


2 I’ve just bought a new coat.


3 How many times have you fallen off your bike?


4 Jo has been listening to music since she got home.


5 Sue felt tired because she had been working hard all day.


Vocabulary Practice (Plus)

1 Write a word for each definition.

1 a sensationalist newspaper _________________

2 a period of change _________________

3 not impartial or objective _________________

4 someone who writes newspaper articles _________________

5 a type of TV programme that is informative about things like history, geography or wildlife _________________

6 a person who decides what goes in a newspaper _________________

7 a serious newspaper _________________

8 a type of TV programme on which someone interviews celebrities _________________

9 a shock or gossip _________________

10 a discussion about something serious by people with opposing views _________________

2 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1 Emma spends most afternoons _________________ the internet.

2 Brad Pitt has just _________________ an interview to a leading Spanish magazine.

3 Emily likes channel _________________ because she can’t concentrate on one programme for long.

4 Greg _________________ in to his favourite radio programme every day.

5 I hate the way tabloids _________________ down the news. We’re not all stupid!

6 Most mornings, I _________________ the newspaper headlines to see if there is anything interesting to read in more depth.

3 Write a word for each definition.

1 someone on a news programme who looks at a story in careful detail _________________

2 the person in charge of commissioning and planning a TV programme _________________

3 the person who is in front of the camera on a TV news programme and tells you what the day’s news is _________________

4 a long historical period _________________

5 someone who interviews celebrities on a TV programme _________________

6 a news programme that suddenly appears on TV or radio to inform you of a major news story that has just happened _________________

4 Make compound nouns with the words in the box. Then complete the sentences.

|broad reader pod web cast spot sheets lines pages head news light |

1 I downloaded a _________________ of my favourite comedy programme onto my laptop.

2 I like the way the _________________ on my local news always smiles at the end of each story.

3 This website has hundreds of _________________ , and all of them are full of information.

4 Tabloid _________________ tend to be huge and shocking sometimes.

5 Some celebrities love being in the _________________ . They enjoy the fame and attention.

6 I prefer reading serious _________________ to sensationalist tabloids.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1 The discovery of America was a major turning _________________ in history.

2 There is some breaking _________________ just in. A plane has crashed in India.

3 Tabloid newspapers are often referred to as gutter _________________ .

4 I watched an interesting current _________________ programme about the state of the economy.

5 The president spoke to journalists at a press _________________ .

6 A lot of different social _________________ influenced the change in moral attitudes in the 1970s.

7 The chat show _________________ asked the pop star a lot of questions about her private life.

8 The 19th century was a golden _________________ in British history.

9 I get most of my news and information from mobile phone ________________ .

10 The next short news _________________ will be at ten o’clock.


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