Match the headlines with the report - Primary Source

WS 1

Match the headlines with the report

|1 |About ten thousand soldiers were seen marching up and down the hill near York. |A |Sheep magically disappeared. |

|2 |It has been reported that Little Bo-peep cannot find her sheep. They seem to have |B |Chelmer Monster Scare! |

| |magically disappeared. She has looked for them everywhere. | | |

|3 |Dave thinks that there really is a monster living in Chelmsford. He has taken strange |C |Invasion Scare |

| |dark monster shapes near River Chelmer. | | |

WS 2

Match the headlines with the report

|1 |About ten thousand soldiers were seen marching up and down the hill near York. |A |Sheep magically disappeared. |

|2 |It has been reported that Little Bo-peep cannot find her sheep. They seem to have |B |Magic Pyramid |

| |magically disappeared. She has looked for them everywhere. | | |

|3 |Dave thinks that there really is a monster living in Chelmsford. He has taken strange |C |Invasion Scare |

| |dark monster shapes near River Chelmer. | | |

|4 |A Scientist has been researching pyramids. He has discovered a pyramid with a magical |D |Chelmer Monster Scare! |

| |entrance. | | |

WS 3

Match the headlines with the report

|1 |About ten thousand soldiers were seen marching up and down the hill near York. |A |Sheep magically disappeared. |

|2 |It has been reported that Little Bo-peep cannot find her sheep. They seem to have |B |Rescued by heroes |

| |magically disappeared. She has looked for them everywhere. | | |

|3 |A peacock has been seen flying over Peggotty close. It was reported missing from the zoo|C |Magic Pyramid |

| |last week. It created a lot of excitement around Newlands Spring area. | | |

|4 |Jane and Ross are heroes to 84 year old Mrs. Bennett. “They saved my life,” she said |D |Invasion Scare |

| |from her hospital bed. | | |

|5 |Dave thinks that there really is a monster living in Chelmsford. He has taken strange |E |Peacock excitement |

| |dark monster shapes near River Chelmer. | | |

|6 |A Scientist has been researching pyramids. He has discovered a pyramid with a magical |F |Chelmer Monster Scare! |

| |entrance. | | |

WS 4

Match the headlines with the report

|1 |About ten thousand soldiers were seen marching up and down the hill near York. |A |Sheep magically disappeared. |

|2 |It has been reported that Little Bo-peep cannot find her sheep. They seem to have |B |Rescued by heroes |

| |magically disappeared. She has looked for them everywhere. | | |

|3 |Although the old bus stop beside a village green in Broomfield is used rarely. The only |C |School year with shorter summer |

| |way Hannah gets to the village is by bus. But this is about to change. Council cannot | |holiday |

| |afford to run a bus service. | | |

|4 |Temperatures today will not rise above 12oC, which is below average for June. There is a|D |Magic Pyramid |

| |possibility of rain and gusts of wind. | | |

|5 |Jane and Ross are heroes to 84 year old Mrs. Bennett. “They saved my life,” she said |E |No buses to or from Village Green |

| |from her hospital bed. | | |

|6 |It would be good to have the school year split into four terms instead of three. The |F |Where is the Summer? |

| |summer holiday is too long. We forget a lot during a six weeks holiday. If we had | | |

| |shorter summer holiday we would not need to spend so much time on revision every | | |

| |September. | | |

|7 |Dave thinks that there really is a monster living in Chelmsford. He has taken strange |G |Peacock excitement |

| |dark monster shapes near River Chelmer. | | |

|8 |A Scientist has been researching pyramids. He has discovered a pyramid with a magical |H |Invasion Scare |

| |entrance. | | |

|9 |A new trap for catching woodworms is on sale in Essex. We will no longer have to use |I |Chelmer Monster Scare! |

| |poisonous sprays to get rid of them. | | |

|10 |A peacock has been seen flying over Peggotty close. It was reported missing from the zoo|J |Poisonous sprays out of fashion |

| |last week. It created a lot of excitement around Newlands Spring area. | | |

WS 5

Match the headlines with the report

|1 |Last night Chelsea football club beat Bristol City 3-2 in an exciting game. Johns scored|A |Firemen rescue Rhubarb. |

| |a hat-trick for Chelsea. | | |

|2 |Three children were walking across a field in Chelmsford when they discovered a hole. At|B |Hat-trick for Chelsea |

| |the bottom of the hole was a chest filled with gold and silver. The children ran and | | |

| |told the police about their discovery. | | |

|3 |Two days ago a kitten called Rhubarb, belonging to Mrs. Daniels, climbed a tree. It got |C |Distress signal rescues fisherman |

| |stuck at the top and could not get down. A large crowd gathered. They could not help the| | |

| |cat. In the end they sent for the fire brigade. The firemen put a ladder up the tree and| | |

| |brought the frightened cat down. | | |

|4 |Yesterday there was a bad storm at sea. The fishing vessel Saucy Sal began to sink. The |D |Children discover gold and silver |

| |captain of the vessel sent out a distress signal. A lifeboat put out to sea and rescued | | |

| |fisherman just in time. | | |


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