Industrialization Review Sheet

Chapter 7: Industrial Revolution and Latin American Revolutions Review Sheet


o Eli Whitney

o James Watt

o Jethro Tull

o Townshend

o Karl Marx

o Fredrich Engels

o Robert Owen

o Dom Pedro

o Simon Bolivar

o San Martin

o Father Hidalgo

o Toussaint L’Ouverture

Inventions—not the exact specifics of what task they performed..just the general idea of what they do

o Spinning Jenny

o Flying Shuttle

o Power Loom

o Cotton Gin

o Water-frame

o Steam Engine

o Seed Drill


o Industrial Revolution

o Industrialization

o Entrepreneur

o Canals

o Crop Rotation

o Enclosure Movement

o Factory Acts/ Mine Acts

o Urbanization

o Socialism

o Communism

o Capitalism

o Proletariat

o Bourgeoisie

o Labor Unions


o Improvements in farming/livestock

o How, where and why it started

o Rise in Population

o Why and where it spread

o Changes in Railroads and its effects

o Importance of major inventions

o Changes in factories/power

o Effect of the revolution on children, cities, countries and working class

o Child Labor

o Why labor unions began/what role they played

o Communist Manifesto

o Marxism

o Pros/Cons of the Industrial Revolution and communism, socialism and capitalism

o Causes and effects – both for Latin American revolutions and the Industrial Revolution

You will have a map of Latin America on your quiz.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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