Greek and Latin Root Words

The Language of Science: Greek and Latin Root Words

|aero |oxygen/air |aeroplane |

|aqua |water |aquatic |

|archae |ancient/primitive |archaeology |

|arthro |joint |arthritis |

|aster/astra |star |astronomy |

|audi |hear |audible |

|bene |good/well |benefit |

|bio |life |biology |

|brev |short |abbreviation |

|capit |head |decapitate |

|caryo/karyon |kernel |prokaryote |

|caud |tail |caudal |

|cephal |head |cephalopod |

|chlor |green |chlorophyll |

|chrom |color |monochrome |

|chron |time |chronology |

|corpus |body |corpse |

|cyte/cyto |cell/container |cytology |

|dactyl |finger/toe |polydactyl |

|derm |skin |dermatologist |

|echin |spiny |echinoderm |

|gen |birth |generate |

|geo |earth |geography |

|graph |write |telegraph |

|hemo |blood |hemoglobin |

|herb |plants |herbaceous |

|hippo |horse |hippopotamus |

|hydro |water |hydrate |

|lateral |side |laterally |

|log/logue |word/thought |dialogue |

|lys |to break |cytolysis |

|maculat |spotted |immaculate |

|manu |hand |manual |

|meso |middle |mesosphere |

|meter/metr |measure |thermometer |

|ocu |eye |ocular |

|path |feeling |sympathy |

|ped |child |pediatrics |

|phil |love |philosophy |

|phobia |fear |claustrophobia |

|photo |light |photograph |

|phys |body/nature |physical |

|plasm |matter/mold |cytoplasm |

|pod/ped |foot |podiatrist |

|proto |first |prototype |

|pseudo |false |pseudonym |

|scrib/script |write |scribble |

|sect |cut |dissect |

|sept |seven |septuplets |

|sol |alone |solitary |

|soma |body |chromosome |

|tact |touch |contact |

|tele |far off |telephone |

|ter/terra |earth |territory |

|therm |heat |thermal |

|troph |feeding |autotroph |

|vac |empty |vacant |

|vid/vis |see |video |

|zoo/zoa |animal |zoology |

Greek and Latin Prefixes & Suffixes

|a-/an- |not/without |atypical |

|-al |relating to |maternal |

|ambi- |both |ambidextrous |

|ante- |before |antecedent |

|anti- |against |antifreeze |

|auto- |self |autobiography |

|bi- |two |bicycle |

|centi- |hundred |centimeter |

|circum- |around |circumvent |

|con- |with |concert |

|deci- |ten |decimeter |

|di- |two |diameter |

|endo- |in/inside |endothermic |

|epi- |on/upon/outer |epicenter |

|ex-/exo- |out/outside |exit |

|hemi- |half |hemisphere |

|hetero- |different |heterogeneous |

|homo- |same |homozygous |

|hyper- |above/over |hyperactive |

|hypo- |below |hypothermic |

|-ic |relating to |poetic |

|in- |not |invalid |

|inter- |between |interstate |

|intra- |within |intramurals |

|-ism |quality/state |catholicism |

|iso- |equal/same |isotonic |

|-it is |disease/inflamma-tion |tendonitis |

|-logy |study of |geology |

|macro- |large  |macrobiologist |

|mega- |great/large |megaphone |

|micro- |small |microbiologist |

|milli- |thousand |millipede |

|mis- |bad/wrong |miscarriage |

|mono- |one/single |monotheism |

|nano-  |billion |nanosecond |

|neo- |new |neonatology |

|-ology |study of |biology |

|omni- |all |omniscient |

|-osis |disease/condition |osteoporosis |

|-ous |quality/state |nebulous |

|peri- |all around |periscope |

|poly- |many |polygon |

|post- |after |postpone |

|pre- |before |precede |

|pro- |before/forward |progress |

|re- |again |reappear |

|retro- |back |retrogress |

|sub- |under |submarine |

|super- |more than |supermarket |

|syn-/sym- |together |symbol |

|-tion |quality/state |preservation |

|tri- |three |tripod |

|-ular |relating to |cellular |

|un- |not |unwilling |


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Unit 1



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