Flipping Out in the Media Center - clover.k12.sc.us

[Pages:10]Flipping Out

in the Media Center

Kathy Corbiere, Middle School Librarian Oakridge Middle School Clover, SC


The debate about Flipped Learning

Is Not!

? All videos ? All online ? Students work in isolation ? Students work in front of a screen

Is Too!

? Increase face-to-face time for teacher and student

? Sister to blended and project based learning

? Students responsible for learning

? Archived for absent students, remediation and review

Flipping a classroom looks like...

? 24-7 content individually paced ? 50% faster through your curriculum ? 50% less time grading with LMS (Edmodo, MyBigCampus) ? Recorded content shorter because no class interruptions ? DVD's or flash drives for students without Internet access ? Requires direct instruction for how to watch, take notes, take online

assessments, participate (or not) in class activities ? More prep time

Teachers do it! We can too!

? Online LMC tutorials and guides give 24/7 self-paced access ? Offline LMC tutorials and guides hosted on every student device ? Archived LMC orientation lessons for classroom use too

? Copyright, plagiarism, printing, navigating a database, keyword search

? 50% less time with repetitive lessons freeing LMS for

? small group, collaborative planning, staff PD

? Flipped Staff PD ?


? Flipped Learning Network

? Archive and schedule of upcoming webinars ? all free ? Weekly podcasts ? YouTube Channel

? Flipped Classroom Pioneers

? Jon Bergmann ? Aaron Sams ? explains ? Ramsey Musallam ? Troy Cockram ? Kristin Daniels (Flipped PD)

? Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day by Jonathan Bergmann & Aaron Sams



? Screencastomatic ? GoAnimate ? Doceri for desktop ($$) ? Google Hangout ? Camtasia ($$) ? Snagit ($$)


? iMovie ($$) ? Doceri ? Explaing Everything ($$) ? EduCreations ? ShowMe ? ScreenChomp


?YouTube Channel ?Vimeo ?GoogleDocs ?iTunesU ?Your LMS: Edmodo, MyBigCampus ?Your school or media website ?Your media blog or wiki


Bergmann, Jon, Jerry Overmyer, and Brett Willie. "The Daily Riff - The Flipped Class:Myth vs. Realilty." The Flipped Class: Myths vs. Reality. The Daily Riff, 21 June 2011. Web. 19 July 2013.

Bergmann, Jonathan, and Aaron Sams. Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day. Eugene, Or.: International Society for Technology in Education, 2012. Print.

Betts, Shannon. "Flipping the Library Classroom." Connect Learning Today. Promethean, 19 Aug. 2013. Web. 9 Oct. 2013.

Brown, Daniel. "Flipping the Classroom." 2013 Upstate Technology Conference. Wade Hampton High School, Greenville, SC. 9 July 2013. Lecture.

Bruder, Patricia. "The Flipped Classroom: Reversing the Way We Teach." New Jersey Education Association Review (2012): n. pag. Feb. 2012. Web. 19 July 2013.

Daniels, Kristin. "Flipping PD with Kristin Daniels." Interview. Audio blog post. Flipped Learning Network. EdReach, 5 Feb. 2013. Web. 23 July 2013.

Flipped Learning Network, comp. You Can Flip That? Review of Non-core Subjects. 13 Mar. 2013. Archived free webinars offered during 2012-2013. .


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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