Florence Christian School

Florence Christian


Vol. 4 No. 3 SPRING/SUMMER 2012

A Ministry of the Florence Baptist Temple

Christopher Trevor



John Kent Elizabeth Stephen


Brandon Michael



Drew Samantha


Zachary Alyssa

Michael Daniel



Ann'a Skyler









Kayla Hayley



Charles Hampton Edoardo

On May 18th, the class of 2012 was presented by Principal Jim Berry for Florence Christian

School's 34th commencement services. Thirty-eight seniors walked the platform to receive their diploma, a personalized Bible, and a rose to give to their family in honor of this special celebration. Words of wisdom and sentiment were given to their classmates by co-valedictorians Trevor Gibson and Christopher Coker. Pastor Monroe encouraged and challenged the graduates to be faithful to what they have learned at FCS based on God's Word. Christopher Coker was presented the FCS EAGLE AWARD. This award is given to the senior who displays Christian character in all areas of his life. The exercises closed with Joshua Skelton leading the graduates in the turning of the tassels.

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Mrs. Nesbit's Class

FCS Eagle Times

Mrs. Skelton's Class

Spring/Summer 2012

The morning of May 18th, another group of

graduates received their diplomas for their academic achievement of completing Kindergarten. Sixty-one young kindergarteners will begin a journey in their lives where they can look forward to learning new academics, building relationships, athletics, fine arts, chapels, and learning to serve others by using their God-given talents and skills.

Prior to receiving their diplomas, the 5K classes presented a program that gave family and friends a glimpse of what the students learned during the year. It was a full house in the gym!

Mrs. Langnecker's Class

Mrs. Caudill's Class

The 3K and 4K students presented their year end

program on Thursday, May 17th. The young students sang songs and recited scripture verses and poems for a full house audience. The presentation was samples of things they had learn this year in school. They didn't miss a beat!

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FCS Eagle Times

Spring/Summer 2012



"Celebrating 40 Years"

As the final days of school wound down, I found in speaking to many parents, faculty and students...that many agreed this year had come and gone rather quickly. It never ceases to amaze me in looking back to see how God continues to bless Florence Christian School. We do not take God's blessings for granted as He continues to keep his hand upon us even in these difficult times we are living in. On May 18th, FCS graduated 61 kindergartners and another 36 seniors. Below you will see many of the accomplishments and activities of our students and how God has used them in not only academic achievements but in service to their school and community.

Dr. Bryan Smith of Bob Jones University spoke at the Florence Baptist Temple recently. He challenged the FCS students by saying "the best thing you can do for your school is to go and live a Christ-like life". Our students of all ages have the opportunity to impact the world for Christ as they grow and develop both academically and spiritually...that is my prayer as we look forward to another year in the fall. May you and your family have a safe summer!

~Jim Berry


- High School Chapels/ Revival Guest Speaker, Dr. Carl Kerby--Reasons for Hope

- Elementary Spiritual Emphasis A Time for Everything....Joel 1:3 Revival CAMPOUT 2012 ?6th grade trip

- Kindergarten Chapels/Community Helpers - 35 students accepted Jesus Christ as Savior ACADEMIC: - 66% of 1st-12th grade students made

Honor Roll, Principal `s or President's List - over 30 students were inducted in Beta Club - Added another fourth grade class - Senior Class--36 students

* Nearly $2 million awarded scholarships * 2 Palmetto Fellow Scholars * 15 Life Scholarships Recipients * 10 SCISA Honors Recipients * Colleges selected: Francis Marion University, Liberty Univer-

sity, Bob Jones University, Charleston Southern University, Clemson University, Coker College, University of South Carolina, Milligan College, Adelphi University, College of Charleston, Winthrop University - 33 students received college credit - 15 Duke TIP recipients (7th grade)

COMMUNITY SERVICE: - All grades organized a minimum of one service project that was done outside the school. - Over 140 elementary students did personal service projects as part of the Patriot's Points challenge. - Elementary students made cards and goodies for local fire men in honor of 911 Remembrance. - Student Government sponsored two special events and assisted in several school wide and elementary programs. - FCS Veteran's Day recognition and gifts. - Collected non-perishable items to fill 40 boxes of food for FBT Living Christmas Tree Food Drive. - Sent care packages to soldiers and FBT missionary families. - Gave over 240 inches of hair to national organization Children with Hair Loss.

Beta Club Teacher of the Year--Donna Weldon (7th-8th grade) Beta Club Senior Award-- Elizabeth Chard Breakfast Optimist Club Award--Madison Stanley (8th grade); Jan Hoeben (teacher) Josten's Heart of the Eagle--Michael Yokim (12th grade) Rotary Club Outstanding Seniors? Emily Ham, Christopher Coker Jr League of Florence Leadership? Kristin Bryant (11th grade) Outstanding Musician Award:

High School--Christopher Coker (12th grade) Elementary--Emilee Cox (6th grade) Outstanding High School Drama Award: Rachel King (12th grade), Frankie Slemmer (12th grade). Elementary Eagle Nominee Recipients: 1st grade? Gracelyn Dersh, Lauren Hucks, Mary Margaret Sterling. 2nd grade--Adelyn Bankson, McKenzie Montrose. 3rd grade? Wesley Peake, Trinity Stewart, Madison Setser. 4th grade? George Rishmawi, Olivia Seward, Katelyn Munn. 5th grade-- Madison Stewart, Briana Davis. 6th grade--Emilee Cox, Clay Dougherty . Elementary Eagle Award--Clay Dougherty (6th grade) Highest Academic Achievement Award--6th grade: 1st ?Joe Kane; 2nd--Caleb Little Kindergarten Student of the Year Recipients: 3K ? Joshua Davis, Darlee Wallace, Gavin Holt 4K? Tyler Spell, Kylie Hammond, Kelsey Goodman 5K? Sofie Purvis, Tallon Cannon, Anabel Yarborough, Ian Jolley

OTHER ACTIVITIES/RECOGNITIONS: - Sand Hills Region IV Science Fair - SCISA Regional Spelling Bee * Region Winner, 5th in Overall State Standings * 4 finalists in state, 1 placed 3rd in state, - SC State Honor Choir * Two sixth grade students were selected to participate - SCISA Music Festival

* Elementary Choir, Ensemble- Excellent rating * Elementary String Ensemble--Excellent rating * Middle School Girls Ensemble--Excellent rating * High School Choir? Excellent rating * Several gold and silver medals awarded in vocal

and instrumental solos - SCISA Literary Meet

* Seven students placed in top three places - SCISA Student Government Spring Conference

* received SCISA Division I Student Council of the Year For the second consecutive year

* Three students served on the SCISA Executive Committee: Christopher Coker, President; Alyssa Holbrooks, Recording Secretary; Seth Harrelson, Treasurer

- FDTC Math Competition * FCS won 1st place

- 72 WHO'S WHO in LEADERSHIP recipients in 7th-12th grade.

ATHLETICS - 8 of 9 Varsity teams qualified for the state playoffs - 18 All Region recipients - 5 All State recipients - 2 UCA All American Cheerleading recipients - Nearly 200 participating athletes

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FCS Eagle Times

Spring/Summer 2012

FCS took twelve participants to

Heathwood Hall Episcopal School in Columbia on January 19th for the 2012 SCISA Regional Spelling Bee. After competing against ten other schools, FCS was named the first place winner with a total of 42 points.

Mrs. Berry and FCS Spellers

Four students qualified to compete in the SCISA State Spelling Bee: Madison Setser (3rd grade), Alexander Rishmawi (4th grade), George Rishmawi (4th grade), and Janalyn Berry (5th grade). Bryson Little (3rd grade) placed 4th.

The other FCS participants were: Jordan Snipes, Nicholas Wood, Savannah Gaymon, Madyson Revell, Dylan Jones, and Edwin McFadden. The schools in the regional competition included: All Saints Episcopal Day School, Barnwell Academy, Ben Lippen Schools, Carolina Academy, Florence Christian, Heathwood Hall Episcopal School, Jefferson Davis Academy, Laurence Manning Academy, Marlboro Academy New Heights, and The King's Academy.

FCS placed 5th overall in the State Bee and Madison Setser placed third. Congratulations for a job well done, spellers!!

FCS placed second overall in the

high school categories of the SCISA Literary Meet, Wednesday, February 1, 2012, at Holly Hill. There were over 100 private schools represented at the SCISA meet.

FCS came home with five individual winners including: Bryson Little (3rd grade) placed first and Kylie Stewart (3rd grade) placed third in the Storytelling division; Rebecca Kelley (10th grade) and Maddie Sansbury (10th grade) placed 2nd in the Oral Interpretation and Extemporaneous Speaking divisions; Hunter Eason (9th grade) placed second in the Essay division.

Students who represented FCS included: Ebony Austin, Matthew Behling, Abby Buie, Blake Cameron, Hunter Eason, Rachael Elliott, Trevor Gibson, Michelle Huggins, Faith Huntley, Graham Jordan, Georgeanna Kelley, Rebecca Kelley, Amanda King, Andrea King, Rachel King, Taylor Lee, Bryson Little, Wayne McAlister, Benjamin Proctor, Carlie Rogers, Maddie Sansbury, Frankie Slemmer, Jackson Stanley, Jared Sterling, Kylie Stewart, Christian Stone, Thomas Sullivan, Tyler Tisdale, Chris Wilkes, and Trey Woodberry. The FCS team was under the direction of Shannon McAlister and was assisted by Leslie Evans.

Four juniors represented FCS in the

16th Annual Florence Darlington Technical College Math Competition on Friday, February 24th. FCS won first place, competing with 14 public and private schools in the Pee Dee area. The math team included: Sponsor Jimmy Miles, Dennis Shin, Skylar Adams, Austin Johnson and Luke Sterling. Each player received $100 along with a personal trophy; the school was awarded $1,500 and an overall trophy.

Students in 6th, 8th and 10th grade participated in the annual FCS Science fair in February. The following students placed on the local level and presented their projects at the Sandhills Regional Science Fair at Francis Marion University in March.

6TH Grade: 1st place--Victoria Ford; 2nd place--Cade Lyerly; 3rd place--Breana Butler; Honorable Mention: Caleb Little

8TH Grade: 1st place--Mary Caroline Waldrop; 2nd place--Madison Stanley; 3rd place--Christian Stone; Honorable Mentions: JJ Baker, Delaney Brown, and Dylan Jones.

10TH Grade: 1st place--Rebecca Kelley; 2nd place--Matthew Elliott; 3rd place--Taylor Broach; Honorable Mention--Maddie Sansbury

REGIONAL WINNERS AT FMU: 6th Grade: Caleb Little-- Honorable Mention 10th Grade: Taylor Broach--2nd place Rebecca Kelley-- 3rd place Maddie Sansbury-- Honorable Mention

Top Photograph: FCS winners (l-r): Maddie Sansbury (2nd place), Hunter Eason (2nd place), Rebecca Kelley (2nd place), Bryson Little (1st place), Trevor Gibson (2nd place High School overall). Not pictured is Kylie Stewart (3rd place).

Madison Munn impersonates Mrs. Hardy for "Hero Day" during

Homecoming Spirit Week.

Congratulations to 1st grade

teacher Natalie Hardy. She received the Teacher of the Year award for 2011-2012. Mrs. Hardy has a heart for all ages as she has taught in both high school and elementary. She is known for creating an atmosphere of learning that challenges students both academically and spiritually.

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FCS Eagle Times

Spring/Summer 2012

The FCS student government was awarded Student Council of the Year (Division 1) for

the second consecutive year at the annual SCISA Student Association Convention which was held March 5-6th in Myrtle Beach. Seniors Chris Coker, Alyssa Holbrooks, and Seth Harrelson led the convention as their final duties serving on the state SCISA board of officers.

Twenty-seven SCSIA schools participated in convention. The two day event included a variety of activities, candidate elections and the installations of new officers for the 2012-13 school year. The FCS officers who attended the convention included: Chris Coker, Seth Harrelson, Alyssa Holbrooks, Kayla Thompson, Emily Ham, Elizabeth Chard, Austin Johnson, Moriah Berry, Hanna Adams, Kayce Erwin, James McClary, Gordon Washington, Hudson Jepertinger, Caroline McAlister, Danielle Evans, David Coker, Garrett Coker, Brooke Haywood, and Kacey Medlin.

President and founder of the organization Reasons for Hope (rforh), Dr. Carl Kerby spoke to the 6th-12th grade students and a number of guests on February 20-22. Kerby was a founding Board Member of Answers in Genesis, the organization who originated the Creation Museum that is located in northern Kentucky. Kerby served 15 years with AiG before stepping out in faith to become the president and founder of Reasons for Hope. Kerby's passion is to proclaim the authority and accuracy of the Bible and to engage minds and hearts of believers and unbelievers in today's culture of the

realities of the Word of God. Kerby visited various

classes for a time of Q & A where he challenged their thinking in defending their faith.

FCS sponsor Michelle Johnson has worked with the students throughout the year in planning class and school wide events. She stated, "it is always a pleasure to accompany our students to various events...they have proudly represented our school."

On April 30th students in 1st-12th grades

assembled in the gym to watch 22 girls, a young boy, teens and moms have a minimum of 8 inches of their hair cut.. A total of 241 inches of hair was cut and donated to Children with Hair Loss, a national organization that provides wigs for children.

Third grade teacher Jackie Smith shared from her heart the reality of losing one's hair from her personal experience in 2008 when she was treated for cancer.

FCS mom and cosmetologist Barbi Lee organized a team of 17 local cosmetologists who volunteered their time and talent to cut and style the participants' hair. The project was sponsored by the Student Government. We hope to do this event again next year!

Mrs. McAlister assigned her 11th grade English class to write on what makes a good speaker. All but one student wrote about Dr. Kerby. Below are a few comments:

Dr. Carl Kerby is an excellent speaker in his presentation and testimony for Christ and the truth of God's Word.

Dr. Kerby spoke to the teens, not at us....on a level of understanding. His messages were also convicting!

He really opened my eyes to a lot of different issues.

Please keep collecting over the summer!


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