Secondary Grading Guidelines - Lyford CISD


Secondary Grading Guidelines

2014 - 2015


School Board Trustees

Alison Busse-Savage Priscilla M. Garcia-Lopez Viola Vela Cruz Salinas Marina Quilantan-Rivera Arnold Cortez Joey Mendoza

President Vice-President Secretary Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee


Eduardo Infante

Curriculum & Instruction Director

Kristin Brown

Campus Administrators

Lyford Middle School Jose J. Escamilla, Principal Angela Guerra, Assistant Principal Beatriz Martinez, Ins. Facilitator

347-3910 jose.escamilla@ angela.guerra @ beatriz.martinez@

Lyford High School Veronica Sanches, Principal Veronica Silva, Assistant Principal Thelma Martinez, Ins. Facilitator

347-3909 veronica.sanches@ veronica.silva @ thelma.Martinez @

Lyford CISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, or disability in providing education services, activities, and programs, including vocational programs, in accordance with Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.

The following district staff members have been designated to coordinate compliance with these requirements:

Rolando Flores, Title IX


Veronica Lerma, 504 Coordinator


Table of Contents Mission and Vision Introduction Absence

Make Up Assignment Make Up Test Suspension Unexcused Absence Academic Dishonesty Attendance for Final Grade Credit Recovery and Acceleration Program Daily Assignments Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP) Enrichment Explanation of Grades Extra Credit Grade Requirements Homework Incomplete Assignments Late Assignments Mock Assessments Parent Portal Parent-Teacher Communication Posting of Grades Partial Credit Progress Reports Promotion, Retention and Placement Report Cards Re-Teaching Retention Retaking a Test/Redo an Assignment Rubrics Six Weeks Exams Summer School Suspension Test Grades Transfer Grades Tutoring

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MISSION Lyford CISD, as a caring, people-oriented educational family, is committed to graduate wellrounded, well-educated, responsible citizens who are productive contributors in a global society through challenging educational experiences in collaboration with parents and the community.

VISION Our Students ? Are technology literate, culturally aware and multi-lingual global citizens ? Are ethically responsible, risk-taking leaders ? Are self-directed learners who use their determination and critical thinking skills to succeed

in their career choices Our Supporting Environment Our School Board and District Central Office ? Promote continuous improvement by providing real world training opportunities for teachers,

staff and parents ? Provide supportive leadership by providing adequate resources and curriculum structure to

achieve student success ? Are individuals of integrity as demonstrated through their personal conduct that is a model of

high ethical standards ? Demonstrate openness to emerging innovations by encouraging creativity and fostering a

climate of discovery

Our Community ? Understands the global society through utilization of technology and appreciation of cultural

diversity ? Models and promotes leadership through consistent and effective involvement in school,

civic and church programs

Our Learning Environment Our Campuses and Classrooms ? Are instructionally diverse using cutting edge technologies that maximize student

engagement and promotes critical thinking skills ? Are aligned with current assessment methods that are project based ? Are a family oriented environment with clear expectations for learning and providing the

safe use of technology ? Are highly motivated and sensitive to students' emotional and academic needs



The Lyford Consolidated Independent School District strives to provide a consistent and effective educational foundation for students with clear expectations for instructional, grading and reporting components. These guidelines shall ensure that grading reflects a student's relative mastery of an assignment and that a sufficient number of grades are taken to support the grade average assigned [See policy EIA (LOCAL)]. Therefore, the Lyford CISD Grading Guidelines were developed with the intention of providing students the opportunity to:

? Master the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills as set by the state for each subject area and grade level through rigorous instruction;

? Assess student performance with a variety of practices/methods, such as: written tests, daily work, homework, projects, classroom participation, teacher observations, cooperative grouping assignments, assessments; and

? Maintain open lines of communication between the school and the parents.

These Grading Guidelines are a general guide and must be utilized in conjunction with board policy. Please be aware that this is not a complete statement of all policies, procedures, or rules that may be applicable in a given circumstance. In case of conflict between board policy and any provisions of these guidelines, the current provisions of board policy are to be followed. Also, please be aware that the handbook is updated yearly, while policy adoption and revision may occur throughout the year. Changes in policy or other rules that affect Grading Guidelines will be made available to students and parents through newsletters or other communications. The district reserves the right to modify provisions of the Grading Guidelines at any time, whenever it is deemed necessary. Notice of any revision or modification will be given as is reasonably practical under the circumstances. If you or your child has questions about any of the material in this handbook, please contact a teacher, the counselor, or the principal.


Students shall be expected to make up assignments and tests after absences. Students shall receive a zero for any assignment or test not made up within the allotted time [See policy EIAB (LOCAL)].

Make-Up Assignment: For any class missed, the teacher may assign the student make-up work based on the instructional objectives for the subject or course and the needs of the individual student in mastering the essential knowledge and skills or in meeting subject or course requirements. A student shall be responsible for obtaining and completing the make-up work in a satisfactory manner. The missed assignments shall be made up within a time period equal to the number of days that the student was absent, exclusive of the day on which the student was given the assignment(s) [See policy EIAB (LOCAL)]. A student who does not make up assigned work within the time allotted will receive a grade of zero for the assignment.

Make-Up Test: Students shall be permitted to take tests administered in any class missed because of absence [See policy EIAB (LOCAL)].

A student will be permitted to make up tests and to turn in projects due in any class missed because of absence. Teachers may assign a late penalty to any long-term project in accordance


with time lines approved by the principal and previously communicated to students.

Students absent on a known test day will be expected to take a test upon return. If any student has been absent the day prior to an announced test and if no new material has been covered, the student will be expected to take the test at the regularly scheduled time. If the student has been absent two or more days, the teacher will schedule the test at the first available date and give the student proper notice.

Suspension: The District shall not impose a grade penalty for make-up work after an absence because of suspension [See policy EIAB (LOCAL)].

Unexcused Absences: The grade for make ? up work after an unexcused absence shall be no higher than 70 percent [See policy EIAB (Local)].

For additional information please refer to the LCISD Student Handbook.

Academic Dishonesty

Students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty shall be subject to grade penalties on assignments or tests and disciplinary penalties in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. Academic dishonesty includes cheating or copying the work of another student, plagiarism, and unauthorized communication between students during an examination. The determination that a student has engaged in academic dishonesty shall be based on the judgment of the classroom teacher or another supervising professional employee, taking into consideration written materials, observation, or information from students [See policy EIA (LOCAL)].

1st Offense ? grade no higher than a 50 with the opportunity to retest/redo assignment. 2nd Offense and more - grade of `0' with NO opportunity to retest/redo assignment.

Attendance For Final Grade

When a student's attendance drops below 90 percent but remains at least at 75 percent of the days the class is offered, the student may earn credit for the class or a final grade by completing a plan approved by the principal. This plan must provide for the student to meet the instructional requirements of the class as determined by the principal.

If the student fails to successfully complete the plan, or when a student's attendance drops below 75 percent of the days the class is offered, the student, parent, or representative may request award of credit or a final grade by submitting a written petition to the appropriate attendance committee.

Students who have lost credit or have not received a final grade because of excessive absences may regain credit or be awarded a final grade by fulfilling the requirements established by the attendance committee [See policy FEC (LOCAL)].

For additional information please refer to the LCISD Student Handbook.

Credit Recovery And Acceleration Program

Students at Lyford Middle or High School requiring credit for courses previously failed or


wanting to obtain credit for accelerated instruction will be permitted to do so through the use of campus provided software. Students and parents must meet with a campus administrator and a counselor to develop a plan of action for graduation purposes. Courses taken for credit recovery will result in a grade no higher than "70". If the student is taking the course for accelerated instruction purposes the student will receive the grade they earn in the online course, however, this grade will not be calculated into the student's GPA.

Daily Assignment

Daily assignments include: quizzes, class assignments, homework assignments, journal entries, student participation, short essay, short answer, vocabulary, notes, lab reports, oral response and class activities (group work), and similar assignments. Participation grades may be included as a daily grade once per three-week period. Only one homework grade may be included as a daily assignment per six weeks. Class assignments that were not completed during class but are taken home for completion are not considered homework assignments. Daily grades will be assignments that can be completed in 1-2 class periods. Lab reports, journals, class activities, oral response grades will be collected utilizing a systemic method outlined in the teacher's classroom guidelines.

Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP)

The District shall offer a student removed to a disciplinary alternative education program (DAEP) an opportunity to complete a foundation curriculum course in which the student was enrolled at the time of removal, before the beginning of the next school year, through any method available, including a correspondence course, another distance learning, or summer school. The district will not charge the student for any method of completion provided by the district [See policy FOCA (LEGAL)]. Students placed in DAEP will be responsible for all assignments/assessments provided by their regular education teacher. Student assignments will not be reduced due to their placement in DAEP.


Enrichment activities should expand upon the ideas presented in the traditional curriculum. Activities should be designed to extend skills (i.e. logical thinking, strategic reasoning, estimation, mental arithmetic, problem solving, games that require strategies or higher level thinking skills, and independent research project). Enrichment activities can be provided through the use of learning centers, grouping within the classroom, whole class projects, and individualized programs.

Explanation of Grades

6th grade ? 12th grade teachers will utilize numerical grades to reflect student mastery level of content. All grades are based on a 100% scale. Defining progress as movement toward mastery of the TEKS as required by the laws of the State of Texas, the following grading scale applies:

6th ? 12th grade 90-100 80-89 75-79 0-69


Extra Credit

Extra credit, if offered, will be universally available to all students enrolled in the course.

Finality Of Grade

An examination or course grade issued by a classroom teacher is final and may not be changed unless the grade is arbitrary, erroneous, or not consistent with the District grading policy applicable to the grade, as determined by the Board. A determination by the Board is not subject to appeal [See policy EIA (LEGAL)]. This subsection does not prohibit an appeal related to a student's eligibility to participate in extracurricular activities under Education Code 33.081.

Grade Requirements

Grades collected and reported must be in compliance with the following: 1. The classroom teacher will assign a grade that reflects the student's mastery of taught TEKS. 2. The classroom teacher will collect and report the required minimum grades, and 3. The classroom teacher will comply with policy EIA (LOCAL) regarding opportunities to

retest or redo an assignment. 4. The classroom teacher will ensure all grades are reflective of accommodations listed as part of

an IEP or 504 plan.

Classroom grading procedures for each grade level or course will be communicated to students by the classroom teacher at the beginning of the school year or upon entering a course. These classroom guidelines will be reviewed and approved by the campus principal. Procedures for a student to follow after an absence will also be addressed. Classroom guidelines are to be universally agreed upon by grade level/subject area teachers to provide consistency between classrooms.

Grades will be based on daily class work, assignments (homework, etc.), quizzes, major tests, and teacher observation as outlined in this document. If teacher observation is used, a rubric must be developed to base the grade for the observation and provided to the student and parent at the beginning of the school year. The campus administrator will monitor that there is representation of a variety of sources for grades.

Grades for test and/or daily work may not be doubled. One assignment may be subject to more than one grade, if the grade depicts more than one specific skill that is being evaluated. In such cases, a rubric must be created and provided to the students when the assignment is assigned.


Homework will be used to enrich or reinforce topics covered in class and should satisfy at least one of the following objectives:

? Provide a drill that helps the student practice the basic skills of a subject that has been previously taught in class.

? Give the student practice and extension of concepts learned in class. ? Develop effective study methods. ? Assist the student prepare for classroom work. ? Allow the student to make up work after an absence.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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