IEP Checklist Demographic Information Section 1

[Pages:7]IEP Checklist

Demographic Information

Section 1

Appropriate IEP Dates are in place (Initial IEP, Annual Review, and/or Reevaluation) Date IEP ends no more than 364 days from meeting date FAPE date within 7 school days of IEP meeting Implementation date within 15 school days of FAPE FAPE date is prior to IEP due date? IEP not held on pupil count day

Student information is correct (name, DOB, grade, UIC, address, etc.)

District information is correct (resident, operating district and attending building)

Parent information is correct (name, native language, address, phone numbers, etc.) If parents are divorced with joint custody, both parents are identified

Purpose of meeting is correct (includes Transition, exit, change of placement, etc.)

Parent contact is completed (include at least 2 attempts, with dates and outcomes)

Required IEP team members in attendance: Parent (if not in attendance, explained in parent contact above), Not less than one general education teacher (or prior signed excusal), Not less than one special education teacher or provider (or prior signed excusal), Representative of the district Participant who can explain the instructional implications of evaluation results If necessary, the Agency providing secondary transition services (must have parent provide prior consent) Whenever appropriate, the student (must be invited by age 16)

Eligibility is identified

If the student is determined ineligible as SLD, statement is provided If the student is eligible as SLD, sub-categories are identified

PLAAFP ? Factors to Consider

Section 2A

Refer to the LCISD PLAAFP TIP Sheet for compliance and best practice guidance

Student strengths are identified

Parent concerns are identified. (If not in attendance, someone talked to & obtained concerns)

Recent achievement results of the most recent evaluations are identified (within a year)

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IEP Checklist

Special Factors: o The first two areas must be checked and followed through somewhere else in the IEP or in notice

o If one or more of the last four areas are checked, they must be followed through somewhere else in the IEP or in notice ( and vice-versa)

o If a box is checked, make a mental note so as you go through the rest of the IEP, you can make sure it is addressed

PLAAFP ? Data, Impact, and Resulting Needs

Section 2B

Refer to the LCISD PLAAFP Tip Sheet for compliance and best practice guidance

Progress on previous goals

Baseline data is identified and explained in terms understandable to the general public. (Not just scores, include an explanation of what those scores mean).

Elaborative on assessment data ? narrative

Narrative for any of the below areas of deficit/need: Academic Achievement P-12th Perception/Motor/Mobility Communication Adaptive/Independent living Skills Medical/Health Transition/Vocational Social-Emotional/Behavioral Transportation needs?

Impact statement includes how the student's disability affects involvement in the general curriculum (functional performance statement) What about the disability impacts progress? Preschool and Transition also address appropriate social activities (if needed)

The resulting special education needs are identified. (It should be clear in each area whether the student needs specialized instruction, accommodations (adult support, personal care, etc), services (direct or consult) or programs

Secondary Transition

Section 3

Refer to the LCISD Transition B-13 Training for compliance and best practice guidance

This page must be completed if the student will turn 16 during the IEP year, or is over 16

Age of majority is completed, if applicable An invitation addressed to the student was sent

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EDP and Transition assessment(s) are identified and updated/reviewed within a year (the date is provided)

If the student did not attend the IEP, how the student's preferences were obtained is identified

The student's postsecondary goals for training, education, employment and if appropriate, independent living skills, are identified and measurable

Course of study and anticipated graduation date is identified

Secondary Transition services are identified and include the agency/title responsible and the completion date, or if not needed, the box is checked and an explanation is provided (assessment data in that area) Completion date does not need to be within a year

Agency representation: if needed, consent to invite was obtained; or if not needed, an explanation is provided Date of written parental consent is PRIOR to date IEP invitation was sent to agency

Each postsecondary goal has a corresponding IEP goal.

Measurable Annual Goals & Objectives

Section 4

Refer to the MDE Goals and Objectives one-pager and the goal formula for compliance

There are at least two annual goals in the IEP ("Goals" is plural in both IDEA & MARSE)

All annual goals include the 4 areas of measurability: By date, the student will (demonstrate skill) when/at (accuracy/condition/criteria) on (type of assessment) and for best practice, in order to............ Utilizing (tool/support)

Each goal corresponds with a need identified in the PLAAFP (and vice-versa: every resulting need for specialized instruction identified in the PLAAFP is followed through with an annual goal)

It is identified that each goal is based on state standards, essential elements, or not necessary for the grade in which they are enrolled.

There are at least two objectives for each annual goal (again, the plural form)

Each objective is measurable ? includes a: o criteria,

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IEP Checklist o measurement, o evaluation procedure, and o how often progress will be monitored

Specific name brands are not used in goals (i.e. Dibels, LCCE, Dynavox, etc.)

Supplementary Aids and Services

Section 5

Refer to the LCISD accommodations documentation log as well as Adult Support vs. Personal


All supplementary aids & services are written in language understandable to the general public:

Supplementary Aids and Services may also be (but are not limited to): Accommodations and modifications (e.g., changes to a test or testing environment,

adaptations to an educational environment, the presentation of material, the method of response, or the educational content)

Supports to address environmental needs (e.g., preferential or planned seating; altered physical room arrangement)

Levels of staff support needed (e.g., consultation, adult support, etc.); Type of personnel support (e.g., behavior specialist, Adult Support ASD Consultant) Specialized equipment needs (e.g., assistive technology and augmentative communication) Pacing of instruction needed (e.g., breaks, more time, home set of materials) Presentation of subject matter needed (e.g., taped lectures, sign language, paired reading and writing) Materials needed (e.g., scanned tests and notes, shared note-taking, large print or Braille) Assignment modification needed (e.g., shorter assignments, taped lessons, instructions broken down into steps, allow student to record or type assignment) Self-management and/or follow-through support (e.g., calendars, teach study skills) Testing adaptations needed (e.g., read test to child, modify format, extend time) Social interaction support needed (e.g., provide Circle of Friends, use cooperative learning groups)

Time/frequency/condition ("as needed" is not acceptable, "adult support" needs to be specified), Be specific as possible (i.e. extended time too vague ? 2 days, condition for breaks, during all gen ed classes or only core classes, etc.) and

Location of services to be provided (location should never be a building name, looking for gen ed or special ed environment)

Each supplementary aid and service offered corresponds with a need identified in the PLAAFP (and vice-versa: every resulting need for accommodations identified in the PLAAFP is followed through here). For example: o If adult support or personal care added, is the need in the PLAAFP? o If ASD consult added, is need in the PLAAFP?

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IEP Checklist

State & District Assessment

Section 6

Refer to the Determining State Assessment document by MDE to choose the appropriate


State assessment(s) is/are identified for the correct grade and ability level

If an alternate assessment is chosen, the rationale is explained (consistent with needs identified in the PLAAFP)

If an alternate assessment is chosen, it must include name of the test and appropriate level (ie MI-Access Functional Performance, Supported, or Participation)

Either accommodations are identified for each assessment, or no accommodations necessary is identified

Each accommodation corresponds with a resulting need identified in the PLAAFP. (and should align with the supplemental aids & services section as well)

Each accommodation is utilized other than just for the state/district assessment (i.e. tests read orally utilized for classroom assessments)

The district assessment(s) and accommodations are identified

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IEP Checklist

Special Education Services & Programs

Section 7

The related service and corresponding rule number is identified Whether the service is direct or consult is identified The time and frequency of the service is identified The location of the services is identified (again, not the building name) The duration is identified, if different than the duration of the IEP (consider any change in levels ? elem to MS, MS to HS) Use June 30 for end July 1 for beginning for school year change Each related service corresponds with a resulting need identified in the PLAAFP (and vice-versa: every need for a related service identified in the PLAAFP is followed through here)

The program and corresponding rule number is identified Whether the program is departmentalized is identified The time and frequency of the program is identified The location of the program is identified (again, not the building name) The duration is identified, if different than the duration of the IEP (consider any change in levels ? elem to MS, MS to HS) o Use June 30/July 1 for school year change Each program corresponds with a resulting need identified in the PLAAFP (and vice-versa: every need for a program identified in the PLAAFP is followed through here)

A box is checked to indicate that ESY services were considered o If ESY services are needed: Identify the goal that addresses one or more skills that require ESY services. identify the service, time and frequency, location, and duration of the ESY service

The general and special education instructional hours are identified

Educational Environment: percentage of participation in general education is typically based on the minimum hours of service in special education

Any exception to the Least Restrictive Environment (general education environment) is explained. Provide an explanation of the extent, if any, to which the child will not participate with

nondisabled children in the regular class and activities.

Special Transportation ? check no or yes. If yes, specify the transportation needs Is support in the PLAAFP for Special Transportation need?

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IEP Checklist Notice of an offer of FAPE Refer to the Procedural Safeguards Notice ? MDE Document for compliance guidance

Verify the location of proposed programs is correct (pre-populates with current district assigned)

Options and other relevant factors considered but not selected is filled in as necessary. (If something was discussed, it was considered, so it must be addressed either in the IEP or here. Further, if a parent makes a request, that request must be considered AND thus addressed either in the IEP or here)

Offer of FAPE date is not prior to the date you finalize the IEP (remember, it is not an offer of FAPE until parents receive the finalized IEP and the signed Notice page)

Offer of FAPE date is not after IEP due date

Mode and date of delivery is identified. o If sending home in backpack, obtain permission from parent at meeting and document as such "sent home in backpack with parent permission"

The Notice is signed and dated. (The date is within 7 school days of the IEP date and no more than 15 school days prior to the implementation date).

If initial IEP Notice, parental consent is obtained and dated

Can you prove that parent received procedural safeguards at least once a year and prior to this IEP? Some ideas:

o Send home with enrollment packet for school year o Send with the invitation letter o Email to parent

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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