Training Definitions: - Lamar CISD

Eduphoria Forethought TrainingThis document is designed to serve as a high level perspective on how teachers in LCISD will be trained on a specific technology tool. Specific training documents and links to training videos will be available at a later date.Training Definitions:The following terms will be used throughout this document with these definitions in mind:1 : 1 training – training that is completed in small groups, with the trainer traditionally sitting down one on one with an individual, but may be two to one or even three to one.Face to Face – typically 1 trainer with a small group of teachers – no more than 20 teachers per 1 trainer, but more than is seen with 1 : 1 training.Studio training – live training from the iCafe Studio. Will traditionally be recorded for on demand training as well.Video training – training filmed in the iCafe Studio and available on demand (not live). Studio sessions typically last 2-5 minutes for recorded material.Document training – this training is delivered through paper documentation and seen through two mediums:Cheat sheet – one page documents designed to cover a specific skill or information set.Step by Step Tutorial – multipage documentation for step by step processes. These documents will follow a two column format and are used only when information will not fit on a cheat sheet or is not appropriate for the cheat sheet rmational training – training that shares basic information that everyone needs.36099754764405Simple How To/Deep How To – training that takes the individual through a series of specific steps to come to a consistent final product or event. Deep How To is differentiated from Simple by the level of complexity in the steps to complete the task. Hands On – similar to a how to training, but the end result will match the trainee’s need, rather than a prescribed product as designed by the trainer.Collaborative – training designed for teachers to interact with each other and create a product together as a team, typically beyond what they could complete individually.Depending on the type of training needed, an appropriate mode of training will be used. Above is the training matrix used by the Technology Staff Development team for determining which mode is appropriate for each training type.Executive Summary:For the purposes of the initial Eduphoria Forethought training, staff will be trained on how create My Lesson Planner and customize their schedule based on teaching assignments. The training will focus on how to access and insert district curriculum as well as link lesson objectives to Eduphoria Aware for data analysis. Components of the training also include sharing lesson planners and creating team planners for collaboration within the school and district. Program Definitions: My Lesson Planner – Forethought is a customizable lesson planner where district curriculum is housed and easily accessed by all teachers.My Schedule – Also fully customizable by the teacher, each schedule contains course entries and special entries, such as notes, planning period information, or sub notes.My Activities Tab - ?All teachers have a "My Activities" Tab. Activities can be created in a lesson plan entry or in the "My Activities" tab. After editing, teachers can publish to the district scope and sequence (after approval from district curriculum managers). The purpose of publishing activities is to create a richer scope and sequence, complete with lesson plans created by teachers.Parties Involved:The following individuals and groups will be active participants in the training process. Listed with each party is a general description of their role in the training.<NAME> (Academic Administrator) – Program Lead<NAME> (Director, Technology Development) – Lead Trainer and Project Manager for Forethought rollout<NAME> (Technology Development Specialist) –Trainer. Will design training for rollout and support trainers. Will develop all video based trainings. Will assist in development of support documentation (cheat sheets and step by step tutorials) for trainings.Curriculum Specialists – Support for teachers regarding the development, implementation and analysis of lesson plans and writing district curriculum to add to Forethought. Main support for teachers regarding Forethought lesson planning questions and district curriculum.Research & Accountability Office – Support for teachers regarding Forethought roles and rights, managing the district Course Tree in Forethought.Campus administrators – Responsible for developing a vision and expectation on campus regarding the use of Forethought and the value of lesson planning in regards to its impact on everyday classroom instruction.Teachers – Responsible for viewing video based trainings, working with their subject area teams to build and implement lesson plans in Forethought.Audience:The primary audience for this training is teachers. Secondary audience is campus administrators. It is highly recommended that all campus administrators complete all video based trainings and attend the face to face training.Pre-Training RequirementsN/ATraining Needs:There are seven identified areas in which teachers/staff will need training:My Lesson Planner Set Up – the process of setting up the lesson planner based on the teacher’s schedule as well as linking to courses in Aware for assessment data collection (informational/how-to) Lesson Planer Components/Entering Lesson Plans – an overview of the components of the Forethought lesson planner and how to enter lesson plans and view options (informational/how-to) Access/Insert District Curriculum (Curriculum Pane) – teachers have access to insert district curriculum based on the courses they selected in My Lesson Planner set up (informational/how-to) Sharing Lesson Planners – teachers can share lesson plans with other staff members in their school and district (informational/how-to) Create Team Lesson Planners – creating team organizations in Forethought (grade level or subject area) that allow teachers to plan with peers in their school or across the district (informational/how-to) My Activities Tab – creating activities to publish to the district scope and sequence after approval from district curriculum managers (informational/how-to) Understanding Curriculum and Planning for Results – practice designing lesson plans and selecting resources based on data driven decision making (hands on/collaborative)There are three identified areas in which administrators will need training (in addition to teacher training):Viewing Teacher and Team Planners – the process for viewing teacher lesson plans, printing specific plans and adding comments or feedback to teacher plans (informational/how-to) Generating Reports – Forethought offers three different reports for administrators to check usage, coverage of learning standards and checklists (informational/how-to) Understanding Curriculum and Planning for Results – participation in the teacher training on designing lesson plans and selecting resources based on data driven decision making (hands on/collaborative)Training DescriptionFor each of the training needs defined above, there is a specific type of training that is most appropriate for meeting that need. Below is an identification chart of the type of training that will be utilized for each need, a brief description of what that training will look like, and an identification as to which group will be responsible for that training.Training NeedTraining TypeTraining DescriptionResponsible PartiesTeacher TrainingMy Lesson Planner Set UpVideoFour video trainings will be developed:My Lesson Planner Overview – options for creating Basic Lesson Planner or Daily ScheduleBasic Lesson Planner Set Up (course(s) only) – Secondary focusDaily Schedule Lesson Planner Set Up (courses, times, extras such as Specials, lunch, recess) – Elementary focusEdit My Planner to link Courses to Aware<NAME>Lesson Planner Components/ Entering Lesson PlansVideoFive video trainings will be developed:Overview of the lesson planner components.Entering Lesson PlansNavigating Lesson Plan Views (by day, by class, by week)Copy a Lesson PlanCopy Wizard via Week View<NAME>Access/Insert District CurriculumVideoThree video trainings will be developed:Add/Remove standards to/from the lessonInsert a Resource to the lesson planSearch Tool<NAME>Sharing Lesson PlannerVideoOne video training will be developed on how to share a Lesson Planner and limitations of a shared lesson<NAME>Create Team Lesson PlannersVideoThree video trainings will be developed:Creating a new team plannerCopying planner content to individual plannersDeleting a team planner<NAME>My Activities TabVideoThree video trainings will be developed: Creating an activityCopy a Lesson to My ActivitiesSubmitting My Activities to be published to the district scope and sequence (pending approval). <NAME>Understanding Curriculum and Planning for ResultsFace to FaceCurriculum Specialists will develop and implement collaborative, hands on training that includes practice in developing lesson plans and selecting appropriate resources and activities based on student data.Curriculum SpecialistsAdministrator TrainingsViewing Teacher and Team PlannersVideoThree video trainings will be developed:Viewing teacher lesson plansPrinting teacher lesson plansAdding comments to plans<NAME>Generating ReportsVideoThree video trainings will be developed:Learning Standard Coverage ReportLesson Plan Status ReportChecklist Report<NAME>Understanding Curriculum and Planning for ResultsFace to FaceCurriculum Specialists will develop and implement collaborative, hands on training that includes practice in developing lesson plans and selecting appropriate resources and activities based on student data.Curriculum SpecialistsSupportAfter initial training, teachers will need continued support on the lesson planning process. Below are the recommended support types.Support TypeLocationSupport DescriptionResponsible PartiesCheat SheetsiCafe Webpage**Documentation over the most basic elements of each step. Perhaps a cheat sheet over using the Eduphoria Forethought “Help” sectionTechnology DevelopmentStep by step tutorialiCafe Webpage**Step by step directions for completing process outlined in actual trainingTechnology DevelopmentVideoiCafe Webpage**Step by step directions for completing process outlined in actual trainingTechnology DevelopmentPhone/PersonN/AThis support is for non-typical needs that arise as the implementation moves forward involving curriculum specific issuesCurriculum Specialists, Phone/PersonN/ALinking to Aware, Roles and Rights in EduphoriaResearch & Accountability Office**An iCafe Resource page will be created for the Eduphoria Forethought support materials. Technology Development is responsible for creation of this web resource.CostTrainer Costs:Creation of initial 24 video trainings – 6 hoursCreation of document training resources – 40 hoursDevelopment of Face to Face training – 20 hoursFace to Face training – 1.5 hours per sessionTrainee Costs:Video trainings – 1.5 hours1.5 hours X 1,500 teachers = 2,250 hours total district timeFace to Face training – 1.5 hours1.5 hours X 1,500 teachers = 2,250 hours total district timeTotal time per teacher = 3 hoursTotal district time = 4,500 hoursTimelineCreation of video trainings/iCafe site update – July 1-15, 2014iCafe site live - July 15, 2014Creation model face to face training – July 31, 2014Step by step tutorial creation – complete by July 15, 2014Training start date – July 15, 2014Training end date – on-going ................

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