FAMILY ACTIVITIES - U.S. Scouting Service Project



These Scouting resources are not intended as a comprehensive list of all resources available. Please use other resource information as needed.


|  |Duty to God Requirements |Venturing Resources |

|  | |  |

|1. |Read the Book of Mormon. Discuss |Gold Award |

| |with your family the highlights |Bronze Award |

| |from the book, including such |Reading Merit Badge |

| |topics as the difference in | |

| |attitude between Nephi and Laman | |

| |and Lemuel, the value of obedience | |

| |to parents and priesthood leaders, | |

| |the need to heed the messages of | |

| |Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, | |

| |the fight between good and evil, | |

| |King Benjamin’s wise counsel, Jesus| |

| |Christ’s visit to the Western | |

| |Hemisphere, and the promise given | |

| |in Moroni 10:4-5. | |

|  | |  |

|2. |Read For the Strength of the Youth,|Gold Award |

| |and discuss with your parents your |Brown? Award |

| |experience in living gospel | |

| |standards. | |

|  | |  |

|3. |If you have not yet received your |Gold Award |

| |patriarchal blessing, begin making | |

| |plans to do so. | |

|  | |  |

|4. |Under the direction of your |Gold Award |

| |parents, organize and teach at |Bronze Award |

| |least 4 family home evening lessons|Silver Award |

| |each year. |Ranger |

|  | |  |

|5. |Read about the following topics in |Gold Award |

| |Gospel Principles or Principles of |Bronze Award |

| |the Gospel, and teach 2 of them to | |

| |your family: the Creation, death | |

| |(physical and spiritual), eternal | |

| |life, the Fall, forgiveness, God | |

| |the Father, kingdoms of glory, | |

| |mercy, missionary work, the | |

| |pre-mortal existence, prophets, the| |

| |Restoration of the gospel, the | |

| |Resurrection, the Second Coming, | |

| |and temples. | |

|  | |  |

|6. |Read Doctrine & Covenants 4. |Gold Award |

| |Discuss what it means to be | |

| |prepared spiritually, financially, | |

| |emotionally, and physically for | |

| |your mission. Discuss the | |

| |importance of work (see Genesis | |

| |3:19; Proverbs 14:23; 2 Nephi 5:17;| |

| |Mosiah 2:14; D&C 42:42). | |

|  | |  |

|7. |Talk to one or both of your parents|Gold Award |

| |about your career goals and how you|Ranger |

| |are planning to achieve them. | |

|  | |  |

|8. |Read Doctrine & Covenants 134 and |Gold Award |

| |discuss with your parents how it |Citizenship in the |

| |relates to your responsibilities as|Motion Merit Badge |

| |a citizen of your country. | |

|  | |  |

|9. |Submit the name of one of your |Gold Award |

| |ancestors for temple work, or write|Ranger |

| |a 500-word personal history. |Genealogy Merit |

| | |Badge |

|  | |  |

|10. |Read Endowed from on High and |Gold Award |

| |discuss with your parents. | |

| |


|  |Duty to God Requirements |Venturing Resources |

|  | |  |

|1. |Memorize the sacrament prayers. |Gold Award |

| |Talk to a priesthood leader about | |

| |the baptismal covenant and what it | |

| |involves. | |

|  | |  |

|2. |If possible, give at least two 4 to|Gold Award |

| |5 minute talks each year in a |Communications |

| |priesthood or sacrament meeting, |Merit Badge |

| |when assigned by a priesthood |Public Speaking |

| |leader. |Merit Badge |

|  | |  |

|3. |Serve as a companion to a full-time|Gold Award |

| |missionary at least twice, when |Bronze Award |

| |assigned by a priesthood leader. | |

| |Discuss the teaching experience | |

| |with the missionary. | |

|  | |  |

|4. |Discuss the meaning of the oath and|Gold Award |

| |covenant of the priesthood with a | |

| |priesthood leader (see Doctrine & | |

| |Covenants 34: 33-44). | |

|  | |  |

|5. |Under the direction of a priesthood|Bronze, Gold, Ranger|

| |leader, help teach at least 2 |Awards |

| |lessons in priests quorum meetings.| |

|  | |  |

|6. |Learn the basic skills of |Gold Award |

| |conducting music. Memorize a hymn,|Song Award |

| |and lead others in singing it |Music Merit Badge |

| |during opening exercises of a | |

| |priesthood meeting at least once a | |

| |year. | |

|  | |  |

|7. |Participate in at least 1 priest |Gold Award |

| |quorum service projects each year. | |

| | |Bronze Award |

| | | |

| | |Scouting for Food |

| | | |

| | |Star Rank |

| | |Advancement |

| | |Life Rank |

| | |Advancement |

|Scouting Publications and Resources | |

|Venturer Handbook (33483) |

|Venturing Leader Manual (34655b) |

|Ranger Guidebook (3128a) |

|Boy Scout Handbook (33105) |

|Scoutmaster Handbook (33009) |

|Boy Scout Requirements 2002 (33215a) |

|Guide to Safe Scouting (34416c) |

|Health and Safety Guide (34415c) |

|Leave No Trace (22105) |

|Various Merit Badge Pamphlets |


|  |Duty to God Requirements |Venturing Resources |

|  | |  |

|1. |Speak in a quorum or sacrament |Gold Award |

| |meeting about the importance of | |

| |honesty and integrity in daily | |

| |life. | |

|  | |  |

|2. |Teach a gospel lesson to younger |Gold Award |

| |children in family home evening, |Bronze Award |

| |Sunday School, Primary, or another| |

| |meeting. | |

|  | |  |

|3. |Visit a hospital or care center |Gold Award |

| |and talk with or read to the | |

| |patients or residents. | |

|  | |  |

|4. |With your bishop's guidance, |Gold Award |

| |identify and assist 2 elderly |Life Rank Advancement |

| |families with tasks such as |Ranger |

| |shopping, gardening, cleaning |Family Life Merit Badge |

| |house, and painting. |Home Repair Merit Badge |

| | |Painting Merit Badge |

|  | |  |

|5. |Learn to play the piano or organ |Gold Award |

| |well enough to accompany 2 hymns |Bronze Award |

| |in a church meeting. |Music Merit Badge |

|  | |  |

|6. |Participate in a baptismal service|Gold Award |

| |by being a witness, performing a |Bronze Award |

| |baptism, giving a talk, leading | |

| |the music, or helping set up. | |

|  | |  |

|7. |Encourage and invite a less-active|Gold Award |

| |quorum member to participate in at|Ranger |

| |least 1 quorum or ward activity. | |

|  | |  |

|8. |Continue to add regularly to your |Gold Award |

| |mission fund in preparation for |Personal Management Merit |

| |receiving your mission call. |Badge |

|  | |  |

|9. |Participate in a community service|Gold Award |

| |project that benefits people who |Bronze Award |

| |are not members of the church. |Scouting for Food |

| | |Bear Fourth Advancement |

| | |Life Rank Advancement |

|  | |  |

|10. |Recite from memory the Articles of|Gold Award |

| |Faith and Doctrine and Covenants | |

| |Section 4. | |

|  | |  |

|11. |Participate in a ward or stake |Gold Award |

| |missionary preparation progress. | |

| |Where possible, work with the ward| |

| |mission leader to participate in | |

| |companionship exchanges with the | |

| |full-time or ward missionaries. | |

|  | |  |

|12. |As assigned by a priesthood |Gold Award |

| |leader, speak in sacrament meeting|Communication Merit Badge |

| |about a righteous father and the |Public Speaking Merit Badge |

| |impact he had on his family. | |


|  |Duty to God Requirements |Venturing Resources |

|  | |  |

|1. |Run 10 kilometers or 6 miles |Gold Award |

| |in 60 minutes or less. |Ranger |

| | |Personal Fitness Merit Badge|

| | |District/Council Event |

|  | |  |

|2. |Hike 25 kilometers or 15 miles|Gold Award |

| |with a pack in 2 days or less.|Merit Badge: Hiking, |

| | |Backpacking, Camping |

| | |District/Council Event |

|  | |  |

|3. |Run for 30 minutes, 3 times a |Bronze, Gold, Ranger Awards |

| |week for 3 months. |Personal Fitness Merit Badge|

|  | |  |

|4. |Swim for 30 minutes twice a |Bronze, Gold, Ranger Awards |

| |week for 3 months. |Merit Badges: Personal |

| | |Fitness, Swimming |

|  | |  |

|5. |Present a display or |Bronze, Gold, Ranger Awards |

| |demonstrate a hobby or craft |Merit Badges: Art, |

| |at school, in a church |Collections, Coin Collecting|

| |activity, or at a community |District/Council Event |

| |event. | |

|  | |  |

|6. |Participate in a musical group|Bronze, Gold Awards |

| |that presents music in harmony|Music Merit Badge |

| |with Church standards, and | |

| |give a public performance. | |

|  | |  |

|7. |Participate on a sports team |Bronze, Gold Awards |

| |in your quorum, ward, school, |Sports Merit Badge |

| |or community. |District/Council Event |

|  | |  |

|8. |Learn to play or officiate for|Bronze, Gold Awards |

| |a sport. |Merit Badges: Sports, |

| | |Athletics |

| | |District/Council Event |

|  | |  |

|9. |Teach the rules of a sport to |Gold, Bronze, Ranger Awards |

| |another family or quorum |Merit Badges: Sports, |

| |member. |Communications, Public |

| | |Speaking |

| | |District/Council Event |

|  | |  |

|10. |As local regulations permit, |Gold, Ranger Awards |

| |organize and carry out a |Camping Merit Badge |

| |camping trip for your quorum. |Leave No Trace Award |

| |Make arrangements with the |Conservation Good Turn Award|

| |owner of the land for |District/Council Event |

| |permission to camp there and | |

| |clean up the area before | |

| |leaving. | |

|  | |  |

|11. |Study the needs of people with|Gold, Bronze Awards |

| |certain disabilities, and then|Merit Badges: Disabilities |

| |present a plan to your parents|Awareness, Camping |

| |or a priesthood leader for |District/Council Event |

| |organizing a camping trip that| |

| |includes those with | |

| |disabilities. | |

|  | |  |

|12. |Under the direction of a |Gold, Bronze, Ranger Awards |

| |priesthood leader, plan an |Merit Badges: Camping, |

| |activity close to home in |Whitewater, Water Skiing, |

| |which all member of your |Canoeing, Small-Boat |

| |quorum may participate with |Sailing, Motor boating, |

| |little or no cost. Possible |Hiking, Cycling, Rowing, |

| |activities include a 50 |District/Council Event |

| |kilometer or 30 mile bike or | |

| |wilderness trek, a rafting or | |

| |canoeing trip, or a bicycle | |

| |road rally. | |


|  |Duty to God Requirements |Venturing Resources |

|  | |  |

|1. |Write a post-high school |Gold Award |

| |education or training plan. | |

| |Include how your education or | |

| |training might be found. Explain| |

| |how your plans will work with | |

| |your goal of serving a 2 year | |

| |full-time mission. | |

|  | |  |

|2. |Enroll and participate in a |Gold, Silver, Ranger |

| |university or vocational school,|Awards |

| |on–the-job training program, | |

| |apprenticeship, or internship. | |

|  | |  |

|3. |If possible, plan to visit the |Gold Award |

| |workplace of 3 occupations you |Ranger |

| |are interested in. Write about |Merit Badges: Forestry, |

| |what you did and did not like |Geology, Animal Science, |

| |about the job and about why you |Architecture, Art, |

| |think it does or does not fit |Astronomy, Aviation, |

| |your long-term goals. |Chemistry, Cinematography,|

| | |Communications, Dentistry,|

| | |Engineering, Environmental|

| | |Science, Journalism, Law, |

| | |Photography, Plant |

| | |Science, Space |

| | |Exploration, Truck |

| | |Transportation, |

| | |Woodworking |

|  | |  |

|4. |With your parents’ permission, |Gold Award |

| |obtain part-time work. | |

|  | |  |

|5. |Learn how to find a job. Prepare|Gold Award |

| |a resume, and hold a practice |Personal Management Merit |

| |interview with on or both of |Badge |

| |your parent or a priesthood | |

| |leader. | |

|  | |  |

|6. |Obtain a valid driver’s license |Gold Award |

| |with your parents’ approval. |Traffic Safety Merit Badge|

|  | |  |

|7. |Prepare a personal history, |Bronze, Gold Awards |

| |including several important |Genealogy Merit Badge |

| |events in your life or your | |

| |family’s life. Keep a journal or| |

| |personal record. | |

|  | |  |

|8. |In a language other than your |Gold Award |

| |own, learn to bear your |Venturing Progress |

| |testimony, and memorize the last|Capability |

| |6 articles of faith. Also, in 5 |Interpreter Badge |

| |languages, learn greeting that | |

| |people would give on the street.| |

|  | |  |

|9. |Plan and participate in a |Bronze, Gold, Ranger |

| |variety show at church or in the|Awards |

| |community that includes local |Merit Badge: Music, |

| |talent. |Theater |

| | |District Event |

|  | |  |

|10. |Create at least 3 paintings or |Bronze, Gold Awards |

| |drawings, and if possible, |Art Merit Badge |

| |display them in a church, |District/Council Event |

| |school, or community cultural | |

| |arts event. | |

|  | |  |

|11. |Participate in a church, school,|Bronze, Gold Awards |

| |or community choir. |Music Merit Badge |

|  | |  |

|12. |Learn to play a musical |Gold Award |

| |instrument |Music Merit Badge |


|  |Duty to God Requirements |Venturing Resources |

|  | |  |

|1. |Plan and participate in at |Gold Award |

| |least 1 combined activity |Merit Badges: Water Skiing, |

| |with your quorum members and|Canoeing, Motor Boating, Small |

| |the Young Women in the ward.|Boat Sailing |

| | |District/Council Event |

|  | |  |

|2. |Read the section on dating |Gold Award |

| |in For the Strength of the | |

| |Youth. Discuss appropriate | |

| |dating activities and | |

| |conduct and the | |

| |characteristics to look for | |

| |in a potential spouse. | |

|  | |  |

|3. |Learn good personal hygiene |Bronze, Gold Awards |

| |and grooming habits. Discuss| |

| |why these skills are | |

| |important to your success | |

| |now and as a potential | |

| |full-time missionary. | |

|  | |  |

|4. |Invite a group of newly |Bronze, Gold Awards |

| |married couples from the | |

| |ward or stake to a panel | |

| |discussion in which they | |

| |discuss how individuals | |

| |should treat each other | |

| |during courtship and what to| |

| |look for in a future spouse.| |

|  | |  |

|5. |Attend a social event in the|Bronze, Gold Awards |

| |ward or stake and another | |

| |similar event at school. | |

| |Describe to your parents or | |

| |a priesthood leader how you | |

| |felt and behaved in both | |

| |situations. | |

|  | |  |

|6. |Plan and carry out a |Bronze, Gold Awards |

| |cultural or social activity | |

| |for a group of elderly | |

| |people in your area. Consult| |

| |with the ward high priests | |

| |group leader in your | |

| |planning. | |

|  | |  |

|7. |Organize or assist with a |Bronze, Gold Awards |

| |crime-prevention program in |Merit Badges: |

| |your neighborhood, under the|Crime Prevention, Family Life |

| |direction of priesthood and | |

| |community leaders. | |

|  | |  |

|8. |Ask a representative of a |Gold Award |

| |local law enforcement agency|Merit Badges: Crime Prevention,|

| |to attend a neighborhood | |

| |meeting, and encourage |Fingerprinting, Citizenship in |

| |residents to watch out for |the Community, Law, Family Life|

| |one another. | |

|  | |  |

|9. |After talking with a |Bronze, Gold Awards |

| |priesthood leader, do 2 |Citizenship in the World Merit |

| |projects that will help you |Badge |

| |better understand national | |

| |governments hand how to | |

| |preserve peace. | |

|  | |  |

|10. |Talk to a priesthood leader |Bronze, Gold Awards |

| |about the culture of a |Citizenship in the World Merit |

| |country or countries in |Badge |

| |which full-time missionaries| |

| |are serving. | |

|  | |  |

|11. |Help an elderly person |Gold Award |

| |participate in an election | |

| |in your area. | |

|  | |  |

|12. |Participate in at least 2 |Bronze, Gold, Ranger Awards |

| |community service projects |Star Rank Advancement |

| |during the year. |Life Rank Advancement |

| | |District/Council Event |


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