Meadows Ward Priest Quorum - U.S. Scouting Service Project

Settler’s Meadow Ward Teachers Quorum

Duty to God Goals

|Teacher’s Name: | | |Phone Number: | | |Birthdate: | |

| |Date of |Date of |Date of |Date of | |

|Priesthood Duties and Standards |14th Annual |Semi-Annual |15th Annual |Semi-Annual |Notes or Comments |

|1. |Keep the Commandments | | | | | |

| | |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 | |

| | |5 * |5 * |5 * |5 * | |

|a. |Morally Clean | | | | | |

| | |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 | |

| | |5 * |5 * |5 * |5 * | |

|b. |Keep the Word of Wisdom | | | | | |

| | |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 | |

| | |5 * |5 * |5 * |5 * | |

|c. |Pay a Full Tithing | | | | | |

| | |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 | |

| | |5 * |5 * |5 * |5 * | |

|d. |Honest in all your dealings | | | | | |

| | |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 | |

| | |5 * |5 * |5 * |5 * | |

|e. |Keep the Sabbath Day Holy | | | | | |

| | |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 | |

| | |5 * |5 * |5 * |5 * | |

|2. |Live the Standards in the “For the Strength of Youth” | | | | | |

| | |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 | |

| | |5 * |5 * |5 * |5 * | |

|3. |Have Daily Personal Prayer | | | | | |

| | |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 | |

| | |5 * |5 * |5 * |5 * | |

|4. |Read the Scriptures | | | | | |

| | |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 | |

| | |5 * |5 * |5 * |5 * | |

|5. |Attend Seminary or Home-study course | | | | | |

| | |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 | |

| | |5 * |5 * |5 * |5 * | |

|6. |Attend Sacrament Meeting; Priesthood Mtg.; other Church Mtgs. | | | | | |

| | |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 | |

| | |5 * |5 * |5 * |5 * | |

|7. |Prepare the Sacrament | | | | | |

| | |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 | |

| | |5 * |5 * |5 * |5 * | |

|8. |Serve as a Home Teacher | | | | | |

| | |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 | |

| | |5 * |5 * |5 * |5 * | |

|9. |Perform other Assigned Priesthood Duties | | | | | |

| | |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 |1 2 3 4 | |

| | |5 * |5 * |5 * |5 * | |

| | | |Comments: | |

| | | | |

|1 |Never or Poor | | |

|2 |Seldom or Fair | | |

|3 |Usually or Average | | |

|4 |Most of the Time or | | |

| |Good | | |

|5 |Always or Excellent | | |

|* |Comments/Goals Below | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

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| | | | |

|Family Activities | | |Comments |

|(Do All of the following) |Goal for |Completed Date | |

| |Completion | | |

|1. |In the Book of Mormon Read Alma - Moroni; Discuss w/ family various topics | | | |

|2. |Study “For the Strength of Youth”; Discuss each topic with your parents | | | |

|3. |Discus w/ parents the purpose of a Patriarchal Blessing and when to get yours | | | |

|4. |Teach 4 Family Home Evening Lessons each year | | | |

|5. |Read/Teach topics in “Gospel Principles”: Plan of Salvation, Faith, Obedience | | | |

|6. |Memorize words and lead 3 hymns each year (2/4 time, ¾ time and 4/4 time) | | | |

|7. |Learn to prepare and use a budget. Keep it for 2 months | | | |

|8. |Study/describe the constitution and events leading to it’s creation | | | |

|9. |Plan an activity to serve a neighbor or relative. | | | |

|Quorum Activities | | |Comments |

|(Do All of the following) |Goal for |Completed Date | |

| |Completion | | |

|1. |Read D&C 20:53-57 & discuss w/ leader how to be a good home teacher | | | |

|2. |Give at least 1 (4 to 5 minute) talks in Sacrament or Priesthood | | | |

|3. |Under the direction of a leader, help teach at least 1 or more priesthood | | | |

| |lessons | | | |

|4. |Discuss how to prepare to be a full-time missionary and ways to assist the them| | | |

|5. |Invite and bring to Church mtgs a friend, less-active or new member your age | | | |

|6. |Participate in baptisms for the dead if possible | | | |

|7. |Participate in at least 1 teachers quorum service project each year | | | |

|Comments: | |

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Meadows Ward Teacher’s Quorum

Duty to God Goals

(Page 2)

|Spiritual Development | | | |

|(Complete at least 8 of the following) |Goal for |Completed Date |Comments |

| |Completion | | |

|1. |Study purpose of the Aaronic Priesthood (pg 7) Meaning of becoming converted | | | |

|2. |Discuss meaning of “Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy” and practice it in your life | | | |

|3. |Prepare and present at least 2 home teaching lessons | | | |

|4. |Recite from memory the Articles of Faith and D&C 13 | | | |

|5. |Read & discuss a General Conf. Address that teaches about pornography | | | |

|6. |Complete a family group record for your grandparents (listed as children) | | | |

|7. |Write regularly in a personal journal for at least 3 months | | | |

|8. |Regularly add to your mission fund | | | |

|9. |Collect recipes for a dozen missionary type meals and prepare 4 of them. | | | |

|10. |Write 3 letters of appreciation to your family during the year. | | | |

|11. |Write list of 10 qualities that you admire in your father and mother / other | | | |

| |adult | | | |

|12. |Read at least 2 stories from a church magazine and share w/ family or quorum | | | |

|13. |(Your own goal) | | | |

|Physical Development | | | |

|(Complete at least 8 of the following) |Goal for |Completed Date |Comments |

| |Completion | | |

|1. |Run 5 K or 3 miles in 60 minutes or less | | | |

|2. |Swim 75 meters using 2 different strokes | | | |

|3. |Demonstrate lifesaving skills in the water | | | |

|4. |Hike 9 miles with a pack in a day | | | |

|5. |Participate in cultural arts performance (road show, play, dance, etc.) | | | |

|6. |Teach brother/sister how to play an indoor game or sport | | | |

|7. |Participate on a sports team in your quorum, ward, school, or community | | | |

|8. |Learn to play or officiate for a sport | | | |

|9. |Participate in a 3 day camping trip | | | |

|10. |Explain how to survive for 48 hours if lost in the wilderness (warm/cold | | | |

| |season) | | | |

|11. |Learn and demo important distress signals to use during a crisis or if your | | | |

| |lost | | | |

|12. |Teach first aid skills to a family member or quorum member | | | |

|13. |(Your own goal) | | | |

|Educational, Personal & Career Development | | | |

|(Complete at least 8 of the following) |Goal for |Completed Date |Comments |

| |Completion | | |

|1. |Continue your education/develop additional skills in reading, writing & math | | | |

|2. |Improve your reading skills by reading at least 6 issues of a Church magazine | | | |

|3. |Choose 3 careers of your interest and discuss w/ parents the pros and cons | | | |

|4. |Visit 3 places of employment and find out the pros/cons and discuss w/ parents | | | |

|5. |Take Vocational interest test if possible | | | |

|6. |Discuss how your career would allow you to maintain LDS moral standards | | | |

|7. |Learn entrance requirement to college, tech school, etc. (? 5 interesting | | | |

| |classes) | | | |

|8. |Learn to play a musical instrument | | | |

|9. |Attend a Career Night if possible | | | |

|10. |Collect 3 different job applications and fill them out as practice | | | |

|11. |Bear testimony in a new language, memorize 1st 6 Articles of Faith | | | |

|12. |Use a computer to prepare a church talk, school assignment or other task | | | |

|13. |(Your own goal) | | | |

|Citizenship and Social Development | | | |

|(Complete at least 8 of the following) |Goal for |Completed Date |Comments |

| |Completion | | |

|1. |Learn personal hygiene and grooming habits. | | | |

|2. |Participate/plan 1 Combined Activity | | | |

|3. |Volunteer for 4 or more visits to hospital, elderly home, disabled to | | | |

| |visit/help | | | |

|4. |Ask grandparent to share childhood memories with you. | | | |

|5. |Attend city council mtg and share experience with leaders or parents | | | |

|6. |Visit a legal court and share your impressions of the experience with someone | | | |

|7. |Learn and sing the national anthem; explain it’s origin to a leader/parent | | | |

|8. |Discuss w/ parents or leader ways to help prevent crime in your area | | | |

|9. |Develop a list of music, movies, TV programs that have gospels standards | | | |

|10. |With quorum, plan an “etiquette dinner” and participate in it | | | |

|11. |Give at least one talk in Sacrament meeting or a speech at school. | | | |

|12. |Participate in at least 2 community service projects during the year | | | |

|13. |(Your own goal) | | | |


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