Girl’s Camp IDEAS















Thanks for the smile you gave me today.

You’ll never know how it paved my way

With joy. How it made everything right.

Thanks. Now I’m not afraid of the night.

Thanks for the kind word. I didn’t tell you,

But I held it close the long day through.

Your kind words made me brave in a trial.

Thanks for your kindness. Thanks for your smile.


Once upon a t time, there were four people named EVERYBODY, SOMEBODY, ANYBODY, and NOBODY.

There was an important task to be done and EVERYOBDY was sure that SOMEBODY would do it. ANYBODY could have done it, but NOBODY did it. SOMEBODY got angry about that, because it was EVERYBODY’S job. EVERYBODY thought ANYBODY could do it, but NOBODY realized that EVERYBODY wouldn’t do it. It ended up that EVERYOBODY blamed SOMEBODY when NOBODY did what ANYBODY could have done.


You can’t light a candle to show others the way without feeling the warmth of that bright little ray!


“Our job in this life is not to see through one another, it is to see one another through.”

“The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.”

“You can’t talk your way out of what you’ve behaved yourself into.”

“While we are free to choose our actions, we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions.”

“We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey.”

“If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster”


Then a warm joy I know I’ll feel

Because I’ve served with love that’s real

So all the time (it’s the key)

I’ll give a little part of ME.

SOCKS…take all the girls’ left socks and leave a note that says “we took all your left socks, so now you have to choose the right!”

PURSE…do an act of kindness, leave the purse where you served. Take a photo of the purse with a disposable camera. Put the camera and a note inside the purse. The note should give instructions for that person or camp to pass on the service and take a photo of the service rendered along with the purse and leave the purse with the camera inside where they served. Ask for the purse back at the end of camp and get the photos developed to see all the places the purse was at.

BEES…make or use fuzzy bees purchased at a craft store. Place the bees in a tent or around a camp and leave a note that says “you are BEEautiful” or “I’m glad to “BEE” your friend. Use your imagination.

ICE CREAM CONES…make paper ice cream cones and write notes on them. Leave them in a tent or around a camp saying “you’ve been creamed.”

STARS…make paper stars or use glow in the dark stars purchased at a store. Write notes on the stars such as “you’re a star”, “you’re smile shines as bright as a star.”

RED DOTS…leave Red Hots candy and some big, red, paper dots in a tent or around a camp with a note that says “you’ve been quarantined because you are too hot, or sweet etc.”

BOOTS…make paper boots or use old boots purchased at a thrift store. Place goodies in a bag inside the boot with a note that says “you’ve been booted”. Write notes on paper boots and leave them around a tent or camp.

SERENADE…sing to a tent or another camp. Sing fun or YW songs.

CAMP THEME…use your imagination and do something related to the camp theme!

Always be sure that the things you do are kind and uplifting!


T.P.…make brown paper teepees (Indian style). Write nice messages, tape them on a stick and put them in the ground around the tent or camp. Leave a note that says “you’ve been TP’d.”

MOON a camp…make paper moons (crescent, full etc.) and write nice messages on them. Tape them on sticks and put them around the tents.

HEART ATTACK…blow up heart balloons and write kind notes on them with permanent markers, or cut out hearts from paper and do the same. Place them on someone’s bed or around camp.

SECRET ACTS OF SERVICE…do acts of service in secret then place a kind note where the service was done.

SNYDER THE SPIDER…make a web from yarn in someone’s tent then place Snyder the Spider (fake spider) in the web with a note “Hi, I’m Snyder the Spider and I just dropped in to say have a fun day”, “I like hanging around your tent because you are so sweet” etc.

KIND NOTES…anytime, anywhere

SONG…make up words to a familiar tune and sing it to a camp or another girl.

OBJECT…leave an object such as a stuffed animal in a camp. Do an act of kindness and leave the object and a note to pass on the service.

MAROONED…make things that are maroon in color, place these objects on someone’s bed or camp and say “you’ve been marooned”.

EGG a camp…make big colorful paper eggs and place them on sticks. Write notes on them and leave them around a camp. You can fill plastic Easter eggs with notes and treats and leave them on beds or around camps with a note that says “you’ve been egged.”

GARDEN OF LOVE…make paper flowers or use silk flowers, write notes on them and plant a garden of love around someone’s tent or a camp.

M&M’S…use the ME poem and leave a small bag of m&m candy on each bed or in a camp.

The way it works, I take the “E”

Away from the “M” that makes up “ME”

And then each day a good deed do

To someone before the day is through.

A smile, a word, a tender touch,

That says to them “I care so much”

Then I connect the “M” and “E”

To show I’ve given part of “ME”

These letters “M” and “E” remind

Me of the Savior of mankind.

For He may say in days to be

“Fear not, thou didst them unto me.”








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