World War II Participants and

World War II Participants and

Contemporaries: Papers

Container List


Residence: Fort Lee, New Jersey

Service: 355th Inf Regt, Europe

Volume: -1"

Papers (1)(2) [record of Cannon Co., 355th Inf. Regt., 89th Inf. Div., Jan.-July 1945;

Ohrdruf Concentration Camp; clippings; maps; booklet ¡±The Story of the 89th Infantry

Division;¡± orders; song; ship¡¯s newspaper, Jan. 1946;map with route of 89th Div.]


Residence: Wichita, Kansas

Service: Pilot, 97th Bomber Group, Europe; flew DDE from Gibraltar to North Africa,

November 1942

Volume: -1"

Papers [letters; clippings]


Residence: Abilene, Kansas

Service: 5th Inf Div, Europe

Volume: -1"

Papers [copy of unit newspaper for 5th Inf. Div., May 8, 1945; program for memorial

service; statistics on service and casualties in wars and conflicts]


Residence: Jefferson City, Missouri

Service: historian

Volume: -1¡±

104 Inf Div (1) (2) [after action report for November 1944, describing activities of

division in southwest Holland; this is a copy of the original report at the National




Residence: Indianapolis, Indiana

Service: Veteran's organization

Volume: 13"

After the War 1943-45 [a monthly bulletin published by the Institute on Postwar

Reconstruction, Aug. 1943-April 1945]

American Legion Publications (1)-(11) [civil defense; rights and benefits of veterans;

home front; citizenship; universal draft; national defense and security program;

Americanism; employment manual; Boy Scouts-youth program; G. I. Bill of Rights;

peace and foreign relations; disaster; natural resources; law and order; UMT-universal

military training; national defense; veterans¡¯ employment; 1946 survey of veterans;

reprint of two pages from The National Legionnaire, June 1940; instructors manual for

military drill; United Nations; junior baseball program]

Army-Navy YMCA Bulletin, 1942-44

Atlas of World Battle Fronts [1943-45]

China at War, 1939 [four issues published by the China Information Publishing Co.]

Clippings [submarine war; Alaska; U.S. enters war; defense of Philippines; Pacific war]

Defense Papers, 1940 [three booklets by American Assoc. For Adult Education]

Government Pamphlets (1)(2) [War Production Board-plant efficiency; Special Services

bulletin; Armed Forces song book; Air War report, Jan. 1944; aviation cadets; Office of

Price Adm.-wartime rationing; Fed. Security Agency-¡±Spare Time: A War Asset for War


Miscellaneous Pamphlets & Bulletins [guide to military insignia; Ships (periodical)article on Liberty Ships; booklet of games and puzzles; four issues of Industrial Press

Service, July, Sept. 1944; USO bulletin, June 1943]

Petition to FDR Sept 1941 (1)-(4) [Mothers Mobilizing Against War, April to Sept.

1941; petition forms and lists of names]

Post-War Bulletin 1943 (1)(2) [Mar.-Aug. 1943; world govt.; changes in home life;

servicemen¡¯s benefits; internationalism; Britain-planned economy; rise of communism;

world food problem]

Report by Supreme Commander [re operations in Europe of Allied Expeditionary Force,

June 6, 1944 to May 8, 1945]


The Scrapper (1)(2) [newsletter published by the American Industries Salvage Comm.

(1942) re scrap metal and rubber drives, War Production Board, role of children, women,

and press]

Stars & Stripes 18 Apr 1947 [5th birthday edition of paper]

Westinghouse Valley News 3 Sept 1942 [contains photos of all servicemen from the


War in Pictures [photographs and drawings, 1940-1942]

War Report Conference of Sept 1943 [edited minutes of War Dept. Conference of

industry, labor, and newspaper leaders; remarks by various military leaders on all aspects

of war effort]

World War [1940 war stories]


Residence: Kansas City, Missouri

Service: Shipfitter, US Navy, Pacific Theater; present at Pearl Harbor attack

Volume: -1"

Memoirs [attack on Pearl Harbor, 1941; chronology for six years service in Navy]


Residence: Dallas, Texas

Service: National Commander, China-Burma-India Veterans Association, Inc.

Volume: 1"

Proclamation (1)-(3) [1992 proclamation and signatures of CBI veterans]

ANONYMOUS June 8, 2004

Volume: -1¡±

Miscellaneous Items

Newspapers [Ocean News, undated; Ramps Aweigh, May 24, 1945, aboard USS

Lejeune; Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, July 3, 1944]

Newspapers ¨C The Camp [Sept. 17 & 24, 1944; weekly paper published in Berlin for

British POWs held in Germany]


Newspapers ¨C The Oversea Kid [Aug. 13 & Nov. 26, 1944, Jan. 14 & Apr. 2, 1945;

weekly paper published in Berlin for US POWs held in Germany]


Residence: Jeannette, Pennsylvania

Service: Military intelligence, North Africa & Europe

Volume: -1¡±

Memoir [work in North Africa and England; importance of knowing enemy¡¯s Order of

Battle; interrogation of prisoners]


Residence: Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania

Service: Clerk in Census Bureau, Washington, DC

Volume: -1"

Memoirs [life in Washington, D.C. during the war; drills, rationing, housing shortage,

war bonds; clipping with headline, ¡°War is Over,¡± Aug. 15, 1945]


Residence: South Burlington, Vermont

Service: 283 Light Field Arty Bn, Europe

Volume: -1"

Memoirs [tower of Millen Castle in Netherlands used as observation post, Oct. 1944]


Residence: San Antonio, Texas

Service: Sister of Capt. Charles C. Johnson III, Air Corps pilot, South Pacific

Volume: 7"

Clippings (1)-(9) [war news, 1940-1943; some clippings relate to wartime service of

Capt. Charles C. Johnson III]

Correspondence [1940-43, relating to service of Charles Johnson and death in 1943;

letters, telegrams, and V-mail; postcard with photo of BT-14]


Memorabilia (1)(2) [postcards; programs; poster; speech; transcript of meeting of

relatives and friends of POWs, civilian internees, and missing personnel-Mar. 1945;


Official Papers [orders; enlisted record; officer¡¯s commission; diploma]

Photographs [photos of Capt. Charles Johnson and mother; postcard photos of Randolph

Field in Texas]

Printed Material [flying cadets; 1940 magazine for Randolph Field cadets; Morrison

Field Air Base weekly magazine, 1941; Air Force journal, 1943]

Scrapbook (1) (2) [clippings and letters, 1937-1940; training and testing; some articles

relate to Johnson]

201 File - Charles C. Johnson (1)-(3) [orders; promotions; awards; flight record;

commendations; corres.]


Residence: Creal Springs, Illinois

Service: Nurse, 20th Hospital Train, Europe

Volume: 4"

Memorabilia [postcard views of France, c WWI; map of Europe]

Miscellaneous Papers (1) (2) [soldier¡¯s diary, ¡°While Waiting,¡± Mar. 1945; Switzerland,

1945; Christmas Menu and roster for Gardiner General Hospital, 1943; FDR form letter;

list of personnel in 20th Hospital Train; poem, ¡°The Invasion;¡± memo re indoctrination

for return to U.S. (tongue-in-cheek); 1953 Boy Scout National Jamboree; history of

hospital ship, USS Haven (Korean War)]

201 File 1943-46 (1)(2) [orders; certificates; I. D. Card; pay authorization; officer¡¯s

qualification record; clothing requisition; physical exam; separation papers]

201 File 1947-54 (1)(2) [orders; reports; applications; questionnaires; certificates;


201 File 1954-66 (1)(2) [orders; reports; personnel data sheets; unit photo; certificates;


201 File 1966-72 (1)(2) [orders; memoranda; data sheets; certificates; retired reserve




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