World War II Leaders

World War II Leaders

Churchill and Hitler

Winston Churchill was a British army leader. He was worried. World War I had ended with a treaty. A treaty is an agreement. This treaty was called the Treaty of Versailles (vuhr-SI). Winston Churchill felt that this treaty would cause a new war. He was right.

Now, it was 1933. Adolf Hitler was the ruler of Nazi (NOT-see ) Germany. He added more men to the German army. This was against the treaty. Churchill wanted Great Britain to make a pact, or deal, with France and the Soviet (SOH-vee-et) Union. The three nations would stand together. Then, Hitler would back down. A prime minister named Neville Chamberlain led Great Britain. Chamberlain did not act on Churchill's idea of a pact.

In 1938, Hitler made Austria (AW-stree-uh) part of Germany. Churchill saw that Hitler planned to own Europe. Next, Hitler took over Czechoslovakia (chek-uh-slow-VAW-kee-uh). Hitler's army just marched in. Not one shot was fired. It looked like no one would stop Hitler.

Hitler wanted to have Poland, too. Prime Minister Chamberlain said he would defend Poland. Hitler did not believe him. But Hitler did think a threat stood in his way. This threat was the Soviet leader. His name was Joseph Stalin. Hitler said he would not invade the Soviet Union. (He later broke his promise.) Stalin said that he would not try to stop Hitler. On September 1, 1939, Hitler marched into Poland. Great Britain declared war on Germany. World War II had begun.

In 1940, Winston Churchill became the British prime minister. He was a great leader. Mr. Churchill gave his people hope. They faced a strong enemy. Without Churchill, the outcome of the war could have been quite different.

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#50084--Leveled Texts: The 20th Century

Roosevelt and Truman

U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt wanted to help nations that fought the Axis powers. The Axis powers were made up of Germany, Italy, and Japan. Roosevelt gave "all aid short of war." Why? He felt that an Axis win would hurt democracy. Still, Americans did not want to join the war.

Then, the Japanese attacked the United States. A few days later, Germany declared war on the United States. The United States had to fight. It had to fight in two places in the world at once.

President Roosevelt served four terms. He was the only U.S. president elected so many times. He was brave and wise. But, he died suddenly in 1945. That made Harry S. Truman the U.S. president. Truman faced a big decision. Should he drop an atomic bomb on Japan? It would save the lives of tens of thousands of U.S. men. He chose to use the bomb.

Emperor Hirohito

Emperor Hirohito (hear-oh-HEE-tow) ruled Japan. He led the nation from 1926 to 1989. At first, his people thought he wanted peace. But in 1937, Japan invaded China. A few years later, Japan joined the Axis. This meant Japan joined in World War II. In the end, it cost three million Japanese lives.

After the two atomic bombs, Emperor Hirohito knew that he had to give up. But first, he made a deal. He said he would get his people to agree to peace. In return, he did not have to stand trial for his part in the war.


#50084--Leveled Texts: The 20th Century

Comprehension Question

What happened when Hitler marched into Poland?

? Shell Education

World War II Leaders

Churchill and Hitler

Winston Churchill was a British army leader. He had warned people that World War I's Treaty of Versailles (vuhr-SI) would cause a new war. He was right. In 1933, Adolf Hitler became the leader of Nazi (NOT-see) Germany. Hitler said that he would break the treaty. He broke the treaty by rebuilding the German army. Churchill wanted Great Britain to make a pact with France and the Soviet (SOH-veeet) Union. A pact is an agreement. The three nations would work together. Then, hopefully Hitler would back down. Great Britain's prime minister was Neville Chamberlain. He did not make the pact with France and the Soviet Union.

In 1938, Hitler made Austria (AW-stree-uh) part of Germany. Chamberlain did nothing. But, Churchill knew that Hitler planned to take over Europe. Next, Hitler took over Czechoslovakia (chek-uh-slow-VAW-kee-uh). The German army just marched in. Not one shot was fired. Churchill was upset. It looked like Great Britain would not stop Hitler.

Hitler wanted to attack Poland. Prime Minister Chamberlain said he would defend Poland. Hitler did not believe him. Hitler thought the threat standing in the way of Poland was the Soviet leader, Joseph Stalin. Hitler said he would not invade the Soviet Union. (He later broke his promise.) Stalin told Hitler that he would not try to stop Hitler. On September 1, 1939, Hitler marched into Poland. Great Britain declared war on Germany. World War II had begun.

In 1940, Winston Churchill became the British prime minister. His leadership was important. He gave the British people hope. They had to face a strong enemy. Without him, the outcome of the war could have been quite different.

SEP50081--Exploring the New World 95 ? Shell Education


#50084--Leveled Texts: The 20th Century

Roosevelt and Truman

U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave "all aid short of war" to nations that fought the Axis powers. The Axis was Germany, Italy, and Japan. President Roosevelt felt that an Axis win would hurt democracy. Still, Americans did not want to enter the war. Then, the Japanese attacked the United States. A few days later, Germany declared war on the United States. The nation had to fight back. And, it had to fight in two places in the world at once.

Roosevelt was the only U.S. president ever elected to four terms in office. He was brave and wise. He died suddenly in 1945. Harry S. Truman was Roosevelt's vice president. After Roosevelt's death, Truman was in charge. Truman faced a big decision: Should he drop an atomic bomb on Japan? It would save the lives of tens of thousands of U.S. troops. He chose to drop the bomb.

Emperor Hirohito

Japan's Emperor Hirohito (hear-oh-HEE-tow) led the nation from 1926 to 1989. At first, his people thought he was peaceful. But in 1937, Japan invaded China. Just a few years later, Japan joined the Axis. This meant the nation entered World War II. By the end, it had cost three million Japanese lives.

After the two atomic bombs fell, Emperor Hirohito knew that he had to give up. But first, he made a deal. He promised to get his people to agree to a peace treaty. In return, he did not have to stand trial for his part in the war.


#50084--Leveled Texts: The 20th Century

Comprehension Question

What event started World War II?

? Shell Education

World War II Leaders

Churchill and Hitler

Winston Churchill was a British military leader. He had warned people that World War I's Treaty of Versailles (vuhr-SI) would cause another war. He was right. In 1933, Adolf Hitler became the leader of Nazi (NOT-see ) Germany. Hitler boldly announced that he would break the treaty. He would rebuild the German army. Churchill wanted Great Britain to form a pact with France and the Soviet (SOH-vee-et) Union. He hoped the three countries could present a united front. Then, Hitler would back down. But, Great Britain's Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain ignored Churchill's suggestion.

In 1938, Hitler merged Austria (AW-streeuh) with Germany. Chamberlain did nothing. However, Churchill knew that Hitler planned to continue taking over Europe. Hitler took over Czechoslovakia (chek-uh-slow-VAW-kee-uh). The German army marched into that nation without a single shot fired. Churchill was outraged. It appeared that Great Britain would not stop Hitler.

Hitler planned to attack Poland next. Prime Minister Chamberlain said he would defend Poland. Hitler did not take him seriously. He thought the threat standing in the way of Poland was the Russian leader, Joseph Stalin. Hitler promised not to invade the Soviet Union. (He later broke his promise.) Stalin told Hitler that he would not interfere. On September 1, 1939, Hitler invaded Poland. This forced Great Britain to declare war. World War II had officially begun.

In 1940, Winston Churchill became the British prime minister. His leadership was important throughout World War II. He encouraged the British people as they fought against a powerful enemy. Without him, the outcome of the war could have been quite different.

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#50084--Leveled Texts: The 20th Century


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