Outdoor Leadership Final Presentation Grading Rubric

Outdoor Leadership Final Presentation Grading Rubric

Name: ____________________________________________________________

Title of Presentation __________________________________________________________________

|Category |Excellent - 4 |Good - 3 |Satisfactory - 2 |Needs Improvement - 1 |

|Research |Evidence of thorough & accurate research is clearly |Evidence of accurate research is |Evidence of accurate research is |Evidence of research is somewhat apparent. An |

| |apparent. Multiple resources are properly used |apparent. Multiple resources are used |mostly apparent. Some resources are |insufficient number of resources are used. |

| |throughout the presentation including images/video |properly. |used. | |

| |clips | | | |

|Slideshow Detail |Included at least 7 slides that went into great |Included at least 7 slides that |Included at least 7 slides that |Included less than 7 slides or presentation was |

| |detail and are very comprehensive. |presented many details and examined |presented some details and |very superficial and insufficiently examined |

| | |most topics in depth. |superficially examined most topics. |topics. |

|Sequencing |All information is organized in a clear, logical way.|Most information is organized in a |Some information is logically |There in no clear plan for the organization of |

| |It is easy to easy to understand and follow. |clear, logical way. One slide or piece |sequenced. An occasional slide of |information. |

| | |of information seems out of place. |piece of information is out of place.| |

|Use of Graphics |All graphics are attractive (size and color) and |A few graphics are not attractive but |All graphics are attractive but a few|Several graphics are unattractive AND distract |

| |support the topic of the presentation. |all support the topic of the |do not support the topic of the |from the content of the presentation. |

| | |presentation. |presentation. | |

|Video |Video was relevant, linked well to content, debriefed|Video was relevant to the topic and was|Video was somewhat related to the |Video did not relate to the topic at all or the |

| |after by presenters and was the correct length. |the correct length. |topic. Video was too long. |video was much too long. |

|Slide Formatting |Font formats (color, bold, italic) have been |Font formats have been carefully |Font formatting is a little hard to |Font formatting makes it very difficult to read. |

| |carefully planned to enhance readability and content.|planned to enhance readability. |read. | |

|Handout |Submitted as required, with exceptionally detailed |Submitted on time with some detailed |Submitted late with limited |Handout was not submitted or contained very |

| |information. |information. |information. |limited information. |

|Spelling and Grammar |Presentation & handout have no misspellings or |Presentation & handout has 1 |Presentation & handout have 2 |Presentation & handout have more than 2 |

| |grammatical errors. |misspelling and/or no grammatical |misspellings and/or grammatical |grammatical and/or spelling errors. |

| | |error. |errors. | |

Points Earned: _______________________



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