Proactive Leadership: Build a Stronger Sisterhood

Resources for a Successful PresidencyPresident’s BookDon’t underestimate how helpful this book is. Feel free to put sticky notes on appropriate pages to let you know which committees will be reporting, membership business, pro tem officer appointments or those items which can be skipped. Refer to the Appendix Table of Contents for unusual situations such as a Special Meeting for business that cannot wait until the next regularly scheduled business meeting.Chronological List of Duties of Local Chapter PresidentThis handy month by month document alerts you to all duties and responsibilities to be accomplished at a specific time throughout the year, not only for the chapter president, but the corresponding secretary and treasurer as well. The ConstitutionOur Constitution is updated every two years, following our International Convention. The current cover is cherry red. Part III of our Constitution specifically deals with our local chapter. Have a question you can’t answer? Use the Index in the back of the Constitution to search for your topic, the go to the page that is in Part III. You won’t use this resource often, but when you have a burning question, it’s the first place to go.P.E.O. Counsel for MembershipThis guide gives you step by step instructions for Pre-Acceptance Counseling of a prospective member and Post-Initiation Counseling of a new member. If possible, the president is always part of this committee. However, if the timing absolutely doesn’t work for this to happen, another member who is P.E.O. “savvy” and perhaps a friend of the prospective member can lead the committee. The point of Pre-Acceptance Counseling is to meet with the prospective member before she responds. Therefore, the call to arrange this meeting should happen immediately following her receipt of the invitation.P.E.O. International Website ()Once you log in, this site contains a wealth of resources. Take time to explore. Under Resource Library are links to officer training videos, forms and manuals and Leadership Development presentations. Under Listings and Directories, you can access other s/p/d/ websites, a listing of all chapter presidents and their contact information (to help connect a member who has moved to a new chapter) and bed and breakfasts. Information regarding all International projects is given under the Projects tab. The Membership tab contains not only information for your chapter Membership Committee (Membership Toolbox) but also a link to update your own address, phone and email. And don’t forget to explore the Leadership tab. Those resources are outstanding. Oregon State Chapter Website ()After logging into our OSC website, you will have all the resources specific to Oregon. Under Resource Library you will have access to the contact information for all state officers and Oregon standing committees. Under Local Chapter Officers, you will find the Chronological List of Duties for each officer, the PowerPoint presentations from Area Workshops and other important forms. Information and forms for our Oregon projects are located under the Projects tab. All you need to know about upcoming state and International conventions is found under the Conventions tab. And don’t forget that all OSC Newsletters, Education Newsletters and Membership Hot Spot and VIP publications are found under Communications.And don’t forget the most useful tool of all… This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NCThis Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NCLeadership Modules for All Chapter Leaders(leadership/leadership-development-resources)Create a Flowing Pipeline of Chapter LeadersIs your chapter leadership pipeline bursting or trickling? This presentation focuses on establishing a positive culture, identifying potential leaders and nurturing budding leaders. Empower your current leaders and encourage leadership growth!Proactive Leadership: Build a Stronger SisterhoodExplore 5 proactive steps to lead your chapter in intentional decision-making and effective planning by creating a goal-oriented, team-based environment to elevate its potential. These steps make proactive leadership appealing to all members by showing how a proactive approach increases positive results and encourages a more joyful chapter.Successful Officer TransitionsCreate the Leadership Team your chapter deserves. This module focuses on a positive and productive annual transition meeting for preparing new officers and provides step-by-step guidance to the incoming chapter president. Emphasis is on planning for the annual meeting, setting goals and mentoring.?Resolving Conflict Using P.E.O. VirtuesThis video gives you practical skills to help you resolve conflicts in ways consistent with our P.E.O. values.? Learn to moderate your “fight or flight” reactions and work towards solutions more calmly, collaboratively and successfully.Talking About Differences: Finding Common GroundWe may know how to handle differences well and comfortably when the stakes are low. Use this resource to learn how leaders address differences when the stakes are high, emotions strong and initial efforts haven't worked. This PowerPoint with embedded script gives you 5 specific steps for exploring differences, strengthening relationships and making progress. There is also a stand-alone PDF of the script and PowerPoint pictures. A one-page handout summarizes the five steps to use as a guide during a specific conversation.?Personal Leadership StylesRevised October 2018. This is a ready-to-present workshop/chapter program focusing on how to be a better P.E.O. leader as well as how to value and work with differing leadership styles.?Local Chapter Officer Training(resource-library/local-chapter-officers/local-officer-training)International has developed training modules for each of the more detailed positions of chapter leadership. Encourage each of your officers to view the appropriate module.Presidents/Vice Presidents: Leading with ConfidenceTreasurer: Money MattersCorresponding Secretary: Staying in Touch!Recording Secretary: Words That CountAnd when it is time for Annual Reports, there is assistance for those as well: Corresponding Secretary: Instructions for Annual Reports VideoTreasurer: Instructions for Annual Reports Video ................

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