Module 1 - Leadership and management


|1. The setting has a clear ethos that supports positive relationships and embraces reflective practice. |

| |

|2. Effective management systems are in place. |

| |

|3. The setting has robust systems in place for managing staff. |

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|4. Systems are in place to ensure effective continuous improvement. |

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|5. Business management systems protect the sustainability of the setting. |

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|Leadership and Management Supporting Information |

| |

| | |

|Suggested Evidence |Suggested Guidance |

| | |

|Policies and procedures – Equal opportunities policy |Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage |

|Fair admissions policy |Charities Commission |

|Staff induction | |

|Grievance policy |ACAS |

|Disciplinary policy |Disclosure and Barring Service |

|Confidentiality policy/Privacy notice |Health and Safety Executive (HSE) |

|Food Hygiene policy |Czone |

| |Mosaic approach |

|Improvement plan |Data Protection Act 1998 |

|Staff handbook |Freedom of Information Act 2000 |

|Peer observations |HMRC |

|Ofsted SEF |Grant Finder |

|Staff meeting minutes |Information Commissioners Office |

|Newsletters |Ofsted SEF guidance |

|Welcome pack |Equality Act 2010 |

|Questionnaires | |

|Training Plans | |

|Accounting Records | |

|Committee/management meetings | |

|Consultation records – children/parents/other professionals | |

|Contracts | |

|Job Descriptions | |

|Signed induction checklists | |

|Risk assessments | |

|Memberships to other agencies/organisations | |

|Information Commissioner’s certificate | |

| | |

|Questions |Think About… |Evidence |Self-Assessment |

|1 |In what ways does the setting promote its ethos and how |How parents, staff and the wider community understand your aims and values? | |Date: |

| |does this reflect the needs of the local community? |How these values relate to the needs of your community? Equal opportunities | | |

| | |Policies and Procedures | |Highly effective |

| | |Fair admissions policy | |Effective |

| | | | |Emerging |

| | | | |Insufficient |

|2 |How does your setting embed its ethos in practice? |Staff induction and ongoing appraisals | |Date: |

| | |Improvement plans reflect ethos of setting | | |

| | |Parental feedback | |Highly effective |

| | |Child’s voice | |Effective |

| | |Input from other professionals | |Emerging |

| | |Policies and procedures | |Insufficient |

|3 |What steps does the setting take to engage with the local|Who makes up your local community? | |Date: |

| |community to ensure positive relationships? |– parents/carers, schools, children’s centres, local facilities, other childcare | | |

| | |professionals, healthcare workers and businesses | |Highly effective |

| | | | |Effective |

| | | | |Emerging |

| | | | |Insufficient |

|4 |What systems are in place to evaluate and reflect upon |Peer observations | |Date: |

| |the effectiveness of practice? |Parental feedback | | |

| | |Staff supervisions | |Highly effective |

| | |Child’s voice | |Effective |

| | |Evaluation of continuous provision | |Emerging |

| | |Evidence that practitioners support the Characteristics of Effective Learning | |Insufficient |

| | |Ofsted SEF | | |

| | |Monitoring children’s progress | | |

| | |Use of OAPE and audit tools | | |

| | |Reviewing policies and procedures at least annually and as and when need arises | | |

| | |Recording complaints and compliments and responding within relevant timescales | | |

|5 |How does your reflection and evaluation inform your |Ongoing updates to improvement plans | |Date: |

| |future improvement plans to enhance quality? |Impact of change upon staff practice, training and ratios | | |

| | |Ofsted reports | |Highly effective |

| | |Gaps in practice | |Effective |

| | |External agencies to support | |Emerging |

| | |Staff involvement | |Insufficient |

| | |Child’s voice | | |

| | |Parental feedback | | |

|Questions |Think About… |Evidence |Self-Assessment |

|1 |How does the setting ensure that legal requirements are |Regular review of Statutory Framework | |Date: |

| |met at all times? |Review of Ofsted action plans/Local Authority Improvement Audit | | |

| | |Ensure aware of current legislation/changes | |Highly effective |

| | |Policies and procedures | |Effective |

| | |Record keeping | |Emerging |

| | |LSCB | |Insufficient |

| | |First Aid requirements | | |

| | |Data Protection | | |

| | |DDA Legislation | | |

| | |SEN legislation | | |

| | |Food Hygiene | | |

| | |HMRC | | |

| | |Public liability/Employers liability | | |

| | |Vehicle insurance/driving licences | | |

| | |Health and Safety Legislation | | |

| | |EYEE contracts | | |

| | |Employment law | | |

| | |Business regulations | | |

| | |Designated staff leads | | |

| | |Legal roles of the management committee | | |

| | |Disclosure and Barring Service | | |

| | |Storage of records to ensure confidentiality | | |

| | |Records of committee meetings/management meetings | | |

|2 |In what way are all adults made aware of the legal |Roles and responsibilities | |Date: |

| |requirements and their role in ensuring the requirements |Staff supervision | | |

| |are met? |Staff meetings | |Highly effective |

| | |Committee meetings | |Effective |

| | |Training | |Emerging |

| | |Newsletters/notice boards | |Insufficient |

| | |Induction | | |

| | |Documentation available to all staff | | |

| | |Cascading information | | |

| | |Membership to professional magazines | | |

| | |Subscribe to agency downloads i.e. Foundationyears, Ofsted | | |

|3 |What systems are in place to ensure regular reviews of |Year planners | |Date: |

| |legal requirements? |Diary reminders | | |

| | |Risk assessments | |Highly effective |

| | |Email updates from agencies | |Effective |

| | | | |Emerging |

| | | | |Insufficient |

| |Questions |Think About….. |Evidence |Self-Assessment |

|1 |What induction procedures are in place to |Induction checklist (examples on Czone) | |Date: |

| |support new staff members? |Agreed induction period | | |

| | |Agreed probationary period | |Highly effective |

| | |Identify training needs for individual or for setting | |Effective |

| | |Think about staff familiarity with setting’s policies and procedures | |Emerging |

| | |Additional supervision time allocated to review progress | |Insufficient |

| | |Mentor allocation | | |

| | |Notifying parents and children of staff changes | | |

| | |Update staff board | | |

|2 |How do you ensure that a consistent process for|Regular supervision e.g. childminding assistants, students, practitioners | |Date: |

| |appraisal and supervision meetings is |Annual appraisal | | |

| |established and maintained throughout the |Time allocated to supervision for all staff | |Highly effective |

| |setting? |Meeting place suitable for supervision and open discussion | |Effective |

| | |Structured written format | |Emerging |

| | |Written records kept | |Insufficient |

| | |Confidentiality | | |

|3 |In what way do you ensure that all members of |Contract of employment | |Date: |

| |the team are clear about their roles? |Job description | | |

| | |Staff supervision | |Highly effective |

| | |Training for designated leads | |Effective |

| | |Policies and procedures | |Emerging |

| | |Include bank staff, volunteers and students | |Insufficient |

| | |Staff meetings | | |

| | |Induction processes | | |

|4 |How does staffing structure meet with the |Ratios | |Date: |

| |requirements of the EYFS and the needs of |SENCO | | |

| |individual children? |Safeguarding lead | |Highly effective |

| | |Key person and co-key person system | |Effective |

| | |Manager/Deputy (both qualified to requisite level) | |Emerging |

| | |Room leaders/baby room leaders (with relevant experience) | |Insufficient |

| | |Qualifications | | |

| | |IEP – additional staffing support | | |

| | |Staff deployment – settling in/lunchtimes/ends of day/shift | | |

| | |changes/holidays/illness/unexpected absence/rotas/flexible working/supply | | |

| | |staff/maternity and paternity leave | | |

| | |Staff consistency in boundaries and expectations | | |

| | |Disclosure and Barring Service checks in place | | |

| |Questions |Think About….. |Evidence |Self-Assessment |

|1 |What procedures are in place to ensure staff are able to|Supervision | |Date: |

| |contribute to continuous improvement? |Staff meetings | | |

| | |Appraisal | |Highly effective |

| | |Recognising and using staff skills | |Effective |

| | |Cascading trading/knowledge | |Emerging |

| | | | |Insufficient |

|2 |How do staff participate in professional development and|Training needs identified | |Date: |

| |how is that commitment recognised and celebrated? |Mentoring | | |

| | |Staff supervision | |Highly effective |

| | |Skills audit | |Effective |

| | |Time given to attend course | |Emerging |

| | |Newsletter | |Insufficient |

| | |Consider tiered pay scales | | |

| | |Press releases | | |

| | |Staff meetings | | |

| | |Consider ways to say thank-you for staff commitment | | |

| | |Supportive of work/life balance | | |

|3 |How does the setting deal with challenges that may arise|Clear communication and reasoning behind changes | |Date: |

| |from the improvement process? |Training | | |

| | |Staff input into how changes take place | |Highly effective |

| | |Supervision | |Effective |

| | |Shared improvement plan | |Emerging |

| | |Monitor and evaluate changes | |Insufficient |

| | |Written guidance | | |

| | |Mentoring | | |

| | |Disciplinary policy | | |

| | |Grievance policy | | |

| | |Confidentiality policy | | |

| | |Mediation | | |

|4 |How does the setting involve others in continuous |Consider children/parents/registered person | |Date: |

| |improvement? |Comments box/book | | |

| | |Questionnaires | |Highly effective |

| | |Observations | |Effective |

| | |Verbal feedback | |Emerging |

| | |External agencies | |Insufficient |

| | |Visitors to setting | | |

| | |Witness statements | | |

| |Questions |Think About….. |Evidence |Self-Assessment |

|1 |How does the setting ensure that sufficient funds are |Financial monitoring and forecasting | |Date: |

| |available to maintain a quality service? |Budget setting | | |

| | |Contingency planning including redundancy funds | |Highly effective |

| | |Business planning | |Effective |

| | |Marketing | |Emerging |

| | |Sourcing additional funding | |Insufficient |

| | |Annual budget for staff training | | |

| | |Additional staffing to support children’s needs | | |

| | |Use of accountant/bookkeeper/treasurer | | |

| | |Use of government financial incentives for parents | | |

|2 |What considerations are given when deciding on fee |EYEE | |Date: |

| |structures? |Expenditure | | |

| | |Competition | |Highly effective |

| | |Inflation | |Effective |

| | | | |Emerging |

| | | | |Insufficient |

|3 |Does the setting consider other sources of income? |Fundraising events | |Date: |

| | |Lottery funding | | |

| | |Small grants | |Highly effective |

| | |Sponsorship | |Effective |

| | |Links to local businesses | |Emerging |

| | | | |Insufficient |

|4 |In what ways does the setting comply with current |Record keeping | |Date: |

| |financial regulations according to their business |Tax returns | | |

| |status? |HMRC | |Highly effective |

| | |Charitable Law | |Effective |

| | |Employment Law | |Emerging |

| | | | |Insufficient |

|5 |How do you effectively market and publicise the |Short/long term strategy | |Date: |

| |setting? |Non-discriminatory marketing approach | | |

| | |Monitoring vacancies, occupancy and waiting lists | |Highly effective |

| | |Links with local community and other professionals | |Effective |

| | |Unique selling point | |Emerging |

| | | | |Insufficient |


Module 1

Leadership and Management

Module 1

Leadership and Management

Module 1. Leadership and Management

Standard.1 The setting has a clear ethos that supports positive relationships and embraces reflective practice.

Module 1. Leadership and Management

Standard 2. Effective Management Systems are in Place.

Module 1. Leadership and Management

Standard 3. The setting has robust systems in place for managing staff.


Module 1. Leadership and Management

Standard 4. Systems are in place to ensure effective continuous improvement.

Module 1. Leadership and Management

Standard 5. Business management systems protect the sustainability of the setting.



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