Introduction - APT

ASIA-PACIFIC TELECOMMUNITYDocument:WTSA20-3/INP-567 July 2020The 3rd Meeting of the APT Preparatory Group for WTSA-20 (APT WTSA20-3)13 – 17 July 2020, Virtual MeetingKorea (Republic of)CANDIDATE FOR PRELIMINARY APT COMMON PROPOSAL ON A NEW WTSA RESOLUTION FORStrengthening ITU-T standardization activities using AI technologiesIntroductionArtificial intelligence (AI), sometimes called machine intelligence, refers to intelligence demonstrated by machines that are programmed to think like humans. The breakthrough in computing technology has been making AI available in real world environments. AI is considered as a key enabler that can dramatically improve the performance and quality of services for ICT services and its applications in a variety of fields by efficiently processing huge amount of big data generated in each field. AI technology is expected to evolve more rapidly with advances in high-performance chips and computing technologies, cloud technologies, and ultra-fast low-latency networking technologies including 5G/IMT-2020 and beyond. AI will play, without doubt, a crucial role in bringing rapid improving of performance, productivity and service quality in all sectors by applying not only to emerging industries in the future, but also to existing industries. Machine learning and deep learning technologies are representative AI technologies that show excellent outcomes through efficient big data processing in various fields.The ITU-T has already well recognized the importance of AI in improving the performance and service quality of telecommunications and information communication technologies, and is actively promoting standardization activities using artificial intelligence technology. ITU-T SG13 established a Focus Group (FG) on Machine Learning for Future Networks including 5G (FG-ML5G) in November 2017. FG-ML5G has been developing technical reports and specifications for machine learning for future networks, including interfaces, network architectures, protocols, algorithms and data formats. Some developed specifications were proposed and adopted as ITU-T recommendations by ITU-T SG13. Also, other FGs were created from 2018 to 2019 by relevant ITU-T SGs for promoting AI related standardization work. ITU-T Focus Group on "Artificial Intelligence for Health" (FG-AI4H) was established in July 2018. FG on "Environmental Efficiency for Artificial Intelligence and other Emerging Technologies" (FG-AI4EE) was established in May 2019. And FG on “AI for Autonomous and Assisted Driving" (FG-AI4AD) was established in October 2019. As the Focus Group ends, the developed deliverables will be submitted to the relevant ITU-T SGs for subsequent standardization work. And the ITU-T SG16 established a new Question 5 on “Artificial intelligence-enabled multimedia applications” to promote the standardization of multimedia services and applications linked with artificial intelligence technology.In addition to the above mentioned standardization activities, ITU launched the AI for Good Global Summit as the leading action-oriented, global & inclusive United Nations platform on AI. The goal the Global Summit is to identify practical applications of AI and scale those solutions for global impact.These AI-related standardization activities at ITU-T were highlighted in the issue papers of the 2nd Meeting of the APT Preparatory Group for WTSA-20 (APT WTSA20-2). First, the issue paper of WG2 (ITU-T Work Organization) emphasized that ITU-T SGs and the recent CTO advisory meetings included AI in the consolidated hot topics list. Second, the issue paper of WG2 (Regulatory/Policy and Standardization Related Issues), taking into account the outcomes of WTSA-16 and the relevant activities in AP region, identified AI as strategic emerging ICTs issues. Both issue papers introduced the current ITU-T Focus Group activities which deeply involves AI as their main focus.The application of AI technology is expected to expand more rapidly in all areas of the industry, and ITU-T also needs to further strengthen the standardization of telecommunication and ICT services and applications using AI technology in the future. SGs that have already initiated AI-related standardization work, as well as SGs that have not yet applied AI technology to their standardization work, should strengthen more its standards development activities that actively use AI technology in the next study period. For strengthening these standardization activities of ITU-T, cooperation with other related organizations should be encouraged, and active support and participation of member states and sector members are also very important.At the 2nd APT Preparatory Meeting for WTSA-20 (APT WTSA20-2), the Republic of Korea proposed to develop a candidate draft preliminary APT common proposal on “Strengthening ITU-T standardization activities using AI technologies including machine and deep learning”. The proposal was discussed and it was agreed in principle to develop as a candidate draft APT common proposal. Following the initial proposal at the APT WTSA20-2 meeting, the Republic of Korea developed a candidate draft preliminary APT common proposal titled “Strengthening ITU-T standardization activities using AI technologies” for further discussion at the 3rd meeting of the APT Preparatory Group for WTSA-20 (APT WTSA20-3) in July 2020.ProposalBearing in mind that AI technology is a key enabler for enhancing the future telecommunications and ICT services and applications in ITU-T and considering the aforementioned circumstances on AI in depth, the Republic of Korea proposes a candidate draft preliminary APT common proposal as attached for further discussion at the 3rd meeting of the APT Preparatory Group for WTSA-20 in July 2020.We look forward to the active participation of APT member countries in this proposal and to be proposed and discussed at the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-20).DRAFT NEW RESOLUTION [APT-AAA] (Hyderabad, 2020)Strengthening ITU-T standardization activities using AI technologiesThe World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (Hyderabad, 2020),recallinga)Resolution 45 (Rev. Hammamet, 2016) of the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA), on effective coordination of standardization work across study groups in the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector and the role of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group;b) Resolution 68 (Rev. Hammamet, 2016) of the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly, on Evolving role of industry in the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector,consideringa) the AI will play, without doubt, a crucial role in bringing rapid improving of performance, productivity and service quality in all sectors by applying not only to emerging industries in the future, but also to existing industries;b) the AI technology is expected to evolve more rapidly with advances in high-performance chips and computing technologies, cloud technologies, and ultra-fast low-latency networking technologies including 5G/IMT-2020 and beyond;c) the machine learning and deep learning technologies are representative AI technologies that show excellent outcomes through efficient big data processing in various fields of telecommunication/information and communication technology,notinga)that ITUT should play a prominent role in the rapid development and timely providing the standard deliverables to the industry that reflect market requirements;b)that recent CTO advisory meetings included AI in the consolidated hot topics list for active standardization in ITU-T,recognizinga) the ITU-T has already well recognized the importance of AI for emerging standard technology in telecommunications and ICTs, and is actively promoting standardization activities using artificial intelligence technology;b)the already established ITU-T Focus Group activities;- Focus Group on “Machine Learning for Future Networks including 5G” (FG-ML5G);- Focus Group on “Artificial Intelligence for Health” (FG-AI4H);- Focus Group on “Environmental Efficiency for Artificial Intelligence and other Emerging Technologies” (FG-AI4EE);- Focus Group on “AI for Autonomous and Assisted Driving” (FG-AI4AD).c)the creation of a new Question 5 in ITU-T SG16 on “Artificial intelligence-enabled multimedia applications” to promote the standardization of multimedia services and applications linked with artificial intelligence technology;d) the outcomes of the annual Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Good Global Summit, which is a neutral platform for government officials, UN agencies, NGO's, industry leaders, and AI experts to discuss the ethical, technical, societal and policy issues related to AI, offer recommendations and guidance, ? and promote international dialogue and cooperation in support of AI innovation,bearing in minda)that AI is a key enabler for the future telecommunications and ICT services and applications in ITU-T;b)that the application of AI technology is expected to expand more rapidly in all areas of the industry;c)that SGs that have already initiated AI-related standardization work, as well as SGs that have not yet applied AI technology to standardization work, should strengthen more its standards development activities that actively use AI technology in the next study period;d)that the ITU-T also needs to further strengthen the standardization of telecommunication and ICT services and applications using AI technology in the future, promote activities, develop standards and technical reports, and share best practices on artificial intelligence related standardization work in various fields of telecommunications and ICT; strengthen the standardization work of all ITU-T SGs by applying AI technology to improve the performance and quality of ICT services and applications for each domain; encourage cooperation with other related organizations including industry associations, consortia and fora on AI supported services and applications,instructs the Director of the Telecommunication Standardization develop and implement a standardization roadmap related to the usage of artificial intelligence technology to lead global initiative and identify standardization gap; conduct workshops, with other relevant organizations, for capacity building on AI related standardization work of ITU-T, including open-source communities working on AI technology driven implementations for telecommunications and ICT areas; review, oversee, and give consultations to the future actions ITU-T Study Groups in response to the resolves above and take necessary measures to ensure appropriate implementation of the Resolution; encourage Member States, Sector Members, Associates and Academia to share and disseminate best practices on the usage of artificial intelligence technology from various fields of telecommunications and ICT,invites Member States, Sector Members, Associates and make voluntary contributions and active participations to artificial intelligence-related standardization work and activities of the ITU-T; collaborate and share expertise in this area.__________________ ................

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