Survey Item Bank In Response to COVID-19 DASHBOARD - ed

Survey Item Bank In Response to COVID-19 DASHBOARD

January 15, 2021

Total Items in Survey Item Bank: 95








School Participation




Instructional Environment


Mental Health




Emotional Safety


Physical Safety


Grand Total


Number of New Items


PARENT ITEMS Domains/Topics

Engagement Cultural & Linguistic Competence Relationships School Participation

Environment Instructional Environment Mental Health Physical Environment

Safety Physical Safety

Grand Total Number of New Items






School Participation




Instructional Environment


Mental Health




Emotional Safety


Physical Safety


Grand Total


Number of New Items



Environment Instructional Environment Mental Health

Safety Emotional Safety Physical Safety

Grand Total Number of New Items

Counts 5 2 2 1 8 2 5 1 8 8

21 11

Counts 3 2 1

21 11 10 24 0

NCSSLE Survey Item Bank In Response to COVID-19 STUDENT ITEMS

January 15, 2021

Domain Engagement Engagement Engagement Engagement Engagement Engagement Engagement Engagement Environment Environment Environment Environment Environment Environment

Safety Safety Safety

Subtopic Relationships



School Participation School Participation School Participation School Participation Relationships

Instructional Environment Instructional Environment Instructional Environment Mental Health

Mental Health

Mental Health

Emotional Safety

Physical Safety

Physical Safety

Source Survey Adapted from CAYCI 2016 New Item ASCS 2016 SCCS 2016, Grades 3-5 and 6-12 REACH 2016 Adapted from CFL HS Survey CAYCI 2016 Adapted from ASCS 2016 NV School Well-Being Survey NV School Well-Being Survey YDEKC Student Agency Survey SCCS 2016, Grades 3-5 YRBS

NV School Well-Being Survey NV School Well-Being Survey NV School Well-Being Survey

Item Stem

Response Options

I have friends at school that support and care about [] Strongly Agree


[] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

I regularly talk to or connect with friends from

[] Strongly Agree


[] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

I am comfortable asking my teachers or other adults [] Strongly Agree

(e.g., parents, counselor, other family member) for [] Agree

help with my schoolwork.

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

I try hard to do well in school.

[] Strongly Agree

[] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

I work hard on all assignments even if they won't [] Strongly Agree

affect my grade.

[] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

At least one of the topics we are studying is

[] Strongly Agree

interesting and challenging to me.

[] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

I like the challenge of learning new things in school. [] Strongly Agree

[] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

At my school there is at least one teacher or other [] Strongly Agree

adult who listens to what I have to say.

[] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

I have access to a digital device (e.g., computer, [] Strongly Agree

laptop, tablet, phone) and reliable internet

[] Agree

connection (e.g., modem, hotspot) to do my school [] Disagree


[] Strongly Disagree

My teachers notice if I have trouble learning

[] Strongly Agree


[] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

What I do at school is challenging in a good way. [] Strongly Agree

[] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

Even when things are tough, I can perform quite [] Strongly Agree


[] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

I set goals related to my schoolwork and try to

[] Strongly Agree

reach them.

[] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

In the past 30 days, how often was your mental [] Always

health not good? (Poor mental health includes

[] Most of the time

stress, anxiety, and depression.)

[] Sometimes

[] Rarely

[] Never

During the COVID-19 pandemic, a parent or other [] Strongly Agree

adult in my home lost their job or was worried

[] Agree

about losing their job.

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

During the COVID-19 pandemic, a parent or other [] Strongly Agree

adult in my home was able to take me to a doctor [] Agree

for my regular checkups, or if I wasn't feeling well. [] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

In the past 30 days, I didn't eat because there

[] Always

wasn't enough food at my house.

[] Most of the time

[] Sometimes

[] Rarely

[] Never

Item Type Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One

Select One Select One Select One


January 15, 2021



Engagement School Participation

Environment Instructional Environment

Environment Instructional Environment

Environment Instructional Environment

Environment Instructional Environment

Environment Instructional Environment

Environment Instructional Environment

Environment Instructional Environment

Environment Instructional Environment

Environment Mental Health

Environment Mental Health

Environment Mental Health


Emotional Safety


Emotional Safety


Emotional Safety


Emotional Safety


Emotional Safety

Source Survey

Item Stem

Response Options

NV School Well-Being Survey

I try to understand why my students are or are not [] Strongly Agree

actively participating in class.

[] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

New Item

Are you working primarily:

[] In person, at your school, with all students

attending in person and no students

attending virtually

[] In person, at your school, with some

students attending in person and some

students attending virtually

[] Virtually from your school with all students

attending virtually

[] Virtually from your home with all students

attending virtually

[] Other

NV School Well-Being Survey

I receive enough support and resources to meet the [] Strongly Agree

unique challenges of this school year from my school [] Agree


[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

NV School Well-Being Survey

I receive enough support and resources to meet the [] Strongly Agree

unique challenges of this school year from my district [] Agree

or charter (e.g., ensuring access to technology, offering [] Disagree

adapted curriculum).

[] Strongly Disagree

NV School Well-Being Survey

Students at my school have the support and resources [] Strongly Agree

they need to be successful with their learning.

[] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

NV School Well-Being Survey

My school or district/charter has shared a plan to

[] Strongly Agree

address the recovery of learning for all students.

[] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

STRRT Teacher Survey

I am comfortable supporting my students with the [] Strongly Agree

different technology and tools required for remote [] Agree


[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

SoGo Survey: Teacher Engagement I am motivated to contribute more than what is

[] Strongly Agree


expected of me at this school.

[] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

New Item

I make myself available to my students outside of class [] Strongly Agree


[] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

NV School Well-Being Survey

I am able to stay on top of my work and personal

[] Strongly Agree


[] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

Engaged Teacher Scale

I feel happy while teaching.

[] Strongly Agree

[] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

Engaged Teacher Scale

I am excited about teaching.

[] Strongly Agree

[] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

NV School Well-Being Survey

To what extent is each of the following a concern for [] A major concern

you right now: My own health or that of my loved

[] A moderate concern

ones, and/or access to medical services (doctors,

[] A minor concern

hospitals, affordable care)

[] Not a concern right now

NV School Well-Being Survey

To what extent is each of the following a concern for [] A major concern

you right now: Paying the bills

[] A moderate concern

[] A minor concern

[] Not a concern right now

NV School Well-Being Survey

To what extent is each of the following a concern for [] A major concern

you right now: Job security

[] A moderate concern

[] A minor concern

[] Not a concern right now

NV School Well-Being Survey

To what extent is each of the following a concern for [] A major concern

you right now: Access to food

[] A moderate concern

[] A minor concern

[] Not a concern right now

NV School Well-Being Survey

To what extent is each of the following a concern for [] A major concern

you right now: Housing needs

[] A moderate concern

[] A minor concern

[] Not a concern right now

Item Type Select One Select One

Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One


Emotional Safety


Emotional Safety


Emotional Safety


Emotional Safety


Emotional Safety


Emotional Safety


Physical Safety


Physical Safety


Physical Safety


Physical Safety


Physical Safety


Physical Safety


Physical Safety


Physical Safety


Physical Safety


Physical Safety

NV School Well-Being Survey NV School Well-Being Survey NV School Well-Being Survey NV School Well-Being Survey NV School Well-Being Survey NV School Well-Being Survey STRRT Teacher Survey STRRT Teacher Survey STRRT Teacher Survey STRRT Teacher Survey

STRRT Teacher Survey STRRT Teacher Survey STRRT Teacher Survey STRRT Teacher Survey NV School Well-Being Survey NV School Well-Being Survey

To what extent is each of the following a concern for [] A major concern

you right now: Responsibilities to care for my own [] A moderate concern

children or other loved ones

[] A minor concern

[] Not a concern right now

To what extent is each of the following a concern for [] A major concern

you right now: Feelings of isolation

[] A moderate concern

[] A minor concern

[] Not a concern right now

To what extent is each of the following a concern for [] A major concern

you right now: Feelings of burnout

[] A moderate concern

[] A minor concern

[] Not a concern right now

To what extent is your well-being (physical and mental) [] A major concern

and the well-being of your family a concern for you [] A moderate concern

right now.

[] A minor concern

[] Not a concern right now

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I lost my job or was [] Strongly Agree

worried about losing my job, even for a short amount [] Agree

of time.

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

During the COVID-19 pandemic, someone in my

[] Strongly Agree

household lost their job or was worried about losing [] Agree

their job, even for a short amount of time.

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

I am concerned about my health (physical and mental) [] Strongly Agree

and safety upon returning to school.

[] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

I am concerned about my students' health and safety [] Strongly Agree

upon returning to school in person.

[] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

I would feel safer at school if staff and students wore [] Strongly Agree

CDC approved masks all day.

[] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

I would feel safer at school if the school/district made [] Strongly Agree

personal protective equipment (PPE) (e.g., CDC

[] Agree

approved masks, hand sanitizer, gloves, face shields) [] Disagree

available for students and staff who do not have them. [] Strongly Disagree

I would feel safer at school if building safety measures [] Strongly Agree

and policies, including contact tracing, social

[] Agree

distancing, and upgrading air filtration systems, were in [] Disagree


[] Strongly Disagree

I would feel safer in school if social distancing plans for [] Strongly Agree

in-person schooling were developed and implemented. [] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

I would feel safer in school if more COVID-19 testing [] Strongly Agree

were available.

[] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

I would feel safer at school if school continued to

[] Strongly Agree

operate remotely until a vaccine is readily available. [] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

I have adequate support and resources regarding:

[] Strongly Agree

Access to meals/food

[] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

I have adequate support and resources regarding:

[] Strongly Agree

Access to doctors and health-related services

[] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One

Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One


January 15, 2021



Environment Instructional Environment

Environment Instructional Environment

Environment Mental Health


Emotional Safety

Source Survey NV School Well-Being Survey

NV School Well-Being Survey

NV School Well-Being Survey

NV School Well-Being Survey

Item Stem

Response Options

Students at my school have the support and [] Strongly Agree

resources they need to be successful with their [] Agree


[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

My school or district/charter has shared a plan [] Strongly Agree

to address the recovery of learning for all

[] Agree


[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

I am able to stay on top of my work and

[] Strongly Agree

personal responsibilities.

[] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

To what extent is each of the following a

[] A major concern

concern for you right now: My own health or [] A moderate concern

that of my loved ones, and/or access to medical [] A minor concern

services (doctors, hospitals, affordable care) [] Not a concern right now


Emotional Safety


Emotional Safety


Emotional Safety


Emotional Safety


Emotional Safety


Emotional Safety


Emotional Safety


Emotional Safety


Emotional Safety


Emotional Safety


Physical Safety


Physical Safety


Physical Safety

NV School Well-Being Survey NV School Well-Being Survey NV School Well-Being Survey NV School Well-Being Survey NV School Well-Being Survey NV School Well-Being Survey NV School Well-Being Survey NV School Well-Being Survey NV School Well-Being Survey NV School Well-Being Survey STRRT School Leader Survey STRRT School Leader Survey STRRT Teacher Survey

To what extent is each of the following a

[] A major concern

concern for you right now: Paying the bills

[] A moderate concern

[] A minor concern

[] Not a concern right now

To what extent is each of the following a

[] A major concern

concern for you right now: Job security

[] A moderate concern

[] A minor concern

[] Not a concern right now

To what extent is each of the following a

[] A major concern

concern for you right now: Access to food

[] A moderate concern

[] A minor concern

[] Not a concern right now

To what extent is each of the following a

[] A major concern

concern for you right now: Housing needs

[] A moderate concern

[] A minor concern

[] Not a concern right now

To what extent is each of the following a

[] A major concern

concern for you right now: Responsibilities to [] A moderate concern

care for my own children or other loved ones [] A minor concern

[] Not a concern right now

To what extent is each of the following a

[] A major concern

concern for you right now: Feelings of isolation [] A moderate concern

[] A minor concern

[] Not a concern right now

To what extent is each of the following a

[] A major concern

concern for you right now: Feelings of burnout [] A moderate concern

[] A minor concern

[] Not a concern right now

To what extent is your well-being (physical and [] A major concern

mental) and the well-being of your family a [] A moderate concern

concern for you right now.

[] A minor concern

[] Not a concern right now

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I lost my job or [] Strongly Agree

was worried about losing my job, even for a [] Agree

short amount of time.

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

During the COVID-19 pandemic, someone in my [] Strongly Agree

household lost their job or was worried about [] Agree

losing their job, even for a short amount of

[] Disagree


[] Strongly Disagree

I am concerned about my health (physical and [] Strongly Agree

mental) and safety upon returning to school. [] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

I am concerned about my students' health and [] Strongly Agree

safety upon returning to school in person.

[] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

I would feel safer at school if staff and students [] Strongly Agree

wore CDC approved masks all day.

[] Agree

[] Disagree

[] Strongly Disagree

Item Type Select One Select One Select One Select One

Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One Select One


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