CITY COUNCIL - Silver Bay, Minnesota


7:00 P.M. December 15, 2014

Present: Joanne Johnson

Dustin Goutermont

David Gustafson

Carlene Perfetto

Lana Fralich, City Administrator

Noel Lillis, Police Officer

Shane Hoff, Councilor Elect

Ken Vogel, Lake County News Chronicle

Dave Johnson

Mayor Joanne Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Agenda – 2015 Wages and Surplus Property were added to Administrator. Motion by Goutermont, second Perfetto to approve the agenda as amended. MOTION CARRIED.

Consent Agenda – Motion by Perfetto, second Gustafson to approve the minutes of the December 1, 2014 regular Council meeting, and the September 2014 Treasurer’s Report. MOTION CARRIED.

Petitions, Requests and Communications

Michael and Anna Osborn Letter – The Council reviewed City Code 540, the Permit for Fires, a recent Police complaint from the Osborns about this subject and a response letter from the City. Motion by Perfetto, second Goutermont to approve the City’s response letter to Michael and Anna Osborn. MOTION CARRIED.

Perimeter Ditching – There was discussion about this project, which the County will lead and be assisted by the Public Works Dept. It was noted that work has begun on Davis Drive.

Lake County Sex Trafficking Task Force Proclamation – It was noted that January is sex trafficking awareness month. Motion by Perfetto, second Goutermont to issue a proclamation that is recommended by the Lake County Sex Trafficking Task Force. MOTION CARRIED.

City Administrator

Resolution 2014- 44 – The Council reviewed the agreement with the DNR for the operation of the Marina and it was noted that this is a three year agreement, that there are no major changes, that the City and DNR will work towards Clean Marina Certification, and that the Parks and Recreation Board recommend its approval. Motion by Goutermont, second Gustafson to adopt Resolution 2014-44, authorizing to execute the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Cooperative Agreement for Marina management.

Member Gustafson – aye Member Johnson – aye

Member Perfetto – aye Mayor Johnson – aye

RESOLUTION 2014-44 was ADOPTED. 4 aye, 0 nay

Resolution 2014- 45 – The Council reviewed this grant agreement and there was discussion about the steering committee and the public surveys. Motion by Perfetto, second Goutermont to adopt Resolution 2014-45, authorizing to enter into a grant agreement with the Lloyd K Johnson Foundation for a $20,000 grant to be used for the development of the City Comprehensive and Capital Planning.

Member Gustafson – aye Member Johnson – aye

Member Perfetto – aye Mayor Johnson – aye

RESOLUTION 2014-45 was ADOPTED. 4 aye, 0 nay

Mary MacDonald Lease Renewals – The Mary MacDonald Building Committee recommends approval of the lease renewals, and it was noted that there is no change in rental amounts. Motion by Gustafson, second Goutermont to approve the one year lease renewal agreements with Lake County, Wilderness Family Naturals, the Dilly Dally, Bay Area Vineyard Church, and Heavy Duty Designs. MOTION CARRIED.

Cigarette / Beer License Renewals – Motion by Perfetto, second Gustafson to issue Cigarette Licenses to Bri-Esa’s Convenience Store, Zupancich Brothers, Inc., and Silver Bay Municipal Liquor Store; to issue Beer on-sale licenses to Silver Bowl and Silver Bay Golf Course; to issue on-sale and off-sale, Monday through Saturday liquor license to Silver Bay Municipal Lounge; to issue on-sale, Monday through Saturday liquor license to the Reunion Hall; and to issue on-sale Sunday liquor license to Silver Bay Municipal Lounge. MOTION CARRIED.

Library Custodial Services Renewals – It was noted that the Library Board recommends approval, and that there were no changes from the previous year’s contract. Motion by Goutermont, second Gustafson to approve the 2015 contract with Hannah Lattin for Library custodial services. MOTION CARRIED.

City Hall and Liquor Store Custodial Services Renewals – It was noted the City Hall contract has been changed to only 3 cleanings per week, and that there were no other changes from the previous year’s contract. Motion by Perfetto, second Goutermont to approve the 2015 contracts with Jones Cleaning Services for custodial services at the Liquor Store and City Hall. MOTION CARRIED.

Fire Department Custodial Services Renewals – It was noted that there were no changes from the previous year’s contract. Motion by Goutermont, second Gustafson to approve the 2015 contract with Bill Ylatupa for custodial services at the Fire Hall. MOTION CARRIED.

Building Official Contract Renewal – It was noted that there were no changes from the previous year’s contract. Motion by Perfetto, second Goutermont to approve the 2015 contract with Gary Thompson for Building Official. MOTION CARRIED.

Fire Administrator Contract Renewal – It was noted that there were no changes from the previous year’s contract. Motion by Perfetto, second Gustafson to approve the 2015 contract with Mike Rowlee, Jr. for Fire Administrator. MOTION CARRIED.

Fire Department Officers – The Council reviewed the recommendation from the Fire Department for the 2015 officers. Motion by Goutermont, second Perfetto to appoint Mike Rowlee, Jr. as Fire Chief, Jody Reineccius as 1st Assistant, Feron Meeks as 2nd Assistant, and Ward Danielson as Captain of the Fire Department. MOTION CARRIED.

Airport Hangar Renewals – Motion by Perfetto, second Goutermont to approve an airport hangar lease storage renewal agreement with Thomas Harris. MOTION CARRIED.

2015 Council Meeting dates and Holidays – The Council reviewed the list of 2015 City Council meeting dates and holidays. The 2015 City Council meetings will be held on January 5, January 20, February 2, February 17, March 2, March 16, April 6, April 20, May 4, May 18,

June 1, June 15, July 6, July 20, August 3, August 17, September 8, September 21, October 5, October 19, November 2, November 16, December 7 and December 21 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall. The 2015 City Holidays will be January 1, January 19, February 16, May 25, July 3,

September 7, October 12, November 11, November 26, December 24 and December 25. Motion by Goutermont, second Perfetto to approve the 2015 Council meeting dates and 2015 City Holidays, as presented. Johnson, Perfetto and Goutermont voted aye, Gustafson voted nay. MOTION CARRIED.

2015 Wages – The Council reviewed the 2015 wage list. Motion by Goutermont, second Perfetto to approve the 2015 wage listing. MOTION CARRIED.

Surplus Property – It was noted that the light bar on the Police Ford Explorer cannot be used on the new vehicle, and that the Lake County Rescue Squad wishes to purchase this item. Motion by Gustafson, second Perfetto to declare a Police light bar as surplus property and authorize it to be sold to Lake County Rescue. MOTION CARRIED.

City Attorney – The attorney was unable to attend this meeting, and no business was presented on his behalf.

OLD BUISNESS – No old business was presented.


2014 Year in Review – Fralich reviewed the major events of 2014, which included, but not limited to: the transition in the Police Dept., defending against a detachment request petition, a development agreement with Mariner Farms, funding for a new fire truck and water dept. projects, and a lease for beach property in the business park. Thanks was given to all of the volunteers on each of the City Boards and Commissions, to the Administrator and the Department heads, to each City employee, and to the citizens for their support of the City. The Council thanked Mayor Johnson for her years of service on the Council and 2 years as Mayor, and Councilor Gustafson for his 14 years of service on the Council.

Claims – Motion by Perfetto, second Gustafson to approve payment of $37,077.57 in paid claims and $49,982.47 in unpaid claims. MOTION CARRIED.

Motion by Gustafson, second Goutermont to adjourn at 7:33 p.m. MOTION CARRIED.

Minutes taken by Lance K Beachem

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Joanne Johnson, Mayor Lana Fralich, City Administrator


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