September 12, 2002

January 25, 2012

The Board of Commissioners of Lorain County, Ohio met this day in a regular meeting, in the J. Grant Keys Administration Building,

226 Middle Avenue, Elyria, Ohio, at 9:30 a.m. with the following members present: Commissioner Lori Kokoski, President, Commissioner Tom

Williams, Vice-President and Commissioner Ted Kalo, Member and Theresa L. Upton, Clerk.


Commissioners said the Pledge of Allegiance.

The following business was transacted __________________


9:45 a.m. K9’s that retired December 31, 2011

Deputy Dave Lottman, K9 Jake

Corrections Officer Daniel Thrasher – K9 Vally

Corrections Officer Mike Mettler – K9 Kasper




In the matter of granting sole ownership of K-9)

Kasper to Lorain County Corrections Officer )

Michael Mettler ) January 25, 2012

WHEREAS, Sheriff Phil R. Stammitti, Lorain County by letter dated December 14, 2011 submitted the following:

“Recently we have determined that we will need to retire K-9 Kasper from his duties in our jail due to his age and health condition. We

would like to make this effective December 31, 2011

Kasper’s handler, Corrections Officer Michael Mettler, has requested that Kasper be permitted to remain as a member of his family after

his retirement. I agree and respectfully request that the Board of Lorain County Commissioners pass a resolution granting sole ownership of K-9 to Corrections Officer Mettler

Enclosed please find a Release of All Claims and Agreement to indemnify that was developed by the Lorain County Prosecutor’s Office

for previous situations. In the past, $1.00 has been the purchase price for these transactions.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

Sincerely, S/Phil R. Stammitti, Lorain County Sheriff”

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners based upon letter dated December 14, 2011

from Sheriff Phil R. Stammitti we hereby grant sole ownership of K-9 Kasper to Lorain County Corrections Officer Michael Mettler.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Corrections Officer Mettler will pay $1.00.

Said release of all claims and agreement to indemnify is as follows:


Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All.

Motion carried. _________________


Each Commissioner thanked the handlers and their K-9’s for service to the county and presented each a certificate of honor; Commissioner Kalo to Corrections Officer Mike Mettler and K-9 Kasper; Commissioner Kokoski to Corrections Officer Daniel Thrasher and K-9 Vally and Commissioner Williams to Deputy Dave Lottman and K-9 Jake.

Captain Jack Hammond stated that we are the 2nd county jail in Ohio with a K9 program. We have 3, 2 are retiring and these guys as well as the road deputies put in many hours that they do not get compensated for, it is for the love of the dogs. We are happy to have them and will be missed and gave each K-9 a treat bag.

Captain James Drozdowski said the road patrol will have 3 K-9’s and Deputy Lottman has had his dog Jack since 1994 and over 100 criminal apprehensions, worked with several federal agencies; Marshall Services, Secret Service, Drug Enforcement and various other local agencies and it takes a special person to be a handler, there is a lot of dedication. He stated 1 incident occurred that they were assisting Elyria Police Department with a shooting at Wilkes Villa and suspect ran into apartment and once K9 Jake arrived, 7 individuals came out including suspect. He commended Deputy Lottman and Jake and will have a good time in retirement and will be having more K9 coming aboard.

Commissioner Kokoski said her brother in law has K9’s (Kilo, Barney, etc) and now his son Adam Triffileti will have a K9 Brick for the Sheriff’s Office and very proud of all of you. ______________________(discussion was held on the above)


a.1 RESOLUTION NO. 12-47


BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve the following Lorain County Job and

Family Services Bills for payment, which have been signed by two or more Commissioners:


H12-1006 Medicaid transportation $2,088.90

H12-1009 In county travel $400.05

HS H12-1008 Administrative payroll $326,186.30

SB12-102 In county travel $62.00

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All.

Motion carried. _________________

a.2 RESOLUTION NO. 12-48

In the matter of confirming Investments as procured by the )

Lorain County Treasurer ) January 25, 2012

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby confirm Investments as procured by the Lorain

County Treasurer.


|1 |1/17/2012 |INT PAYMENT |$13,000.00 |Federal Farm Credit Bank, PO#09-0007 |313371GKY4 |US BANK |001050976260 |

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All.

Motion carried. _________________

a.3 RESOLUTION NO. 12-49

In the matter of authorizing various appropriations)

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various appropriations.

$ 47,345.50 to be appropriated to: restore travel acct to original budget amount per orc 325.07/sheriff gf

$ 47,345.50 to 1000-0000-550-000-03-7200-0000

$ 254,175.00 to be appropriated to: child sexual predator prog grant funds/sheriff cssp grant

$ 20,000.00 to 2322-0000-550-000-03-6000-0000

$ 3,791.74 to 2322-0000-550-000-03-6050-6054

$ 24,699.00 to 2322-0000-550-000-03-6050-6058

$ 205,684.26 to 2322-0000-550-000-03-7070-0000

$ 163,250.00 to be appropriated to: cops hiring prog grant/sheriff

$ 163,250.00 to 2323-2323-550-000-03-7070-0000

$ 700.00 to be appropriated to; increase to cover proj exp for air card and mobile hand held fingerprint device/adult prob

$ 700.00 to 2940-0000-280-280-03-6200-6202

$ 25,300.00 to be appropriated to; fiscal year 2011 Medicaid claims for approp accts and pay mat rental charges/mental health

$ 300.00 to 3340-a100-600-a12-05-6600-6603

$ 20,000.00 to 3340-a100-600-s11-05-6200-6270

$ 5,000.00 to 3340-a100-600-s11-05-6200-6276

$ 359,311.00 to be appropriated to: additional exp/mental health

$ 500.00 to 3340-a100-600-p12-05-7070-0000

$ 500.00 to 3340-a100-600-p13-05-7070-0000

$ 35,000.00 to 3340-a100-600-s12-05-6200-6286

$ 35,000.00 to 3340-a100-600-s13-05-6200-6286

$ 4,620.00 to 3340-b100-600-s12-05-6200-6221

$ 102,150.00 to 3340-b300-600-s12-05-6200-6221

$ 102,150.00 to 3340-b300-600-s13-05-6200-6221

$ 59,033.00 to 3340-c100-600-s12-05-6200-6221

$ 20,358.00 to 3340-c100-600-s13-05-6200-6221

$ 25,000.00 to be appropriated to: additional 911 consoles for growth/911

$ 25,000.00 to 3480-0000-100-000-03-6050-6059

$ 15,142.62 to be appropriated to: available funds to cover costs of change orders for eng salt shed/q-construction building

$ 15,142.62 to 5000-5062-100-000-10-6100-6104

$ 600.00 to be appropriated to: specialist for installing software and checking that it runs properly/sheriff jail

$ 600.00 to 5700-cons-550-000-10-6200-6218

$ 4,000.00 to be appropriated to; building maintenance at airport/lcra

$ 4,000.00 to 7300-0000-100-000-11-6380-6381

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All (Williams did not sign 1 of 8)

Motion carried. _________________

a.4 RESOLUTION NO. 12-50

In the matter of authorizing various account transfers)

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various account transfers.

$ 4,000.00 from 1000-0000-400-404-02-6000-0000 generator lease/dr

To 1000-0000-400-404-02-6050-6050

$ 6,050.00 from 1000-0000-520-000-03-6200-6218 salary and pers req, certified forensic pathologist on staff who serves as

To 1000-0000-520-000-03-5000-5001 chief deputy coroner/coroner

$ 855.00 from 1000-0000-520-000-03-6200-6218

To 1000-0000-520-000-03-5040-0000

$ 34,730.46 from 1000-0000-999-000-01-9900-9900 reimburse for vac sick leave payout for jolan m Castillo, dr

To 1000-0000-400-402-02-5000-5001

$ 12,965.00 from 2260-0000-100-000-05-6200-6235 match & close out grants for 2011 odnr grant to purchase stretch wrap

To 2260-0000-100-000-05-6050-0000 equp for collection center, $4,250 grant funds received todate/lcswmd

$ 10,000.00 from 2260-0000-100-000-05-6200-6235 cover exp for repairs @ collection center/solid waste

To 2260-0000-100-000-05-6380-0000

$ 2,000.00 from 2280-0000-260-264-06-7070-0000 advertising & printing acct/lcdjfs

To 2280-0000-260-264-06-7220-0000

$ 5,000.00 from 2300-0000-260-260-06-6200-0000 payment of unemployment comp exp for year 12/workforce dev

To 2300-0000-260-260-06-5110-0000

$ 10,000.00 from 3200-0000-580-000-06-7200-0000 exp projected reclass/lccs

To 3200-0000-580-000-06-6050-0000

$ 2,700.00 from 3200-0000-580-000-06-7200-0000

To 3200-0000-580-000-06-7070-7096

$ 800.00 from 3200-0000-580-00-06-7200-0000

To 3200-0000-580-00-06-7070-7095

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. (Williams did not sign 1, 2 and 3 of 10)

Motion carried. _________________


There are no advances/repayments for this day. ________________

a.6 RESOLUTION NO. 12-51

In the matter of authorizing the purchase of supplies and)

Services for various county departments ) January 25, 2012

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize the purchase of supplies and services for various County departments.


| 382-12 |9-1-1 Agency |3480 |Technical Update 18ghz Microwave Link |Vasu Communications | 24,750.36 |

| 383-12 |9-1-1 Agency |3480 |Staff Training, Shipping & Handling |APCO International Inc | 1,523.68 |

| |9-1-1 Agency Dept. Total |$ 26,274.04 |

| 384-12 |Adult Probation |2940 |HP Probook 4530s, HP Memory |Safari Micro | 2,486.16 |

| 385-12 |Adult Probation |2940 |SBPO Jan-June 12 Electronic Monitoring |B.I. Monitoring | 12,000.00 |

| |Adult Probation Dept. Total |$ 14,486.16 |

| 386-12 |Auditor’s |1000 |Professional Services- 2011 Audit |Treasurer of State | 172,528.00 |

| 387-12 |Auditor’s |1000 |SBPO Jan-Dec 12 Computer Consulting |Database & Server Spec. | 13,200.00 |

| |Auditor’s Dept. Total |$ 185,728.00 |

| 388-12 |Bascule Bridge |2640 |BPO Jan-Dec 12 Misc. Supplies (fuel, oil) |Varouh Oil | 3,500.00 |

| |Bascule Bridge Dept. Total |$ 3,500.00 |

| 389-12 |Commissioners |1000 |SBPO Jan-Dec12 Professional Services |Thompson Hine LLP | 50,000.00 |

| |Commissioners Dept. Total |$ 50,000.00 |

| 390-12 |Comm/BG |1000 |SBPO Jan-Dec 12 Telephone Services |Frontier North | 6,000.00 |

| |Commissioners/BG Dept. Total |$ 6,000.00 |

| 391-12 |Community Dev. |1000 |60 Month Lease on RicohMP3001 Copier |MT Business Tech. | 5,103.00 |

| |Community Development Dept. Total |$ 5,103.00 |

| 392-12 |Coroner’s |1000 |SBPO Jan-Dec 12 Autopsy & Storage |EMH Regional Medical | 12,000.00 |

| 393-12 |Coroner’s |1000 |BPO Jan-Dec 12 Professional Services |Comprehensive Vent. | 3,150.00 |

| 394-12 |Coroner’s |1000 |BPO Jan-Dec 12 Telephone & Internet Svc. |Frontier North, Inc | 1,758.00 |

| 395-12 |Coroner’s |1000 |BPO Jan-Dec 12 Cellphone Services |Verizon Wireless | 1,200.00 |

| 396-12 |Coroner’s |1000 |BPO Jan-Dec 12 Pager for Dr. Evans |USA Mobility Wireless | 576.00 |

| 397-12 |Coroner’s |1000 |SBPO Jan-Dec 12 Laboratory Services |Quest Diagnostics Inc | 19,000.00 |

| 398-12 |Coroner’s |1000 |2012 Membership Dues |OSCA | 4,628.00 |

| 399-12 |Coroner’s |1000 |SBPO Jan-Dec 12 Transport Services |Great Lake Livery | 14,280.00 |

| 400-12 |Coroner’s |1000 |BPO Jan-Dec 12 Other Expenses |Oberlin Off Street Park. | 420.00 |

| 401-12 |Coroner’s |1000 |BPO Jan-Dec 12 Pathology Assistant |Duke, Charles L. | 3,400.00 |

| |Coroner’s Dept. Total |$ 60,412.00 |

| 402-12 |Domestic Rel. |2680 |BPO Jan-Mar 12 Alcohol & Drug Counseling |LCADA | 4,650.00 |

| 403-12 |Domestic Rel. |2700 |Repairs on CIP Vehicle #1415 01 Taurus |Ed Mullinax Ford | 1,353.06 |

| 404-12 |Domestic Rel. |2100 |HP Desktop Computers, 2GB Memory |MNJ Technologies | 2,520.00 |

| 405-12 |Domestic Rel. |2700 |Forensic Examination and Report |McClurg, Sherry | 2,250.00 |

| 406-12 |Domestic Rel. |2700 |Success for Youth Nov & Dec 2011 |Catholic Charities | 11,093.66 |

| 407-12 |Domestic Rel. |2700 |SBPO Jan-Mar 12 Dream Catchers at risk |Womens Development | 5,000.00 |

| 408-12 |Domestic Rel. |2700 |SBPO Jan-June 12 Psych Services |Deborah Koricke PHD | 10,000.00 |

| 409-12 |Domestic Rel. |2700 |SBPO Jan-June 12 Psychological Services |Koricke, Deborah | 15,000.00 |

| 410-12 |Domestic Rel. |2680 |Repairs on 06 Ford E-150 Van |Ed Mullinax Ford | 1,286.51 |

| 411-12 |Domestic Rel. |2700 |Van Repairs on CIP Vehicle #1417 |Sliman’s Sales & Service | 1,884.54 |

| 412-12 |Domestic Rel. |2700 |Pooled Agency Funding Commitment |L.C. Bd of Mental Health | 57,865.50 |

| 413-12 |Domestic Rel. |2700 |How I Think Questionnaire, Shipping |Research Press | 158.07 |

| 414-12 |Domestic Rel. |2680 |12 Month Batteries, Anti-Tamper Straps, etc |BI Inc | 2,130.05 |

| |Domestic Relations Dept. Total |$ 115,191.39 |

| 415-12 |Engineers |2580 |SBPO Jan-Dec 12 Glass Beads Type A |EMM/Black’s Distributor | 39,600.00 |

| 416-12 |Engineers |2580 |SBPO Jan-Dec 12 Traffic Paint |JEM Industrial Maint. | 140,734.00 |

| 417-12 |Engineers |2580 |BPO Jan-Dec 12 30” Stop Sign HIP, Alum. |Judco Inc | 3,230.00 |

| 418-12 |Engineers |2580 |7’ Galvanized U-Channel Sign Posts |Firelands Supply Co. | 1,960.00 |

| 419-12 |Engineers |2580 |2”x14 ga. 14 Foot Street Name Post |M.H. Corbin Co. | 1,540.00 |

| 420-12 |Engineers |2580 |Highway Easement Parcel 5-SH |Billings, Edwin | 3,930.00 |

| 421-12 |Engineers |2580 |Highway Easement Parcel 15-SH |Lee, Ronald | 1,490.00 |

| |Engineers Dept. Total |$ 192,484.00 |

| 422-12 |Sanitary Eng. |7100 |Wastewater Charges Collected Aug-Oct 11 |Grafton Village | 3,612.04 |

| |Sanitary Engineers Dept. Total |$ 3,612.04 |

| 423-12 |Sheriff’s |2322 |Computercop Premium Edition CD |Computercop Software | 20,000.00 |

| 424-12 |Sheriff’s |2322 |Chevrolet Tahoe PPV |Taylor Chevrolet | 24,699.00 |

| 425-12 |Sheriff’s |2322 |LVO X220T Laptop & Sleeve |CDW-G | 1,397.02 |

| 426-12 |Sheriff’s |2322 |Dell Latitude ST Laptops with docking Stat. |Dell Computer | 2,394.72 |

| 427-12 |Sheriff’s |2322 |Return of Child Sexual Predator Grant Fund |United States Dept. of | 205,684.26 |

| 428-12 |Sheriff’s |2323 |Return of Cops Hiring Grant Funds |United States Dept. of | 163,250.00 |

| |Sheriff’s Dept. Total |$ 417,425.00 |

| 429-12 |Solid Waste |2260 |Upright “new”, wire decking, pallet rack |Titan Supply Company | 3,578.50 |

| 430-12 |Solid Waste |2260 |Plan Development and Tech. Assistance |Gt Environmental | 75,000.00 |

| 431-12 |Solid Waste |2260 |Yearly Payment into the Revolving Loan |Lorain Cnty Treasurer | 50,000.00 |

| 432-12 |Solid Waste |2260 |4th 2011 Qtr.Expenses for Environmental |Lorain County Sheriff | 1,117.29 |

| |Solid Waste Dept. Total |$ 129,695.79 |

| 433-12 |Dog Kennel |2220 |SBPO Jan-Dec 12 Dog Food from Rural |John Deere Financial | 6,000.00 |

| |Dog Kennel Dept. Total |$ 6,000.00 |

| 434-12 |EMA |1000 |Wiper Seal, Remove Slide Out Tub and |LDV | 1,890.40 |

| |EMA Dept. Total |$ 1,890.40 |

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt.

Motion carried. _________________(discussion was held on the above)

a.7 RESOLUTION NO. 12-52

In the matter of authorizing Travel Expenses to various )

personnel to attend meetings of interest to their departments)

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize travel expenses to various personnel to attend meeting of interest to their departments.


|LOG # | | | | | | |

|026-12 |Commissioners |Kalo, Ted |Various Meetings, Events, Conferences, Etc |Various |Jan-Dec 12 |5,000.00 |

|027-12 |Coroner’s |Daniels, John |Mileage Reimbursement 234 @.45 per mile |Various |11/23-12/28 |105.30 |

|028-12 |Job & Family Services |Griffin, Kathryn |CAAA Meeting |Cleveland, OH |1/19/12 |30.00 |

|029-12 |Engineers |Carney, Ken |Renewal – Website Domain Name and Hosting | |1/6/12 |116.47 |

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All.

Motion carried. _________________

a.8 RESOLUTION NO. 12-53


BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve the following bills for payment, which have been signed by two or more Commissioners:


|General |  |  |  |

|Sandusky Electric, Inc |Supplies |1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 |$56.25 |

|Daniel Talarek, Lorain County Treasurer |Parking Pucks |1000 0000 360 000 02 7070 0000 |$1,365.00 |

|City of Elyria |4th Qtr. 2011 |1000 0000 530 000 02 5080 5080 |$1,752.00 |

|L J Heating and Cooling |Repairs |1000 0000 100 104 01 6380 6381 |$825.96 |

| |  |  | |

| |  |TOTAL |$3,999.21 |

|Board of Elections | | | |

|Ohio Elections Commission Fund |Election Fees 2011 |1040 0000 540 000 01 7070 0000 |$8,145.00 |

| | |TOTAL |$8,145.00 |

|Dog Kenne | | | |

|USA Mobility Wireless |Pager Services |2220 0000 100 000 05 6200 6202 |$192.82 |

|Office Products DBA MT Business Technologies |Copier Maintenance |2220 0000 100 000 05 6200 0000 |$29.95 |

|Mullinax Ford |Vehicle Expenses |2220 0000 100 000 05 6380 6380 |$159.64 |

|Lorain County Engineer |Fuel |2220 0000 100 000 05 6000 6000 |$896.87 |

|Lorain County Treasurer |Postage |2220 0000 100 000 05 6000 6002 |$3.73 |

|Cintas Corporation |Mat Rental |2220 0000 100 000 05 6600 6603 |$30.21 |

|Cintas Corporation |Uniform Rental |2220 0000 100 000 05 6600 6602 |$29.45 |

| | |TOTAL |$1,342.67 |

|Medically Handicapped Children | | | |

|Treasurer, State of Ohio |Other Expenses |2740 0000 580 000 06 7070 0000 |$44,147.43 |

| | |TOTAL |$44,147.43 |

| | | | |

|Law Library | | | |

|MT Business Technologies |Copier Maintenance |3110 0000 650 000 02 6200 0000 |$38.32 |

|Windstream Corporation |Telephone Services |3110 0000 650 000 02 6200 6202 |$2.14 |

| | |TOTAL |$40.46 |

|9-1-1 Agency | | | |

|Windstream Corporation |Telephone Services |3480 0000 100 000 03 6200 6202 |$1,217.12 |

|Windstream Corporation |Telephone Services |3480 0000 100 000 03 6200 6202 |$266.74 |

|Windstream Corporation |Telephone Services |3480 0000 100 000 03 6200 6202 |$238.83 |

|Windstream Corporation |Telephone Services |3480 0000 100 000 03 6200 6202 |$1,175.90 |

|Vasu Communications |Equipment |3480 0000 100 000 03 6050 0000 |$25.85 |

|Language Line Services |Professional Services |3480 0000 100 000 03 6200 6218 |$447.52 |

|Des Moines Stamp |Update Dater Stamp |3480 0000 100 000 03 6000 0000 |$31.00 |

|CDW Government |Supplies |3480 0000 100 000 03 6000 0000 |$142.70 |

|Bobels |Supplies |3480 0000 100 000 03 6000 0000 |$113.12 |

| | |TOTAL |$3,658.78 |

|Sanitary Engineers | | | |

|Columbia Gas |Utility Services |7100 7100 300 304 11 6200 6202 |$134.07 |

|Avon Lake Municipal Utilities |Lab Services |7100 7100 300 304 11 6200 6210 |$294.00 |

| | |TOTAL |$428.07 |

|Airport | | | |

|Perkins |Supplies |7300 0000 100 000 11 6000 0000 |$35.99 |

|Rural Lorain County Water Authority |Utility Services |7300 0000 100 000 11 6200 6202 |$59.74 |

|Ohio Edison |Utility Services |7300 0000 100 000 11 6200 6202 |$1,570.77 |

|Lorain County Engineer |Repairs |7300 0000 100 000 11 6380 6380 |$1,935.00 |

|Judco, Inc |Supplies |7300 0000 100 000 11 6000 0000 |$75.70 |

|BlueGlobes |Supplies |7300 0000 100 000 11 6000 0000 |$968.00 |

| | |TOTAL |$4,645.20 |

|Golden Acres | | | |

|Invacare |Handsets |3420 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 |$188.80 |

|Young Security Service |Keys & Key Cylinder |3420 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 |$36.80 |

|Windstream Corporation |Telephone Services |3420 0000 100 000 05 6200 6202 |$162.23 |

|Windstream Corporation |Advertising |3420 0000 100 000 05 7220 0000 |$233.46 |

|Beecher, Milton |Entertainment |3420 0000 100 000 05 6200 6218 |$20.00 |

|Terminix |Pest Control |3420 0000 100 000 05 6200 6218 |$77.00 |

|Plumb Master, Inc |Power Handle |3420 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 |$62.19 |

|Lorain County Engineer |Fuel |3420 0000 100 000 05 6000 6000 |$132.33 |

| | |TOTAL |$912.81 |

|Hospitalization | | | |

|Medical Mutual of Ohio |Claims |7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5084 |$1,421,868.60 |

|Medical Mutual of Ohio |Admin. Fee |7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5085 |$66,814.94 |

|Medical Mutual of Ohio |Claims |2200 0000 550 000 03 6200 6228 |$17,000.68 |

|Delta Dental |Claims |7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5084 |$98,994.69 |

|Delta Dental |Admin. Fee |7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5085 |$8,825.66 |

|Envision Pharmaceutical Services of Ohio |Claims |7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5084 |$497,727.58 |

| | |TOTAL |$2,111,232.15 |


|SERVICELINK TITLE COMPANY |SH 2010 UNC’D SURPLUS |8310-8326-100-000-14-7070-0000 |$2,968.83 |

| | |TOTAL |$2,968.83 |


|LORAIN CO DOM RELATIONS COURT |PERSONNEL EXP |2610-0000-400-000-02-7070-0000 |$2,636.88 |

| | |TOTAL |$2,636.88 |

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All.

Motion carried. _________________


Mr. Cordes requested an executive session to discuss new hires at Job & Family, Golden Acres and Commissioners.



In the matter of approving and waiving the reading of the)

Same for the County Commissioners meeting minutes of )

January 18, 2012 ) January 25, 2012

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve & waive the reading of the same for the Lorain County Board of Commissioners meeting minutes.

For January 18, 2012

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All.

Motion carried. _________________



Lease and payment of the Coroner. Current expiration is 12/31/12, with 90 day cancellation clause.

Commissioner Kokoski moved, seconded by Williams. Clerk called for discussion. County Administrator Cordes requested the Board place this on hold and information will be forthcoming.

Commissioner Kokoski withdrew her motion, Commissioner Williams withdrew his second.




In the matter of authorizing an agreement between )

Lorain County Department of Job and Family Services ) January 25, 2012

and FirstEnergy Service Company for the Fuel Grant )

Program )

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize an agreement between Lorain County Department of Job and Family Services and FirstEnergy Service Company for the Fuel Grant Program.

Said agreement is considered a part hereof to this resolution and by reference thereto and can be found on file in the Commissioners/Purchasing Department and Lorain County Department of Job and Family Services.

This agreement will allow LCDJFS to act as an agent in the distribution of fuel fund assistance through the Fuel Fund Grant Program established by FirstEnergy on behalf of Ohio Edison, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Toledo Edison Company to assist low income electric customers with payment of their bill. The agreement is effective retroactive to January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2014.

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, we hereby authorize Mary Lou Golski, Director, Lorain County Department of Job and Family Services to execute this agreement on behalf of the Commissioner’s, as needed, with the Prosecutor’s approval as to form.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, we hereby authorize said payment for services to be made within the amount set above for contract and/or subcontracts.

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All.

Motion carried. _________________


b.14 RESOLUTION NO. 12-56

In the matter of approving & entering into an agreement )

with Eaton Township for extra police protection for year ) January 25, 2012

2012 )

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve & enter into an agreement with Eaton

Township for extra police protection for year 2012.

Said agreement is considered a part hereof to this resolution by reference thereto and can be found on file in the Commissioners/Purchasing and Sheriff Office.

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, Deputies to be paid $26.66/hr and $.50 cents/mile and contains a 30 day cancellation clause

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All.

Motion carried. _________________


Mr. James R. Cordes had no further issues for this day. ________________


Mr. Gerald Innes had no issues for this day. ___________________


Commissioner Kokoski said dog tags are due January 31 $12 seniors / $14 adults and will double after this.

Commissioner Kokoski attending Township Association meeting and they voted not to have a full time building department and they are pleased that the Commissioners discussed this with them rather than implementing

Commissioner Kokoski attending Rep. Kaptur’s office in Lorain

Commissioner Kokoski, along with Commissioner Kalo attended N. Ridgeville Candidates Night and Library is beautiful

Commissioner Kokoski said Investment Advisory meeting was yesterday and certificate will be reduced by $100,000

Commissioner Kalo attended CCAO last week in Columbus and discussion with HB225 investing and buying debt. He stated that Madison County is looking for other debt to invest and he spoke to Lorain County Treasurer Talarek about the $5.7 million highway note just like we did the sewer note and then maybe open it up to other municipalities because this would bring in extra income. County Administrator Cordes said this could get stable yield curve.

Commissioner Kalo Kaptur’s event was nice.

Commissioner Williams spoke with Rep Kucinich prior him being with the President for the Union Address and hope to come here for discussions.

Commissioner Kokoski went to the Valor Home, St. Joes, Lorain where homeless vets live and she had conversations with Leon Mason and there could be possible money but will bring forward. _______________________(discussion was held on the above)


#1. Effective February 1, 2012 Commissioners will meet at 11 a.m. for a 2 month period



Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to approve the Board Correspondence and waive the reading of the same. Ayes: All.

Motion carried.

#1. 4 Elyria High Students; Akacia Taylor, Tyla Corlew, Amber Mahone & Bethany Trozzo were recognized at Elyria MLK celebration for their work with Lorain County Urban League

#2. Commissioner Kokoski executed filing of amendment of Programmatic agreement for HUD funded program (org; LCCDD)

#3. January 24 at LCCC Spitzer Center, Room 218 Chamber will discus the regional wastewater treatment facility with Mayors & Commissioners from 9-11 am and from 6-8:30 pm Councils

#4. North Ridgeville Ridge Kids 4-H Club thanked the Commissioners for their support

#5. Executed copy of CDBG ED RFLS agreement 1/1/12-12/31/14 (org: LCCDD)

#6. Executed copy of Sheriff & New Russia agreement (cc: Purchasing/Sheriff)

#7. Report of Grand Jury – Judge Zaleski

#8. NACO prescription drug discount card program; December there was 776 users with avg savings 14.98

#9. January 26 at 3 pm, County Planning Commission tentative meeting packet

#10. January 26 at 4:30 pm, Mental Health Meeting, Gathering Hope House, 1173 N. Ridge Rd., Lorain

#11. January 26 from 11:30 – 1:15, County Chamber annual meeting at LCCC Spitzer, cost $25. register at

#12. Publications: “CIDS #3”; “CCAO statehouse reports”; “County news”; “

#13. CCAO appointment of standing committees for 2012

#14. TB Clinic minutes of January 17, 2012 ______________________


(Please limit your comments to three minutes)

There was no public comment for this day. ___________________


Commissioner Kokoski, seconded by Williams to recess into executive session at 9:53 a.m. to discuss new hires at Golden Acres, Job & Family & Commissioners Office. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon resulted as: Ayes: All.

Motion carried.


In the matter of authorizing various personnel actions as )

Indicated on the summary sheet for employees within the ) January 25, 2012

Jurisdiction of the Lorain County Board of Commissioners)

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various personnel actions as indicated on the summary sheet for employees within the jurisdiction of the Lorain County Board of Commissioners.

Golden Acres:


1. Jamine Shimandle, STNA, 4 days suspension, 2 on, 2 off, effective date to be determined

2. Rachel Myers, STNA, 2 days suspension, 1 on, 1 off, effective date to be determined

3. Patrica Fetter, LPN, 10 days suspension, 5 on, 5 off, effective date to be determined


New hires;

1. Joyce Parks, Administrative Assistant to Commissioner Kokoski, effective January 1, 2012 at rate of $16.96/hour

Job & Family Services:


1. Angelique Giardini, Income Maintenance Worker 2 – Child Care, effective December 5, 2011

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All

Motion carried. _____________________


In the matter of awarding contracts to J.A. Kilby )

Enterprises, Inc. for homeowners to receive grant )

assistance from CHIP FY10 Private Owner ) January 25, 2012

Rehabilitation activity, which includes contingency )

for any unseen changes )

WHEREAS, Lorain County has received funding for Private Owner Rehabilitation in Fiscal Year 2010 Community Housing Improvement Program (CHIP/HOME) Funds from the Ohio Department of Development to provide assistance to low and moderate income families that own and occupy their home in accordance with the grant agreement, and

WHEREAS, all property owners have applied for assistance and been determined eligible for a grant, and

1. J.A. Kilby Enterprises, P.O. Box 39067, North Ridgeville, Ohio, in the amount of $29,950.00 with a contingency of $2,995.00 for a total of $32,945.00 for Paula Moran, 33920 Henwell Road, Columbia Station, Ohio, Parcel ID # 1100009102044, for renovations to her structure, 20 invitations to bid were sent out and 1 bid was received, this being the most responsive bid complying with the specifications received.

2. J.A. Kilby Enterprises, P.O. Box 39067, North Ridgeville, Ohio, in the amount of $29,455.00 with a contingency of $2,945.00 for a total of $32,400.00 for Johnny and Cindy Wilkins, 12418 Melody Lane, Grafton, Ohio, Parcel ID # 1100036104023, for renovations to their structure, 7 invitations to bid were sent out and 1 bid was received, this being the most responsive bid complying with the specifications received.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve the above mentioned contracts with above mentioned contractor, on behalf above mentioned home owners, for Private Owner Rehabilitation work as a CHIP/HOME Private Owner Rehabilitation project. Authorize payments to be paid from 2660.FY10., CHIP/HOME Funds, House Rehabilitation account.

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All

Motion carried. _____________________


With no further business before the Board, Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adjourn at 12:23 p.m. Ayes: All.

Motion carried.

The meeting then adjourned.


Lori Kokoski, President )


__________________________________________ _)of

Tom Williams, Vice-president )


_____________________________________________)Lorain County

Ted Kalo, Member )Ohio

Attest:________________________________, Clerk

Please note that the Commissioners’ meetings are open to the public. The scheduled air times for the meetings will be shown on Saturday at 12:00 Noon and Monday at 11:00 p.m. subject to change at the discretion of the Lorain County Community College. The meetings might be also broadcasted in additional time periods as scheduling permits. If anyone wants to purchase a copy of the Commissioners Meeting Tapes, please call Lorain County Records Center at 440-326-4866.


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