Board of County Commissioners - Wakulla County, Florida

Board of County Commissioners

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Board of County Commissioners in and for Wakulla County met for a regular scheduled Board Meeting on Monday, August 1, 2011 with Chairman Mike Stewart presiding. Present were Commissioners Alan Brock, Lynn Artz, Randy Merritt, and Jerry Moore. Also, present were Interim County Administrator Tim Barden, County Attorney Heather Encinosa, and Deputy Clerk Evelyn Evans.

Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner Stewart.


(CD4:58) Commissioner Merritt moved to approve the Agenda as amended with the following changes/modifications:

Commissioner Artz – requests to add (1) announcement under Awards and Presentations

County Administrator – requests that item (2) EDC under Awards and Presentations be moved to the August 15, 2011 Board Meeting

Second by Commissioner Moore and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.


(CD4:59) 1. Request Board Approval to Conduct Second Public Hearing and Adopt Resolution Authorizing Submission of 2011 Federal Small Cities CDBG Grant Application and Request Approval of the County’s Housing Assistance Plan

Commissioner Merritt moved to conduct the Second Public Hearing and approve the Enabling Resolution and the Housing Assistance Plan, which allows an application to be submitted to the Florida Department of Community Affairs’ 2011 Small Cities CDBG Program on behalf of Wakulla County. Second by Commissioner Artz and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.


(CD5:07) Presentation by Opportunity Florida – Rick Marcum, Executive Director

Presentation Regarding the EDC and Wakulla County – Kevin Vaughn

Moved to the August 15, 2011 Board Meeting

(CD5:24) Presentation by Meridian Regarding Fair Housing Laws

New Edition of Resource Directory – Gail Campbell, Wakulla County Coalition for Youth

Tabled to August 15, 2011 Board Meeting

(CD5:28) August 12-14, 2011 Sales Tax Holiday in Florida – Back to School – Commissioner Artz


Commissioner Brock moved to approve the Consent Agenda, second by Commissioner Brock and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.

2. Approval of Minutes – July 18, 2011 Regular Board Meeting


3. Approval of Payment of Bills and Vouchers Submitted for July 14, 2011 – July 27, 2011

Approve – Bill and Vouchers for July 14-27, 2011

4. Request Board Approval to Award SHIP Bid #002 to the Lowest Responsible Bidder, Panhandle


Approve – to award SHIP Bid #002 for demolition and reconstruction of one home to the low bidder, Panhandle Construction

5. Request Board Approval of Amended Bidding Procedure for the SHIP Rehab Program and Request Ratification of Eight Previous Bid Awards

Approve – the Amended Bidding Procedures for the SHIP Rehabilitation Program and Ratify Award of the eight previous Bid Awards

6. Request Board Approval to Authorize Matching Grant Funds for the Federal Election Activities

(HAVA) Grant

Approve – to provided matching grant funds and authorize the Chairman to execute

7. Request Board Ratify Submittal of the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Application to Fund a Persons Crime Unit

Ratify – Submittal of the Justice Assistance Grant Application and Authorize the WCSO to continue to use the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) to fund a Persons Crime Unit


(CD5:29) 8. Application for Change of Zoning R11-02

Commissioner moved to conduct the final Public Hearing and adopt the Application for change of Zoning R11-02, based upon staff recommendations, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the findings of fact and conclusions of law made by the Board and any evidence submitted at the Hearing hereon. Second by Commissioner Artz and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.


(CD5:34) 9. Request Board Ratification of Acceptance of $350,000 Received 2011/2012 SHIP Allocation and Request Approval of Resolution Authorizing $125,000 of FY 09/10 SHIP Funds as Match for the Federal Small Cities CDBG Grant Application

Commissioner Brock moved to approve the Resolution and Budget Amendment accepting the $350,000 in SHIP funds for FY11/12 and approve the Resolution authorizing $125,000 in FY09/10 SHIP funds to be used as local match for the Small Cities CDBG Grant. Second by Commissioner Artz and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.

(CD5:35) 10. Request Board Approval to Schedule a Public Hearing to Adopt an Ordinance Establishing the District Boundaries for the Wakulla County Board of Commissioners and the Wakulla County School Board

Commissioner Brock moved to approve staff to schedule and advertise a Public Hearing to consider adopting an Ordinance adjusting the Boundary Lines for the Wakulla County Board of County Commissioners and School Board. Second by Commissioner Merritt and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.

(CD5:42) 11. Request Board Consideration to Create the Wakulla County Airport Committee

Commissioner Merritt moved to create the Wakulla County Airport Committee and do not convey Wakulla County Airport to Tarpine Homeowners Association, Inc. Second by Commissioner Brock and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.

(CD5:50) 12. Request Board Approval of the Preliminary Rate Resolution for Fire Protection Services

Commissioner Merritt moved to adopt the Preliminary Rate Resolution for Fire Protection Services. Second by Commissioner Artz and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.

(CD6:09) 13. Request Board Consideration of the Solid Waste RFP Award

Commissioner Merritt moved not to approve awarding RFP #2011-18 to Waste Pro for the County’s Solid Waste Franchise Hauler and do not authorize the Chairman and County Attorney to negotiate a Contract. Second by Commissioner Moore with Commissioners Merritt and Moore in favor, Commissioners Artz, Brock, Stewart opposed, and the motion failed, 2/3.

(CD6:55) Commissioner Brock moved to approve awarding RFP #2011-18 to Waste Pro for the County’s Solid Waste Franchise Hauler and authorize the Chairman and County Attorney to negotiate a contract for Residential and Non-Residential. Second by Commissioner Artz with Commissioners Stewart, Artz, and Brock in favor, Commissioners Stewart and Moore opposed, and the motion carried, 3/2.

(CD7:31) 14. Request Board Approval of the Initial Assessment Resolution for Solid Waste Management and Disposal

Commissioner Brock moved to adopt the Initial Assessment Resolution for Solid Waste Management and Disposal Services. Second by Commissioner Artz and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.

(CD7:35) 15. Request Board Approval for Government Services Group (GSG) to Update the Tax Roll and Prepare Mailing First Class Notices for the Solid Waste Special Assessment

Commissioner Brock moved to approve the cost proposal from Government Services Group to develop the tax roll and prepare the mailings for the Solid Waste Assessment. Second by Commissioner Artz and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.

16. Request Board Consideration and Approval of Solid Waste Revenue Enhancements

This item has been tabled to August 15, 2011 Board Meeting


(CD7:39) 1. Howard Kessler – Taxes that are coming forward and cutting of expenditures

(CD7:41) 2. Hugh Taylor – Open Government

(CD7:43) 3. Bill Russell – Requesting waiver of fees for use of Hudson Park on 10/1/11 for the second annual Firefighter’s Charity Barbecue



(CD7:44) a. Request Board Authorization to Submit Letter to DOT Requesting Hwy. 319 Work Construction to be Performed During Night Hours

Commissioner Artz moved to approve the Resolution requesting FDOT to construct the Hwy. 319 Construction Project during nighttime. Second by Commissioner Brock and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.



(CD7:45) 1. Reduced furlough days from every week to one per pay period, and three Workshops scheduled for Thursday, August 4, 2011 starting at 5:00 p.m.



a. Looking into an email that he received regarding community and public participation.

b. Tourist Development Council (TDC) and updating Mrs. Portwood’s contract so that it is clearer and alleviates the vagueness.

c. Opportunity Florida – Commissioner Brock moved to direct staff to bring an Agenda item to consider joining Opportunity Florida. Second by Commissioner Merritt and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.


a. Audit Committee – The committee provided a good list of recommendations to the Board and he would like to see that the recommendations are taken seriously with action taken on them as the Board moves forward.


a. She will not be available for the Workshops on Thursday, August 4, 2011 and has staff checking to see if there is a way she can listen in by phone, if not, she will listen to the recordings.

b. Concerned about comments on making cuts and would like to hear specifics on how things can be achieved without adding more taxes or assessments.


a. Concerned about using Reserve to make up fund differences and the Reserve should only be used for emergencies. He is bringing an Agenda item back regarding the Budget & Finance Committee and if that committee is reinstituted, they will be able to provide reports monthly to the Board Members on the financial situation.

There being no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Brock moved to adjourn; second by Commissioner Merritt and the meeting adjourned by unanimous vote at 8:00 p.m.


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