Fibonacci sequence (p - Middlebury College

[pic]Chapter 11

Pam Chatikavanij

Fibonacci sequence

Mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci


Paris Match

The Grand Gallery


Twelve apostles

Black Onyx

Fibonacci sequence Discovered in the year 1202 by a medieval mathematician named Leonardo of Pisa or Fibonacci. “Fibonacci sequence is a recursive sequence that calculates the next term by the sum of the two preceding terms or F(n) = F(n – 1) + F(n – 2). i.e. 1,1,2,3,5,8,13.

Mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci Born in Pisa, Italy around the year 1175. Move to Bugia with his father Bonacci after the year 1192. He learnt mathematics through his travels with his father as merchants.” He returned to Pisa 1200 and became the greatest Medieval period mathematician. He wrote a book on how to do arithmetic in the decimal system, called "Liber abaci", in 1202. Fibonacci died some time after 1240, presumably in Pisa.”



Paris Match “Weekly magazine establish since 1949 as successor to L’llustration, which was discredited during World War II. It targeted middle class readers. It features illustrated stories and interviews with government officials and celebrities.” It publishes 52 issues a year. site/



The Grand Gallery More than 800 years old, “the Louvre is one of the most famous museums in the world. It contains the Mona Lisa, the Venus de Milo, and the Winged Victory of Samothrace and many other famous art works from all of Europe. It also houses Italian Renaissance art, ancient Egyptian art, and Roman and Greek art. The Louver was once a Royal Residence, a Palace, and now a Museum.”

See Prologue.

Jay’s chapter

Deionized : “The process which removes the negative ions from water, thus decreasing its conductivity.  This is very beneficial in the industrial sector.  It is especially helpful in the production of technical parts.  IBM has used Deionized water provided by Carolina Water Conditioners for years. The nick name for Deionized water is DI.”

Twelve apostles: Simon, Andrew, James, John, Phillip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thaddeus, Simon of Zealot, Judas Iscariot, Matthias. “Often referred to simply as "The Twelve," they were chosen by Jesus Christ Himself, and actually lived and worked with Him during His Ministry.”


Black Onyx “Onyx was very popular with the ancient Greeks and Romans. The name comes from the Greek word onyx, which means fingernail. The story is that one day frisky Cupid cut the divine fingernails of Venus with an arrowhead while she was sleeping. He left the clippings scattered on the sand and the fates turned them into stone so that no part of the heavenly body would ever perish.”



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