Grade 2 Earth Science Unit (2.E.1) - Where Tomorrow Begins

Grade 2 Earth Science Unit (2.E.1)

Decision 1: What will students learn in this unit?

Standards Addressed: 1. Science 2.E.1 - 2.E.1.1; 2.E.1.2; 2.E.1.3; 2.E.1.4 2. Reading Informational Text 2.RIT.1; 2.RTI.2, 2.RTI.3, 2.RTI.7,2.RTI.8, 2.RTI.9, 2.RTI.10 3. Math 2.MD.10; 2.NBT.2 4. Writing 2.W.I; 2.W.2; 2.W.3 5. Technology 2.SE.1.1 6. Other

What do I want my students to KNOW, UNDERSTAND and be able to DO at the end of this unit?




Know that light travels from the sun to the earth. Some of the light is reflected back into space, some is absorbed by the land, water, and air.

Know that numbers are used to describe air temperature, wind speed, and the amount of precipitation that occurs.

Know how to measure air temperature using a thermometer, wind direction with a wind sock, or vane, wind speed with an anemometer, and precipitation with a rain gauge.

Students are familiar with manual and electronic weather instruments, sensors, and computers as well as how they can produce a record of weather changes that occur over time by collecting and recording data.

I know how to draw a picture and a bar graph to represent a data set with up to 4 categories.

I know how to skip count by 5s and 10s.

I know how to read and comprehend informational text and can make connections between scientific ideas and concepts.

I know how to use technology hardware and software responsibly.

I know how to write an opinion writing piece.

I know how to write an informational writing piece.

I know how to write a narrative writing piece.

I understand patterns of weather and factors that affect weather over time.

I understand the use of the sun's energy.

I understand how to use tools to measure weather.

Conduct experiments, research, and observations that utilize weather tools.

Make different weather measuring instruments.

Reading non-fiction texts using print and technology.

Group project on different types of weather (Weather Expert).

Compare and contrasting of weather patterns.

Analyze and interpret data such as temperatures in different locations and different times (use of graphs).

Create culminating weather project (mobil; powerpoint; photostory; book; poster)

Write weather data in observation journal

Decision 1 ? What will students learn in this unit?

Decision 2: Assessment

Plan for how students will indicate learning and understanding of the concepts in the unit. How will you assess learning? Possibilities/options:

Pre-assessment Short answer tests or quizzes Student logs, journals and informal writing Lab activities Formal writing assignments Informal or formal student Interviews, conferences, observations etc. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Describe the performance, product, or project that will be the culminating activity for the unit. The student's assignment for the Culminating Activity includes: Unit essential question or "I Can" statement for the culminating activity. A thorough description of the activity including steps or task analysis in completing the culminating activity. A copy(ies) of the rubric(s) you will use to assess the culminating activity or any other aspects of the unit. _____________________________________________________________________________

Decision 2 ? Assessment

Assessment (Pre- and Post)

1. Circle the picture that shows a windy a day.




2. Which rain gauge shows more precipitation?




3. Which tool would you use to measure wind speed?

a) thermometer

b) anemometer

c) rain gauge

Decision 2 ? Assessment

4. Use the following chart to describe what you would wear, or outdoor activities you could do based on the given temperatures.

32 degrees

75 degrees

5. If I was measuring precipitation, which weather tool would I use? a) wind sock b) rain gauge c) thermometer

6. Counting by 5's draw a thermometer that shows 70 degrees.

Decision 2 ? Assessment

7. Put a circle around the picture that shows the sun's heat energy warming the water. a) sun warming a lake

b) sun warming a cactus

c) moon shining at night

8. Describe three things the sun warms with its energy? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

9. Name the four seasons and provide a detail about each season.

Decision 2 ? Assessment


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