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Weather Patterns -- Lesson 2 Study Guide

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Learning Goals

What are two types of pressure systems? What drives weather patterns? Why is it useful to understand weather patterns?

Rating After 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Self Assessment




I fully understand the learning goal. I can explain it to a classmate or teacher orally or written without the use of notes. I can give specific real world examples.


I understand the learning goal and can explain the main points. I am still unsure about the fine points, details and/or real world examples.

I understand parts of the learning goal. I will need to review the main ideas, details, and


examples so that I can become more confident in achieving this goal. I can identify what I

have completed and learned, and where I need assistance.


I do not understand this learning goal. I do not feel that I would be successful in answering questions about this learning goal.

Confidence Level High




***In order to be successful on the quiz for this lesson, one should complete the following tasks associated with Chapter 13 Lesson 2.

Level Tasks

Read Describing Weather page 209 to 214

1 Respond to the key concept questions and the questions that are associated with them

(see below)

2 Create a set of flashcards for the vocabulary on page 214


Review the assignments and activities that were associated with this lesson Complete the Key Concept Builder Air Masses & Fronts

Key Concept Outline

A. Pressure Systems

1. A(n) __low-pressure system___ is a large body of circulating air that has low pressure at its center and high pressure on the outside.

a. Air moves from ______high______ pressure to low pressure.

b. In a low-pressure system, air moves away from the ___outside____ of the system.

c. Air in the center of the system ______rises______, and the water vapor in it condenses and forms clouds.

2. A(n) _high-pressure system__ is a large body of circulating air that has high pressure at its center and lower pressure on the outside.

a. High-pressure air at the center _____sinks____ and moves toward lowpressure areas.

b. High-pressure systems bring _____clear______ skies.

B. Air Masses 1. ____Air masses____ are large bodies of air that have distinct temperature and

moisture characteristics. 2. An air mass forms when a(n) __high-pressure__ system lingers in one area for a few

days. a. Continental polar air masses are ___cold___ and ____dry_____. b. ____Arctic____ air masses are very cold and dry. They form over __continents__ or arctic ice.

C. Fronts 1. A weather ____front_____ is the boundary between two air masses. 2. A(n) _____cold_____ front forms when a colder air mass moves toward a warmer

air mass. It often brings severe ____storms____ and colder temperatures. 3. A(n) ____warm_____ front forms when a warmer air mass moves toward a cooler air

mass. a. As the warm air rises, water vapor condense, and __precipitation__ often occurs b. A warm front brings ___warmer___ temperatures and shifting winds.

4. A(n) __stationary__ front forms when the boundary between two air mass

stalls. It brings ____cloudy____ skies and light rain.

toward rise

outward fall

Key Concept Builder Air Masses

Key Concept What drives weather patterns?

Directions: Work with a partner to answer each question on the lines provided.

Air Masses




1. Over what area does this air Continental:


mass form?

4. Where do these air masses 10. Where do these air masses



Siberia and the arctic

2. What type of air does it contain?

bitterly cold and dry

3. How low does the air temperature reach? -40?C

in the interior of Canada and over dry, desert land


11. What type of air do they


5. What type of air do they contain?

cold, dry air

hot and dry 12. When do they usually form?

6. What kind of temperatures

during the summer

does this type of air mass


13. What type of weather do

they bring?

cold temperatures in winter and cool weather in summer

clear skies and high temperatures



7. Where do these air masses 14. Where do these air masses



over the northern Atlantic and Pacific oceans

near the equator

8. What type of air do they contain? cold and humid

9. What type of weather do they bring? cloudy and rainy

15. What type of air do they contain in the summer? hot and humid

16. What type of winter weather do they bring? heavy snowfall

Key Concept Builder Fronts

Key Concept Why is it useful to understand weather patterns?

Directions: Put a check mark in the space to identify the correct front(s).


Weather Event





1. A colder air mass moves toward a

warmer air mass.

2. An approaching front stalls.

3. Warm air glides above a cold air


4. A fast-moving cold front catches

up with a slow-moving warm front.

5. The boundary between two air

masses stalls.

6. The wind becomes gusty and changes directions.

7. A wide blanket of clouds is created.

8. A few days of warm weather occur.

9. Warm air is forced to rise.

10. This is present at the edge of an

approaching air mass.

11. This front moves faster than a

warm front.

12. This usually brings precipitation.


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