Writing & Grammar 11, 3rd edition - Teacher Tools Online®
Writing and Grammar 11, Third EditionLesson Plan OverviewDay(s)TopicPagesSupport MaterialsBible IntegrationChapter 1: The Writing Process1, 2, 3, 41Planning1–4Bulletin Board 1Brainstorming and freewriting: Biblical appropriateness (Phil. 4:8)2Planning4–8Practice the Skill 1.1Practice the Skill 1.2Scriptural Application: The Bible as the final authority on truthScriptural Application: Outlining Bible topics for study3DraftingAnalytical Essay 19–11, 29–30Use the Skill 1.3Use the Skill 1.4Writing Worksheet 2Writing modes and biblical topics4DraftingAnalytical Essay11–13, 30–32Practice the Skill 1.5Review the Skill 1.6Thinking Biblically: Using analytical writing in the same way as Isaiah 44:9–20Bible context: Ezekiel 18:135Drafting13–15Review the Skill 1.66Drafting15–17Practice the Skill 1.7Review the Skill 1.87DraftingAnalytical Essay17–19, 32–33Review the Skill 1.8Writing Worksheet 2Worldview evaluation: ThoreauScriptural Application: Controlling our words in conversationScriptural Application: What the Bible says about money and credit8RevisingAnalytical Essay19–22, 32–33Use the Skill 1.9Use the Skill 1.109RevisingHistory of the English Language22–23, 26–27Use the Skill 1.11Thinking Biblically: Spiritual pitfalls of Internet writingUnderstanding pronouns in the King James Version of the Bible10Revising, PublishingAnalytical Essay24–26, 33Use the Skill 1.12Scriptural Application: God’s perfecting of every believerChapter 2: Analytical Essay/Parts of Speech11NounsAnalytical Essay34–36, 33–34Chapter 2 PretestBulletin Board 2Writing Rubric 2Scriptural Application: Displaying Christian faith12Pronouns36–41Practice the Skill 2.1Use the Skill 2.2Scriptural Application: Heaven’s riches (Rev. 21:10–22:11)13Verbs: Kinds41–4214Verbs: Principal Parts42–45Practice the Skill 2.3Use the Skill 2.4Using Scripture to identify sentence patterns and verb types (Prov. 11:1–5)15Adjectives45–48ESL Helps 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D16Adverbs48–53ESL Helps 2E, 2F, 2G, 2HPractice the Skill 2.5Review the Skill 2.617Prepositions, Conjunctions, and InterjectionsIn-Class Essay53–55, 61–63ESL Help 2IESL Help 2JWriting Worksheet 318ReviewIn-Class Essay55–58,63–64Practice the Skill 2.7Review the Skill 2.8Teaching Help 2Concept Reinforcement 2Use the Skill 2.9Chapter 2 ReviewWorldview Shaping: Writing a paragraph about a biblical view of money19In-Class Essay64–65Writing Rubric 3: In-Class Essay20Chapter 2 TestThe Word Revealed (58–59)Chapter 3: In–Class Essay/Sentences21Sentences: KindsFolktale65–66, 81–83Chapter 3 PretestThinking Biblically: Martin Luther and thesis writingThinking Biblically: Fiction and truth (Phil. 4:8)Scriptural Application: Attributes of God22Sentences: KindsFolktale66–68, 83–84Bulletin Board 3Practice the Skill 3.1Use the Skill 3.2Writing Worksheet 423Subjects and PredicatesFolktale69–70, 84ESL Helps 3A, 3B, 3C24Subjects and Predicates70–71Practice the Skill 3.3Review the Skill 3.425Folktale8426Basic Sentence PatternsFolktale72–75, 84–85Concept Reinforcement 3Practice the Skill 3.527–29ReviewFolktale75–78, 85Practice the Skill 3.6Use the Skill 3.7Teaching Help 3Cumulative Review 3.8Chapter 3 ReviewWriting Rubric 430Chapter 3 TestThink About It: Critical Thinking (78–79)31Letter to the Editor109–10Scriptural Application: Using righteous judgment when presenting informationChapter 4: Folktale/Phrases32Prepositional Phrases86–89Chapter 4 PretestBulletin Board 4Practice the Skill 4.1Use the Skill 4.2Scriptural Application: Storing treasure (Matt. 6:19–21)33Appositive Phrases89–91Practice the Skill 4.3Review the Skill 4.434Verbal Phrases: ParticiplesLetter to the Editor92–94, 110–1135Letter to the Editor111–12Logic in Paul’s sermon on Mars’ hill (Acts 17:22–31)36Participles: Practice94–97Practice the Skill 4.5Review the Skill 4.6Use the Skill 4.7Teaching Help 4Concept Reinforcement 4A37Letter to the Editor112Writing Worksheet 5BThinking Biblically: Using writing to proclaim truth to a lost world38Letter to the Editor112–13Writing Worksheet 5AWriting Rubric 539Verbal Phrases: Gerunds97–100Practice the Skill 4.8Review the Skill 4.9Concept Reinforcement 4BScriptural Application: Seeking wisdom (Prov. 2:1–9)Parables in Matthew 1340Verbal Phrases: Infinitives100–102Concept Reinforcement 4C41Verbal Phrases: Infinitives103–6Practice the Skill 4.10Review the Skill 4.11Cumulative Review 4.12Chapter 4 Review42Chapter 4 TestThe Word Revealed: God’s revelation through the BibleScriptural Application: Responding to God’s WordChapter 5: Letter to the Editor/Clauses43Independent and Dependent Clauses113–15Bulletin Board 5Chapter 5 PretestPractice the Skill 5.1Review the Skill 5.2Scriptural Application: Praying for those in authority (1 Tim. 2:2)44Research Paper: Planning141–42Writing Worksheet 6AScriptural Application: Research and searching the Scriptures (Acts 17:10–11)45Research Paper: Planning143Writing Worksheet 6A46Research Paper: Planning144Writing Worksheet 6B47Adjective Clauses116–1748Adjective Clauses: Practice and Review117–20Practice the Skill 5.3Review the Skill 5.449Research Paper: Planning145–46Writing Worksheet 6C50Adverb Clauses120–23Practice the Skill 5.5Review the Skill 5.6Concept Reinforcement 5A51Noun Clauses124–25Teaching Help 552Noun Clauses: Practice and Review125–28Practice the Skill 5.7Review the Skill 5.8Use the Skill 5.9Concept Reinforcement 5BScriptural Application: Wisdom and discernment (1 Kings 3:16–28)53Using Independent and Dependent Clauses129–32ESL Helps 5A, 5BPractice the Skill 5.10Use the Skill 5.1154–55Research Paper: Drafting146–47Writing Worksheet 6BScriptural Application: Mastering the tongue (James 3:1–10)56Avoiding Sentence Errors133–35ESL Help 5CPractice the Skill 5.1257Review135–37Review the Skill 5.13Concept Reinforcement 5CCumulative Review 5.14Chapter 5 Review58Chapter 5 Test59138–39Think About It: Reading Interpretation (Acts 8:26–39)Chapter 6: Research Paper/Agreement60–61Research Paper: Drafting146–47Writing Worksheet 6BThinking Biblically: Research and personal worldviewScriptural Application: James 3:1–1062Subject-Verb Agreement150–52Bulletin Board 6Chapter 6 PretestScriptural Application: 1 Corinthians 1463Research Paper: Drafting146–47Writing Worksheet 6BWriting Worksheet 6C64Subject-Verb Agreement: Practice and Review152–54Practice the Skill 6.1Review the Skill 6.2Concept Reinforcement 6A65Research Paper Draft 1 due66Subject-Verb Agreement154–56Practice the Skill 6.3Review the Skill 6.467Subject-Verb Agreement157–60Practice the Skill 6.5Review the Skill 6.668Subject-Verb Agreement161–63ESL Helps 6A, 6BPractice the Skill 6.7Review the Skill 6.869Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement164–67Practice the Skill 6.9Review the Skill 6.10Concept Reinforcement 6B70Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement167–68Teaching Help 671Pronoun Antecedent Agreement: Practice and Review168–70Practice the Skill 6.11Review the Skill 6.12Cumulative Review 6.13Chapter 6 Review72Research papers returned73Chapter 6 Test74171The Word Revealed: Through Signs of His Creation75–79Research Paper: Revising147–4880Research Paper Draft 2 due81–90Midterm Review and Midterm Examination91Research papers returned92Research Paper: Publishing149–50Writing Worksheet 6DWriting Rubric 6Chapter 7: Memoir/Verb Use93Principal Parts178–79Chapter 7 PretestTeaching Help 7ATeaching Help 7BTeaching Help 7C94Tenses179–84Practice the Skill 7.1Review the Skill 7.2Use the Skill 7.3ESL Help 7AESL Help 7BESL Help 7CESL Help 7D95Tenses185–88Practice the Skill 7.4Use the Skill 7.5Bulletin Board 7Concept Reinforcement 7A96Memoir173–75Writing Worksheet 7AWriting Worksheet 7BScriptural Application: Dealing with fear (Matt. 14: 22–31)Memoir: A Christian Perspective97Memoir175–76Writing Worksheet 7AWriting Worksheet 7BThinking Biblically: The book of Nehemiah as memoir98Voice188–93Practice the Skill 7.6Review the Skill 7.7ESL Help 7EESL Help 7F99Mood193–97Practice the Skill 7.8Use the Skill 7.9Cumulative Review 7.10Concept Reinforcement 7BChapter 7 Review100Chapter 7 TestThink About It: Analyzing News Media198–99101Memoir176–77Chapter 8: Parallelism/Pronoun Reference102Pronoun Reference207–10Chapter 8 PretestPractice the Skill 8.1Review the Skill 8.2Bulletin Board 8Teaching Help 8A103Pronoun Reference211–15Review the Skill 8.3Practice the Skill 8.4Scriptural Application: God’s blessings to the Jewish people104–5Memoir177106Pronoun Reference215–16107Memoir178Writing Rubric 7108Pronoun Reference216–18Practice the Skill 8.5Teaching Help 8B109Pronoun Reference: Practice and Review218–20Review the Skill 8.6Cumulative Review 8.7Concept Reinforcement 8Chapter 8 Review110Chapter 8 Test111221The Word Revealed: Through Signs of His Deity112Parallelism201–2Scriptural Application: Culture and the Bible113Parallelism202–6Writing Worksheet 8AWriting Worksheet 8BWriting Worksheet 8CRubric 8Thinking Biblically: Parallelism in the Creation accountChapter 9: Interview/Pronoun Use114Pronoun Case229–32Chapter 9 PretestPractice the Skill 9.1Review the Skill 9.2Bulletin Board 9Scriptural Application: 2 Chronicles 7:14115Pronoun Case232–34Practice the Skill 9.3Review the Skill 9.4Concept Reinforcement 9AConcept Reinforcement 9B116Pronoun Case234–38Practice the Skill 9.5Review the Skill 9.6Teaching Help 9Concept Reinforcement 9C117Interview223–25Writing Worksheet 9Scriptural Application: Luke 9:57–62Interview with Natasha Vins Velichkin: Living with persecution and without it118Interview225–26Thinking Biblically: Interviews as opportunities for Christian encouragement119Courtesy OrderReflexive and Intensive Pronouns238–40Practice the Skill 9.7Review the Skill 9.8120Interview226–27121Pronoun Shift240–44Practice the Skill 9.9Review the Skill 9.10Cumulative Review 9.11Chapter 9 Review122Interview228123Chapter 9 Test124Think About It: Writing Logical Papers245Participation: Logically support the practice of daily Bible reading.125Interview228–29Writing Rubric 9Chapter 10: Critical Response to Literature/Adjective and Adverb Use126Functions of ModifiersComparisons with Modifiers252–53Chapter 10 Pretest127Modifiers: Practice and Review253–55Practice the Skill 10.1Review the Skill 10.2Concept Reinforcement 10A128Critical Response to Literature247–48Scriptural Application: Hebrews 9:27129Critical Response to Literature248–49Writing Worksheet 10Scriptural Application: Philippians 4:8 and reading choices130Problems with Modifiers256–59Practice the Skill 10.3Review the Skill 10.4ESL Help 10Concept Reinforcement 10B131Placement of Modifiers259–61Teaching Help 10ATeaching Help 10BBulletin Board 10Scriptural Application: Language and the “fullness of time” (Gal. 4:4)132Modifiers: Practice and Review261–63Practice the Skill 10.5Review the Skill 10.6Concept Reinforcement 10C133Usage Review264Cumulative Review 10.7Chapter 10 Review134265The Word Revealed: Through Signs of His Death and Resurrection135Chapter 10 Test136–37Critical Response to Literature249–50Writing Worksheet 10Thinking Biblically: Literary judgment and biblical viewpoint138–39Critical Response to Literature250–51140Critical Response to Literature251–52Writing Rubric 10Chapter 11: Analogy/Capitalization2141Names, Religions, Nationalities272–73Bulletin Board 11Chapter 11 Pretest142Places, Transportation, Astronomy273–75Practice the Skill 11.1Review the Skill 11.2Scriptural Application: Biblical discernment143Analogy267–68Parables and analogies: Matthew 13:3–23144Analogy268–69145Practice and Review276–77Practice the Skill 11.3Review the Skill 11.4146Businesses and Organizations, Cultural and Historical terms278–80Practice the Skill 11.5Review the Skill 11.6147Analogy269–70Writing Worksheet 11Thinking Biblically: Metaphors in John 1:1–18148Analogy270Writing Worksheet 11149Titles, First Words, Single Letters280–82Teaching Help 11150Analogy270151Practice and Review282–85Practice the Skill 11.7Review the Skill 11.8Cumulative Review 11.9Concept Reinforcement 11Chapter 11 Review152Chapter 11 Test286–87Think About It: Understanding and Using Analogies153–54Analogy271Writing Rubric 11Chapter 12: Narrative Poem/Punctuation2155Exclamation Point, Question Mark, Period294–97Chapter 12 PretestBulletin Board 12Practice the Skill 12.1Review the Skill 12.2ESL Help 12AESL Help 12DConcept Reinforcement 12A156Comma297–302Practice the Skill 12.3Review the Skill 12.4Practice the Skill 12.5Review the Skill 12.6ESL Help 12BESL Help 12C157Narrative Poem289–90Scriptural Application: Philippians 4:8Scriptural Application: God’s solace (Psalm 46)158Narrative Poem291–92Drawing comfort from God (Job 42:2–3)159Comma303–6Practice the Skill 12.7Review the Skill 12.8160Comma306–10Practice the Skill 12.9Review the Skill 12.10161Semicolon, Colon311–15Practice the Skill 12.11Review the Skill 12.12Cumulative Review 12.13Teaching Help 12Concept Reinforcement 12BConcept Reinforcement 12CChapter 12 ReviewScriptural Application: Personal testimonies (Lew Wallace)162Chapter 12 Test316–17The Word Revealed: Through Signs of His Return163Narrative Poem292–93Writing Worksheet 12Thinking Biblically: Finding meaning in suffering (Ps. 40)164Narrative Poem293Rubric 12Chapter 13: Hymn/More Punctuation2165Quotation Marks323–26Chapter 13 PretestPractice the Skill 13.1Review the Skill 13.2ESL Help 13Bulletin Board 13166Ellipses, Brackets, Underlining for ItalicsHymn327–33, 319–21Practice the Skill 13.3Practice the Skill 13.4Review the Skill 13.5Concept Reinforcement 13AWriting Worksheet 13John Newton, Hymn writerHymns as Testimonies of God’s workScriptural Application: Worship through singing167Apostrophe, HyphenHymn333–34, 321–22Writing Worksheet 13Writing Rubric 13Thinking Biblically: Hymn writing today168Practice and Review334–38Practice the Skill 13.6Practice the Skill 13.7Review the Skill 13.8Concept Reinforcement 13BScriptural Application: Prayer169Dash, Parentheses338–42Practice the Skill 13.9Review the Skill 13.10Cumulative Review 13.11Teaching Help 13Concept Reinforcement 13CChapter 13 Review170Chapter 13 Test343Think About It: Self-Evaluation 171–80Final Review and Final Examination1The topics in italics refer to writing lessons and assignments within a chapter. Writing lessons for Chapters 2–6 begin before the grammar lessons of the previous chapter end to allow enough time for the students to complete the research paper assignment in Chapter 6.2If necessary, adjust the schedule to teach Chapter 11 (Capitalization) and Chapters 12 and 13 (Punctuation) before your students take any standardized achievement tests.3Lessons from Chapter 14 are included in each chapter as “Writing Links” in the Teacher’s Edition. Teach these mini-lessons whenever they will be most beneficial to your students.4Chapters 15 and 16 are reference chapters. Teach material from these chapters throughout the semester whenever it is appropriate for your students. ................
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