Week 1 -- Schedule

|Week 1 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 1, pgs. 13-15; The |Lesson 2, pgs. 15-19; |Lesson 3, pgs. 19-23; |Lesson 4, pgs. 23-27; |Lesson 5, pgs. 27-31; Direct|

|Building Securely |English Language. |Sentences. |Subjects and Predicates. |COMPOSITION – Writing a |and Indirect Objects. |

| | | | |Character Sketch. |Worksheet 1. |

|Notes |

|COMPOSITION – written this way means you have a composition due, and this is to be your rough draft. You can write this in your notebook. After you write your |

|rough draft you will work to improve it; ask for help and recommendations. Corrections will be made directly on the composition itself. |

| |

|COMPOSITION – written this way means your composition final draft is due. This may either be written neatly on a piece of loose-leaf paper, or printed out from the|

|computer. There is to be no corrections written on this paper. Please attach your composition grade sheet (top part filled out) with a paper clip when you turn it|

|in. |

| |

|(This format will apply or oral presentations and reports also.) |

|Week 2 – Schedule |

|Date: |Day 6 |Day 7 |Day 8 |Day 9 |Day 10 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 6, pgs. 32-37; |Lesson 7, pgs. 37-41; Nouns|Lesson 8, pgs. 41-45; |Lesson 9, pgs. 45-49; |Chapter 1 – Sentence Parts, |

|Building Securely |Predicate Nominatives and |of Direct Address and Nouns|COMPOSITION * – |Chapter 1 Review |TEST. |

| |Predicate Adjectives. |Used as Appositives. |Proofreading Your Writing. | | |

| |Worksheet 2. |Worksheet 3. |Worksheet 4. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |___ / 50 | |___ / 86 |

|Notes |

|* The composition turned in will be the final composition for Lesson 4 – Character Sketch. You will hand in the rough draft, your edited copy (following the |

|guidelines given in Lesson 8), and your final draft. |

|Week 3 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 11 |Day 12 |Day 13 |Day 14 |Day 15 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 10, pgs. 51-54; |Lesson 11, pgs. 54-59; Word|Lesson 12, pgs. 59-63; |Lesson 13, pgs. 63-70; Topic|Lesson 14, pg. 70-74; |

|Building Securely |Types of Sentences. |Order in Sentences. |Clauses in Sentences. |Sentences and Paragraph |Simple and Compound |

| | |Worksheet 5. | |Unity. Worksheet 6. |Sentences. Worksheet 7. |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 4 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 16 |Day 17 |Day 18 |Day 19 |Day 20 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 15, pgs. 74-79; |Lesson 16, pgs. 79-83; |Lesson 16, pgs. 79-83; |Lesson 17, pgs. 84-89; |Lesson 18, pgs. 89-93; |

|Building Securely |Complex Sentences. |COMPOSITION - Sentence |COMPOSITION - Sentence |Sentence Transitions and |Chapter 2 Review |

| |Worksheet 8. |Order and Paragraph |Order and Paragraph |Paragraph Coherence (do not| |

| | |Coherence. |Coherence. Worksheet 9. |do C). Worksheet 10. | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |___ / 50 | | |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 5 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 21 |Day 22 | Day 23 |Day 24 |Day 25 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Chapter 2 – Sentence |Lesson 19, pgs. 95-99; |Lesson 20, pgs. 99-104; |Lesson 21, pgs. 104-107; |Lesson 21, pgs. 104-107; |

|Building Securely |Construction, TEST. |Identifying Nouns. |Common and Proper Noun. |COMPOSITION – Developing |COMPOSITION – Developing |

| | |Worksheet 11. | |Paragraphs by Adding |Paragraphs by Adding Details|

| | | | |Details or Giving Steps. |or Giving Steps. |

| | | | |Worksheet 12. | |

| | | | | |___ / 50 |

| |___ / 89 | | | | |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 6 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 26 |Day 27 |Day 28 |Day 29 |Day 30 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 22, pgs. 107-110; |Lesson 23, pgs. 110-115; |Lesson 24, pgs. 115-119; |Lesson 25, pgs. 119-122; |Lesson 25, pgs. 119-122; |

|Building Securely |Nouns with Regular Plural |Nouns With Irregular Plural|Possessive Nouns. |COMPOSITION – Developing |COMPOSITION – Developing |

| |Forms. |Forms, and Collective | |Paragraphs by Using |Paragraphs by Using Examples|

| | |Nouns. Worksheet 13. | |Examples or Telling an |or Telling an Incident. |

| | | | |Incident. Worksheet 14. | |

| | | | | |___ / 50 |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 7 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 31 |Day 32 |Day 33 |Day 34 |Day 35 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 26, pgs. 122-127; |Lesson 27, pgs. 127-131; |Lesson 28, pgs. 131-136; |Lesson 29, pgs. 136-141; |Lesson 30, pgs. 141-144; |

|Building Securely |Verbals as Nouns. |Verbal Phrases as Nouns. |Identifying Noun Clauses. |Diagraming Noun Clauses. |Substantives. Worksheet 18.|

| | |Worksheet 15. |Worksheet 16. |Worksheet 17. | |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 8 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 36 |Day 37 |Day 38 |Day 39 |Day 40 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 31, pgs. 145-147; |Lesson 31, pgs. 145-147; |Lesson 32, pgs. 147-151; |Chapter 3 – Nouns, TEST. |Lesson 33, pgs. 153-157; |

|Building Securely |COMPOSITION – Developing |COMPOSITION – Developing |Chapter 3 Review. | |Identifying Verbs. |

| |Paragraphs by Giving |Paragraphs by Giving | | | |

| |Definitions. |Definitions. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |___ / 50 | |___ / 88 | |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 9 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 41 |Day 42 |Day 43 |Day 44 |Day 45 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 34, pgs. 158-162; |Lesson 35, pgs. 162-166; |Lesson 36, pgs. 166-172; |Lesson 37, pgs. 172-173; |Lesson 38, pgs. 176-181; |

|Building Securely |Principal Parts of Verbs. |Simple Verb Tenses. |Outlining. |Perfect Tenses of Verbs. |Using Perfect Verb Tenses. |

| |Worksheet 19. | | | |Worksheet 20. |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 10 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 46 |Day 47 |Day 48 |Day 49 |Day 50 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 39, pgs. 181-186; |Lesson 40, pgs. 187-189; |Lesson 41, pgs. 190-194; |Lesson 42, pgs. 195-199; |Lesson 43, pgs. 199-203; |

|Building Securely |Progressive and Emphatic |Outlining Written Material.|Transitive Verbs. |Intransitive Complete |Intransitive Linking Verbs. |

| |Verb Forms. |Worksheet 21. |Worksheet 22. |Verbs. Worksheet 23. |Worksheet 24. |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 11 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 51 |Day 52 |Day 53 |Day 54 |Day 55 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 44, pgs. 203-206; |Lesson 44, pgs. 203-206; |Lesson 45, pgs. 206-210; |Lesson 46, pgs. 210-214; |Lesson 46, pgs. 210-214; |

|Building Securely |COMPOSITION – Using an |COMPOSITION – Using an |Reviewing Basic Sentence |COMPOSITION – Taking Notes |COMPOSITION – Taking Notes |

| |Outline to Write a |Outline to Write a |Patterns. Worksheet 25. |on a Sermon – read and do |on a Sermon. |

| |Composition. |Composition. | |Review Exercise. | |

| | | | | |___ / 50 |

| | |___ / 50 | | | |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 12 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 56 |Day 57 |Day 58 |Day 59 |Day 60 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 47, pgs. 214-217; |Chapter 4 –Verbs, TEST. |Lesson 48, pgs. 219-224; |Lesson 49, pgs. 224-231; |Lesson 50, pgs. 231-237; |

|Building Securely |Chapter 4 Review | |Subject-Verb Agreement. |Using Lay-Lie, Set-Sit, and|Using Other Problem Verbs. |

| | | |Worksheet 26. |Raise-Rise. Worksheet 27. |Worksheet 28. Worksheet 29.|

| | | | | | |

| | |___ / 80 | | | |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 13 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 61 |Day 62 |Day 63 |Day 64 |Day 65 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 51, pgs. 237-241; |Lesson 51, pgs. 237-241; |Lesson 52, pgs. 242-245; |Lesson 52, pgs. 242-245; |Lesson 53, pgs. 246-250; |

|Building Securely |COMPOSITION – Writing |COMPOSITION – Writing |COMPOSITION – Writing |COMPOSITION – Writing |Active and Passive Voice. |

| |Friendly Letters. |Friendly Letters. |Social Notes. Worksheet |Social Notes. Worksheet | |

| | | |30. |30. | |

| | |___ / 50 | | | |

| | | | |___ / 50 | |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 14 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 66 |Day 67 |Day 68 |Day 69 |Day 70 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 54, pgs.250-253; |Lesson 55, pgs. 254-255; |Lesson 55, pgs. 254-255; |Lesson 56, pgs. 258-261, |Chapter 5 – Verb Usage, |

|Building Securely |Using the Active and |COMPOSITION – Writing a |COMPOSITION – Writing a |Chapter 5 Review. |TEST. |

| |Passive Voice. Worksheet |Business Letter (B2. or |Business Letter (B2. or | | |

| |31. |B3). |B3). | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |___ / 50 | | |

| | | | | |___ / 48 |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 15 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 71 |Day 72 |Day 73 |Day 74 |Day 75 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 57, pgs. 263-268; |Lesson 58, pgs. 268-273; |Lesson 59, pgs. 274-279; |Lesson 60, pgs. 279-284; |Lesson 61, pgs. 284-288; |

|Building Securely |Personal Pronouns. |Pronoun Case. Worksheet |COMPOSITION – Taking Notes |Using Personal Pronouns |Compound Personal Pronouns |

| |Worksheet 32. |33. |for an Oral Report. * |Correctly. Worksheet 34. |and Demonstrative Pronouns. |

| | | | | |Worksheet 35. |

|Notes |

|* You will need these notes for a later lesson (62). |

|Week 16 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 76 |Day 77 |Day 78 |Day 79 |Day 80 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 62, pgs. 288-291; |Lesson 63, pgs. 292-296; |Lesson 64, pgs. 296-302; |Lesson 65, pgs. 303-307; |Lesson 66, pgs. 307-312; |

|Building Securely |COMPOSITION – Organizing |Indefinite Pronouns. |Interrogative and Relative |COMPOSITION – Developing |Oral Report – Giving an Oral|

| |Your Notes. * |Worksheet 36. |Pronouns. Worksheet 37. |Your Report From an |Report. |

| | | | |Outline. * | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |___ / 30 |

|Notes |

|* You will need these notes for a later lesson (65, then again in 66). |

|Week 17 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 81 |Day 82 |Day 83 |Day 84 |Day 85 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 67, pgs. 312-315; |Chapter 6 –Pronouns, TEST. |Lesson 68, pgs. 317-321; |Lesson 69, pgs. 321-325; |Lesson 70, pgs. 325-331; |

|Building Securely |Chapter 6 Review. | |Recognizing Adjectives. |Using Figures of Speech. |Positions of Adjectives. |

| | | | | | |

| | |___ / 71 | | | |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 18 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 86 |Day 87 |Day 88 |Day 89 |Day 90 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 71, pgs. 331-335; |Lesson 72, pgs. 335-341; |Lesson 73, pgs. 341-345; |Lesson 73, pgs. 341-345; |Lesson 74, pgs. 345-351; |

|Building Securely |Forms of Comparison for |Verbals as Adjectives. |COMPOSITION – Descriptive |COMPOSITION – Descriptive |Adjective Phrases. |

| |Adjectives. Worksheet 38. |Worksheet 39. |Writing. |Writing. |Worksheet 40. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |___ / 50 | |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 19 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 91 |Day 92 |Day 93 |Day 94 |Day 95 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 75, pgs. 353-356; |Lesson 76, pgs. 356-360; |Lesson 77, pgs. 360-364; |Lesson 78, pgs. 364-367; |Lesson 78, pgs. 364-367; |

|Building Securely |Adjective Clauses. |Restrictive and |Using Adjectives Correctly.|COMPOSITION – Writing a |COMPOSITION – Writing a |

| | |Nonrestrictive Clauses and | |Descriptive Composition. |Descriptive Composition. |

| | |Misplaced Clauses. | | | |

| | |Worksheet 41. | | | |

| | | | | |___ / 50 |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 20 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 96 |Day 97 |Day 98 |Day 99 |Day 100 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 79, pgs. 367-371; |Chapter 7 –Adjectives, |Lesson 80, pgs. 373-377; |Lesson 81, pgs. 378-381; |Lesson 82, pgs. 381-385; |

|Building Securely |Chapter 7 Review. |TEST. |Recognizing Adverbs. |Writing a Book Report. |Forms of Comparison for |

| | | |Worksheet 42. |(You will not be doing |Adverbs. |

| | | | |Written Exercises.) | |

| | | | | | |

| | |___ / 94 | | | |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 21 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 101 |Day 102 |Day 103 |Day 104 |Day 105 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 83, pgs. 385-391; |Lesson 84, pgs. 391-396; |Lesson 85, pgs. 396-397; |Lesson 85, pgs. 396-397; |Lesson 86, pgs. 401-407; |

|Building Securely |Prepositional Phrases Used |Adverb Clauses. Worksheet |COMPOSITION – Giving an |Oral Report – Giving an |Distinguishing Between |

| |as Adjectives. Worksheet |44. |Oral Explanation. |Oral Explanation. |Adjectives and Adverbs. |

| |43. | | | |Worksheet 45. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |___ / 30 | |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 22 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 106 |Day 107 |Day 108 |Day 109 |Day 110 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 87, pgs. 407-411; |Lesson 88, pgs. 411-414; |Chapter 8 –Adverbs, TEST. |Lesson 89, pgs. 417-423; |Lesson 90, pgs. 423-427; |

|Building Securely |Using Adverbs Correctly. |Chapter 8 Review. | |Prepositions. Worksheet |Poetry. |

| |Worksheet 46. | | |47. | |

| | | |___ / 101 | | |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 23 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 111 |Day 112 |Day 113 |Day 114 |Day 115 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 91, pgs. 428-432; |Lesson 92, pgs. 432-437; |Lesson 93, pgs. 437-442; |Lesson 94, pgs. 442-450; |Lesson 95, pgs. 450-455; |

|Building Securely |Using Prepositions |Coordinating Conjunctions. |Conjunctive Adverbs. |Rhythm in Poetry. |Subordinating Conjunctions. |

| |Correctly. Worksheet 48. |Worksheet 49. | |Worksheet 50. |Worksheet 51. |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 24 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 116 |Day 117 |Day 118 |Day 119 |Day 120 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 96, pgs. 455-458; |Lesson 97, pgs. 458-464; |Lesson 98, pgs. 464-471; |Lesson 99, pgs. 471-476; |Lesson 99, pgs. 471-476; |

|Building Securely |Interjections. |Review the Parts of Speech.|Rhyme and Repetition in |COMPOSITION – The Message |COMPOSITION – The Message of|

| | | |Poetry. Worksheet 52. |of Poetry. |Poetry. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |___ / 30 |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 25 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 121 |Day 122 |Day 123 |Day 124 |Day 125 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 100, pgs. 476-481; |Chapter 9 –Prepositions, |Lesson 101, pgs. 483-488; |Lesson 102, pgs. 488-495; |Lesson 102, pgs. 488-495; |

|Building Securely |Chapter 9 Review. |Conjunctions, and |Capitalization. Worksheet |COMPOSITION – Story |COMPOSITION – Story Writing:|

| | |Interjections, TEST. |53. |Writing: Portraying the |Portraying the Main |

| | | | |Main Character. |Character. |

| | | | | | |

| | |___ / 126 | | |___ / 50 |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 26 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 126 |Day 127 |Day 128 |Day 129 |Day 130 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 103, pgs. 496-501; |Lesson 104, pgs. 502-505; |Lesson 105, pgs. 506-513; |Lesson 106, pgs. 514-517; |Lesson 107, pgs. 517-520; |

|Building Securely |End Punctuation. |Commas. |Story Writing: Developing |More rules for Using |Quotation Marks. |

| | | |the Conflict. |Commas. Worksheet 54. | |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 27 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 131 |Day 132 |Day 133 |Day 134 |Day 135 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 108, pgs. 520-523; |Lesson 109, pgs. 523-528; |Lesson 110, pgs. 529-532; |Lesson 111, pgs. 533-535; |Lesson 112, pgs. 535-537; |

|Building Securely |More Quotation Marks. |Story Writing: Using Good |Colons and Semicolons. |Italics (Underlining) |COMPOSITION – Story Writing:|

| |Worksheet 55. |Style. |Worksheet 56. | |The First Draft. * |

|Notes |

|* This may take a couple of days. You may have to work on it in bits and pieces through lesson 114. |

|Week 28 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 136 |Day 137 |Day 138 |Day 139 |Day 140 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 113, pgs. 538-542; |Lesson 114, pgs. 542-543; |Lesson 114, pgs. 542-543; |Lesson 115, pgs. 543-547; |Chapter 10 –Capitalization |

|Building Securely |Apostrophes and Hyphens. |COMPOSITION – Story |COMPOSITION – Story |Chapter 10 Review. |and Punctuation, TEST. |

| |Worksheet 57. |Writing: The Second Draft.|Writing: The Second Draft.| | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |___ / 50 | |___ / 91 |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 29 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 141 |Day 142 |Day 143 |Day 144 |Day 145 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 116, pgs. 549-554; |Lesson 117, pgs. 554-559; |Lesson 118, pgs. 559-565; |Lesson 119, pgs. 566-571; |Lesson 120, pgs. 571-573; |

|Building Securely |Using a Dictionary. |Groups of Related Words. |Writing Effective |Word Families. Worksheet |Encyclopedias and Atlases. |

| |Worksheet 58. | |Sentences. Worksheet 59. |60. | |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 30 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 146 |Day 147 |Day 148 |Day 149 |Day 150 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 121, pgs. 574-578; |Lesson 122, pgs. 578-582; |Lesson 122, pgs. 578-582; |Lesson 123, pgs. 582-586; |Chapter 11 –Using Reference |

|Building Securely |Concordances, Topical |COMPOSITION – Sentence |COMPOSITION – Sentence |Chapter 11 Review. |Books, TEST. |

| |Bibles, and Bible |Variety in Paragraphs. |Variety in Paragraphs. | | |

| |Dictionaries (Review | | | | |

| |Exercises only). | |___ / 50 | | |

| | | | | |___ / 50 |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 31 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 151 |Day 152 |Day 153 |Day 154 |Day 155 |

|Language Arts |

|Rod and Staff: |Lesson 124, pgs. 586-591; |Lesson 125, pgs. 591-595; |Final TEST. |Congratulations! You’re | |

|Building Securely |Final Review 1. |Final Review 2. | |done! | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |___ / 177 | | |

|Notes |

| |

|Congratulations! You’re done! |


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