Sabbath School Lesson 2 | Oct 02-Oct 08 Sabbath School ...

Sabbath School Lesson 2 | Oct 02-Oct 08

Sabbath School Lesson Notes Outline Moses' History Lesson

A God bears. God Himself told the Israelites "You shall not make for yourself a carved image." However, they immediately built a golden calf and worshipped it. Moses came to God to intercede on their behalf because of this sin. He asked God to "bear" (which is the right translation of "forgive" in Exodus 32:32) their sins. That's what God did on the cross. Jesus bore "the iniquity of us all." (Isaiah 53:6)

B God fulfills. The Israelites refused to enter Canaan, so God punished them. They had to roam the desert for 40 years, one year for each day the spies had been examining the land (Numbers 14:34). Exactly 40 years after that, God had led Israel back to Canaan. God is all powerful, He fulfills His promises precisely. That was not the only time that the events God had foretold were fulfilled precisely. This confirms both the existence of God and His control over history. We can fully trust Him.

C God blesses. God had been blessing Israel during their 40-year pilgrimage (Neh. 9:21). Moses longed for the people to be blessed in Canaan, and to become even more numerous. They needed a good organization to properly administer those blessings (Deuteronomy 1:12-13). The people of God were well organized in the desert. That organization remained in Israel. God also wants an organized people (Church) today. Organization involves a unified body of people who fulfill various roles according to their gifts. This way, God's blessings can be administered in the best way possible.

D God forgives. When Israel refused to enter Canaan, God decided to destroy them (Numbers 14:11-12). Moses interceded on their behalf again (Numbers 14:13-17). The nations around Israel knew about how God delivered them from Egypt. If God destroyed them, His reputation would be in question (Numbers 14:16). They could only become a light for other nations if they were forgiven. God is to be glorified in His people. The glory and goodness and love and power of God are to be revealed in His church, through what He does through His people.

E God punishes. War, death, destruction. This is the other side of the conquest of the Promised Land. That destruction had already begun with the lands of Sihon and Og (Deuteronomy 2-3). Why did God authorize that massacre? -- God always offered peace before allowing war (Deuteronomy 2:26-29). Those people chose their own destiny by rejecting peace (Deuteronomy 2:30).

-- Those nations had reached the point of no return. Their wickedness had become endemic (Genesis 15:16).

If we review the history of the nations and people who respected and trusted God, we'll see that they were saved from destruction (for example, Rahab and the Gibeonites).


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