Sellers Lesson Plan –English 1 (HS English)

Lesson Plan –Algebra 1

|Teacher: |Period(s): |Start date: |End date: |

|Clark |4th Block |01/03/12 |01/06/12 |

|State competency goal and objective: Goal 4 |

|4.01 - Use linear functions or inequalities to model and solve problems; justify results. Solve using tables, graphs, and algebraic properties. |

|Interpret constants and coefficients in the context of the problem. |

|4.02 - Graph, factor, and evaluate quadratic functions to solve problems. |

|4.03 - Use systems of linear equations or inequalities in two variables to model and solve problems. Solve using tables, graphs, and algebraic |

|properties; justify results. |

|4.04 - Graph and evaluate exponential functions to solve problems. |

|E.Q’s for the Week: |

|Mon. – Off (Holidays) |

|Tues. How can you write an equation to represent a pattern? |

|Wed. -- How do you graph and create linear functions to model and solve problems? |

|Thur. – How is graphing used to solve a system of linear equations? |

|Fri. - How is substitution used to solve systems of equations? How is elimination used to solve systems of equations? |

|Materials: Learning Focused Support Documents  LF Support Documents Unit 6.doc |

|**graphing calculator required, notebook paper, pencil, algebra student textbooks, square boxes, Matho, square puzzles, flash cards, visual |

|approach lesson print-outs, ticket out the door slips, algebra activity notebook |

|Literacy enhancements: |

|Patterns,constant rate of change/slope, initiall amount/y-intercept linear equation/function,Table Method, x-intercept, y-intercept, standard |

|form, slope-intercept method, slope, slope-intercept form, look for a pattern, inductive reasoning, systems of equations, no solution, one |

|solution, infinetly many solutions, coincide, parallel, graphing, elimination, substitution. |

|Adaptations: |

|For setting the stage, your main resource would be the A VISUAL APPROACH TO FUNCTIONS book, especially Lessons 5 - 13 of Chapter 1. There is also|

|a section in the textbook on writing equations from patterns (Section 4-8). |

|Lesson steps: |

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|Monday: |

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|Tuesday: |

|Warm ups. Goal 4.01: Graphing linear equations as ordered pairs and tables and patterns. (4-5) Inequalities (6-6) Chpt. 2 ln. 3 visual approach |

|activities as class. ALG I U04 L08: Writing Equations from Patterns. Mini-lesson: Working in ordered pairs, students complete the Graphing |

|Calculator Investigation Graphing Linear Equations on pages 224-225. DPI Algebra Activity (B 32-38) with Sellars. |

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|Wednesday |

|Warm ups. Goal 4.01: Linear functions – Investigating and interpreting slope. Look at lessons 5-13 (visual approach) as a class and discuss. |

|Slope-intercept form using chapter 2 lessons 6-8(visual approach). Linear app problems: Linear application word problems DPI Algebra Activity |

|(A-11/B 94 and A 9, 17) with Sellars. |

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|Thursday |

|Warm ups. Goal 4.03: Systems of Equations-1) solve by graphing 2) substitution 3) elimination 4) matrix ready. System of Equations Lesson Plan.doc|

|-System of Equations Multiple Choice.doc (student handout) Graphing :Systems of Equations Graphing. page 372: 8-14  |

|ALG I U06 L01: Graphing Systems of Equations |

|ALG I U06 L02: Substitution and Systems of Equations |

|Friday |

|Warm ups. Goal 4.03: Systems of Equations-1) solve by graphing 2) substitution 3) elimination 4) matrix ready. System of Equations Lesson Plan.doc|

|System of Equations Student Worksheet Elimination Review: DPI Algebra Activity (A-11/B 95) with Sellars. |

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|*Warm ups and ticket out the doors will be pulled from the following on Wednesday and thereafter: Algebra I Alignment to Linear |

|Functions,Midpoint, Parallel and Perpendicular, Direct Variation, and Arithmetic Sequences.doc |


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