Subject : English Language

Theme : Giving Invitation

Level / Semester : Novice / 2

Date / Meeting : 1st of June 2009

Time Allotment : 3 X 45 minutes

Competency : Students are able to communicate in English for Novice level

Based Competency : Menuliskan undangan sederhana

Indicator :

- Sejumlah kata dirangkai menjadi kalimat yang mengandung unsur undangan

- Kalimat dirangkai dengan benar utnuk membentuk undangan

- Undangan sederhana (misalnya: undangan ulang tahun) dituliskan dengan benar

Language skills : speaking, reading and writing

Media : textbook and picture

Teaching Methodology : - lecture

- Question and Answer

- Observation

- role play


Language Aims:

1. Student will know how to make an invitation letter both in formal and informal

2. Student will know how to invite other people directly (spoken invitation) both in formal and informal

3. Student will know certain words that usually used in an invitation

Instructional Objective

1. Student are able to identify characteristics of invitation both in formal and informal

2. Student are able to make invitation both in spoken and written form

3. Student are able to accept or refuse invitation from other people both in spoken and written

Instructional Procedure

Pre-Activity : 15 minutes

Teacher comes to the class and then greeting the students. She or he says hello students! Good morning! How are you today? I hope you are fine. Then teacher open the class and tell what they are going to do that day but before hand, she checks student attendance.

Then the teacher does brainstorming:

- Teacher asks the students do they already know about invitation and ask them “have you ever accept or refuse an invitation?”

- Teacher asks the students certain words that usually used to invite someone

- Teacher write down student answer on the whiteboard

Main Activity : 75 minutes

Reading, Speaking, Writing, Listening

- Teacher act as the model and do telephone conversation

- Student have to listen the dialogue

- Student have to take note some phrase in the dialogue that can be include as expression of invitation

- Teacher ask the student expression of invitation that they have already known from the dialogue and write down the answer on the whiteboard

- Teacher stick written form of the dialogue on the whiteboard

- Teacher give the student written form of the dialogue

- Teacher discuss more student answer and explain more about expression of invitation

Finding your Soul mate

- Teacher give each student a piece of paper contain of adjective word

- Teacher ask the student to find out the couple of that word; the couple here is the antonym of the word

- Student have to ask each other to find their couple

- That partner will be their partner when they should do role play

Role Play (inviting someone by phone)

- Teacher ask the student to work in pair according to the result of “finding your Soul mate”

- Teacher give a piece of paper contain situation for telephone conversation; student have to make conversation telephone in the form of dialogue according to the situation

- Teacher ask the student to role play in front of the class

- Teacher give a worksheet to the student contain two invitation

- Teacher ask the student to understand the invitation and then ask the student to answer some question related to the invitation

- Teacher and student discuss the answer together

- Teacher explain more form of invitation, element of invitation and vocabulary of invitation

- Teacher asks the student to make simple invitation for example birthday invitation etc.


Post-Activity : 10 minutes

- Teacher asks the students what they have already learned that day

- Teacher review again the using of Expressing of Invitation

- Teacher ask the student to learn again at home about invitation

- Teacher tell the students what is the next material

- Teacher close the lesson by praying together

Source / Tool of the Lesson : Practice Your English improve your English for International Communication SMK Level Novice

Materials and Equipment


Expressing Invitation

Do you want to....?

Would you like to......?

How would you like to.......?

Would you be interested in......ing ?

Refusing Invitation

I’m afraid I can’t

I’m afraid I won’t be able to.....?

Give the Reason

I have to.......

I’ve got to.....

I’m supposed to......

Accepting Invitation

That sounds great

That sounds like fun

I’d love to

I’d like to

Formal Invitation



- R.S.V.P

- Honor

- Request

- Presence

- Marriage

- Pleasure

- Invite

- Join

Informal Invitation

[pic] [pic]


Evaluation : writing and oral test

Assessment / Evaluation


a. Technique of Evaluation : give some response to an invitation in the form of speaking

b. Bentuk : oral question

c. Instrument :

1. Look at the invitation below and answer the question!

|Take great pleasure in inviting you |

|To the marriage of their children |

| |

|Will |

|And |

|Diane |

| |

| |

|Tuesday, the fifth of June |

|Two Thousand and Nine |

|Reception at six o’clock in the evening |

| |

| |

|The Rosa Castle |

|380 Flushing Avenue |

|Brooklyn, New York |

| |

|Mr. and Mrs. Smith |

|Mr. and Mrs. Parker |

| |

| |

| |

| |

1. Who is the sender of the invitation?

2. What kind of invitation it is?

3. When does the invitation take place?

4. When does the invitation happen?

5. What is the content of the invitation?

2. Make an invitation based on the following instruction!

|No | |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |

|1 |Kind |Informal Party |Formal, |Informal |Formal, |Informal |Formal,wedding |

| | | |Wedding |party |wedding |party | |

|2 |Sender | | | | | | |

|3 |Place | | | | | | |

|4 |Time | | | | | | |

|5 |Date | | | | | | |

|6 |Theme | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

d. Guiding Score

1. Each correct answer get one point

2. The answer wrong or do not answer get zero point

Bandung, 1 June 2009

Guru Luar Biasa Guru PLP UPI

Entin Sutinah, S.Pd Widyasari

NIP. 497 387 947 NIM. 054847



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