Friendship Hill Elementary School

218 New Geneva Road

Point Marion, PA 15474





Head Teacher: Jennifer Vail

Guidance Counselor: Keli DeCarlo


Title I

Committee Members


Advisory Council Representatives

Jennifer Vail, Head Teacher

Keli DeCarlo, Guidance Counselor

Sandy Townsend, School Secretary

Tammy Bricker, Teacher

Karen Dunham, Teacher

Karen Yasko, Teacher

Tracy Jackson, Teacher

Samantha Carr

Title I ~ Parent Representative

PTO President

Amy Blair


PTO Member

Lisa Potkul


PTO Member

Kim Hellen


PTO Member


Our school’s current enrollment is 222 students. Friendship Hill Elementary has 64% eligible for free and reduced lunches. Friendship Hill Elementary uses its Title I, Part A funds, coupled with other Federal education funds to enhance the school’s entire educational program. Our school wide plan was designed to meet the needs of our particular school.


The mission of Friendship Hill is to provide a safe learning environment where each child’s academic needs are recognized and instruction is designed to meet these needs. We hope to guide our students in discovering their own strengths and potential as learners, providing them the confidence to meet their learning challenges and set goals for themselves as they continue their academic journey through the middle school and into the high school. Furthermore, we are committed to instilling in our students a sense of responsibility and respect for themselves, their school, and their community.


Friendship Hill Elementary has one head teacher, ten classroom teachers, two learning support teachers, one life skills teacher, one speech therapist, a daily school nurse, a guidance counselor (shared with another district elementary school), and five specialty teachers of art, music, library, computer literacy, and physical education. All teachers are properly certified and highly qualified. In addition, there are 2 paraprofessionals who are highly qualified.

Title I, Part A, presently supports the salary of four full-time instructors, one Grade 1 teacher, two Grade 3 teachers, and one Grade 4 teacher. It also supports 50% of the salary of the Guidance Counselor. The enrollment at Friendship Hill has remained stable; therefore, no class size reduction instructors (Title IIA) were placed at the school.

Comprehensive Needs Assessment

Upon meeting with the Parent Advisory Council, a school-parent compact was developed, school achievement data was discussed, and the needs assessment was initiated. The goal of the needs assessment is to provide direction for the development of the school wide plan. Surveys returned indicated the large majority of parents are quite satisfied with communication between the home and school, especially the use of the Wednesday folder. It appears that adequate information is provided about the school’s activities, functions and goals. In addition, parents are satisfied with communication regarding their children’s assignments and goals/expectations related to grade. Furthermore, it is suggested the school provides a safe learning environment for students.

Building Wide Needs Assessment

A building wide needs assessment was conducted. The Friendship Hill Elementary staff indicated the staff is satisfied with the curriculum, however, the disparity of ability levels among students is of great concern. Teachers are faced with classes where students are at least 1 year below grade level. Yet, there are students who far exceed expected grade level indicators. The disparity is tremendous. Teachers are becoming more experienced in differentiating instruction to meet this concern. Regarding community and parent relations, teachers believe methods of communication are in place and implemented. Yet, parental input is still needed. School climate was also surveyed. Teachers are working diligently toward the goal of student achievement. Many express being overwhelmed by new initiatives and the demands of higher test scores. They believe they have healthy work relationships with their coworkers and there is administrative support. However, it is widely believed additional staff is needed for smaller class sizes and to effectively implement programs (specifically, RtII) to meet varying academic needs of students.

Data Analysis

The following data provides insight into the challenges facing Friendship Hill Elementary. Friendship Hill Elementary did not achieve Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for the 2011-2012 school year and has been assigned Warning status. The 2012 PSSA data revealed in reading Friendship Hill earned 63% overall, where the actual target was 81%. In mathematics, a score of 75% was achieved, where the actual target was 78%. The school met the target of 95% participation in the assessment and the state attendance target.

Regarding Grade 4 Science, our students surpassed the state’s average proficiency by attaining a 97%. We attribute our continued success in science to the use of the Science Matters Kits.

Grades K-2 DIBELSNext results show the following:



K – 80% benchmark, achieved 88% benchmark

1st – 85% benchmark, achieved 81% benchmark

2nd– 80% benchmark, achieved 76% benchmark with 99% of these reading with 95% accuracy



This year:

K – 90% Core, with all core students able to fully segment 3 sound words on Phoneme Segmentation Fluency (PSF)

1st – 85% Core, with all Core students achieving Core support status (green) for Whole Words Read (WWR) on Nonsense Word Fluency (NWF)

2nd– 80% Core, with 95% of Core students reading with 95% accuracy on DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency (DORF)

Note: % refers to Composite Scores





| |2012 - 2013 |GOAL | |GOAL |

|K |58% |75% |75% |90% |

| | | | | |

|1ST |73% |81% |81% |85% |

| | | | | |

|2ND |85% |90% |90% |80% |

Foundational Guiding Questions

Adapted from “Getting Results” the Framework for Continuous School Improvement Planning, the following foundational guiding themes will assist Friendship Hill Elementary in its challenge of students attaining adequate yearly progress within the content areas of Reading and Mathematics.

1. A standards-aligned curriculum and instructional practices are consistently implemented.

2. Standards-aligned benchmark assessments are utilized to monitor and adjust instructional


3. Struggling students are identified early and supported with interventions.

4. All students have access to challenging, on-standard curriculum and assignments.

5. Effectiveness and experience of teachers is matched to the needs of students.

6. Professional development is linked to the instructional priorities.

7. Staff meets regularly to reflect on professional practice and ongoing review of and analysis of


8. New and “struggling” teachers get needed support.

9. Significant proportion of resources (time, money, staff) is directed toward strategies that

enhance professional practice and the instructional program.

The above guidelines serve as the framework for determining the goals set forth for Friendship Hill Elementary. The guidelines in and of themselves not only determine the path on which we will follow but will be the thread found within each of the goals we set.

Goals of Friendship Hill Elementary

1. To improve the achievement of students taking the PSSA.

2. To identify struggling students early and formulate an intervention plan.

3. To encourage parental involvement in academic and social activities.

4. To emphasize regular school attendance.

5. To emphasize and recognize student achievement, positive behavior, and positive school


Goal #1

Improving the Achievement of Students Taking the PSSA

Friendship Hill Elementary realizes the challenge of increasing student achievement and are taking steps to meet this challenge.

The curriculum and instructional practices are regularly monitored at Friendship Hill for consistency and fidelity. The head teacher weekly reviews individual teacher plans via the planbook or the web-based system, “Classroll”, an electronic grade book and lesson planner. Daily objectives are required to be reflected in the plans along with state standards and anchors. The principal occasionally performs unannounced “walk-throughs” to monitor instructional practices in addition to formal observations. Teachers are provided feedback regarding instructional effectiveness and communication regarding professional goals and reflection takes place as a result. During the walk-through and/or the formal observation, the principal seeks to observe the teacher addressing multiple learning styles, clear communication of objectives, the effective use of instructional time, students engaged in “accountable talk”, differentiated instruction and regular checks for student understanding. The goal is to provide feedback to teachers and give an accurate picture of educational learning. Prior to and during the school year, professional development opportunities are provided for teachers and a follow-up is used to share the information with peers. Teachers are encouraged to attend training sessions and grow professionally. Professional development training in technology and increasing technology skills will continue to be encouraged. Other professional development will target data analysis, and using data to identify priorities in instruction.

Friendship Hill Elementary students in Grades K-2 are heterogeneously grouped using a systematic data driven approach while considering emotional and social factors. Teachers collaborate at the end of the year to determine classroom assignments intended to create a productive learning environment. Students in Grades 3-5 are assigned to flexible groups. Student data dictates placement. Progress monitoring through formative and summative assessment continually occurs. Individual groups tend to be smaller in size and individual needs can be met.

Opportunities for collaboration are encouraged among content and grade level teachers. Teachers meet at designated times to plan for instruction and discuss issues of sequencing and pacing. Staff members meet with the head teacher to review data and set goals for cohorts of students. The staff relies on data provided by PVAAS, eMetrics, Success for All, in addition to, mClass Direct. This data is used to determine our needs and plan strategies to address them. Our Building Wide Survey revealed the staff desires to have opportunities to meet district-wide with fellow content and grade level teachers to further enhance instruction within their own classrooms.

Goal #2

To Identify Struggling Students and Formulate Intervention Plans

Friendship Hill Elementary plans to meet the challenge of identifying students and designing a course of intervention through a variety of strategies.

All students at Friendship Hill participate in the general curriculum to the greatest extent possible. Differentiated instruction is utilized to meet the needs of individual students within the general population during the required 90 minute reading and 60 minute mathematics block of instruction. We are implementing co-teaching in Grades 3-5. Teachers were provided in-service regarding the concept and administrative support is continually provided. Our goal is to provide all students an opportunity to engage in meaningful instruction and learning at a student’s age/grade level. Our attempts are driven by the review of data from previous PSSAs. The collaboration of the general education teacher with the learning support teacher is imperative for the success of our initiative. We are continually attempting to find ways to deliver instruction that will promote student achievement regardless of deficits. We are finding this to be a challenge due to quite diverse academic levels. Furthermore, we are finding that some students will continue to require individualized instruction to meet the goals established from results of evaluations performed by the district’s School Psychologist. Same grade level teachers, combination of teachers by subject, or any instructional design may be utilized to facilitate interventions such as Study Island (Grades 3-5), Headsprout (Grades K-2), Otter Creek supplemental math materials, GMADE math assessment, Coach and Buckle Down books will all be resources used by teachers. RtII (Response to Intervention) is implemented in Kindergarten, first and second grade. A team of teachers and primary special education teacher were provided extensive professional development in implementing RtII. The teachers are enthusiastic about this program and have dedicated a great deal of time planning for instruction. Continual progress monitoring is taking place and student achievement, or lack of, is critically analyzed. Our Grade 1, 2, and 3 students have been transitioned from the benchmark, strategic, and intensive categories into specific instructional groups targeting specific weaknesses. We have approximately 6-8 identified instructional groups in each grade level based upon benchmark data. Progress monitoring, using DIBELS determines the level of intervention needed. A variety of supplemental intervention materials are used to reinforce instruction in the determined skill area. Overall, Friendship Hill Elementary has an extensive list of materials, programs, and resources available to identify and meet the needs of all learners in our building. The following programs are and will continue to be utilized:

|4Sights |GMade |Study Island |

|Otter Creek |Think Central |Accelerated Reader |

|Headsprout |LETRs |DIBELS |

|Britannica Online |Academy of Reading & Math |Webinars |

|RtI |Direct Instruction |Intervention Time |

|Mobile Lab |Scheduled Computer Lab Time |Communities In Schools Tutor |

|PSSA Prep Tutoring |Inclusion |Co-Teaching |

|Flexible Grouping |PSSA Tutorial Publications |Science Matters Kits |

|Gifted Program |Student Referral Process (IST) | |

As the school year continues, interest in additional programs will be considered to meet student and staff needs.

In addition to our programs, professional learning will focus on determining grade/subject level specific needs. Activities will include attending workshops, working with consultants, district wide programs, and grade level planning. Staff will be provided information on professional development opportunities which address their needs and will enhance instruction. They will be encouraged to participate in these opportunities and will receive support in their endeavors from administration.

Goal #3

Encourage parental involvement in academic and social activities at Friendship Hill

Parental support and cooperation are vital to meeting the goals of our school wide plan. Curriculum Night is held at the beginning of the school year to familiarize parents with the goals and objectives of their child’s class and school programs. Parents are encouraged to volunteer and join in the Parent Teacher Organization and the Parent Advisory Council. Parent Conferences are held district wide and arranged on an as needed basis. Parents are provided information regarding their child’s progress and school wide programs through newsletters, formal progress reports, class web pages, and personal communication with the teachers, guidance counselor, nurse, and head teacher. The primary means of communication is through the “Wednesday Folder”. Parents have grown quite accustomed to the weekly folder which informs them of pertinent information regarding all facets of the school. This year the Homework Journal continues to be utilized. Teachers have been instructed to facilitate the use of the journal by assisting students in writing assignments in ways that are easily understood by parents. This initiative is rapidly being accepted and appreciated by the parents. Additionally, the district continues to active the parent portal on “Classroll”. This serves as an additional means of school-parent communication. Parents have access to their child’s homework assignments, as well as, their child’s current grades.

Parents are strongly encouraged to attend and participate in various social activities in the school as well. Friendship Hill will continue to host Literacy Night, Holiday Family Night, Book Fairs, and Harvest Day.

Additional communication utilized: District calendar, district website and parent resource center provided in two areas of school. The Principal is and will continue to be cognizant of the parents concerns.

Goal #4

To Emphasize Regular School Attendance

Friendship Hill Elementary did achieve AYP in the area of school attendance. However, we are firm in our conviction that increased student attendance will impact further achievement. Consistent school attendance is believed to have directly influenced the performance of some of our underachieving students. Therefore, we will be implementing a school wide initiative: “Be Here, Be On Time, Be Ready To Learn”. Students will be recognized for attendance individually. Individual attendance will be recognized each 9 week period. The school will be consistent and firm in adhering to the district attendance policy. We will frequently communicate with parents regarding student absenteeism, tardies, and dismissals. Furthermore, a system of written communication will be implemented in accordance with the district policy. We will send periodic reminders in the Wednesday Folder reiterating the attendance policy in easy to understand terms.

Goal #5

To Emphasize and Recognize Achievement, Positive Behavior, and Positive School Experience

We believe students need to be recognized for achievements both academically and socially. Friendship Hill has created a school wide positive approach to behavior and discipline. In addition to our attendance theme, we have extended it to include: “Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Safe”.

We also will be focusing on Citizenship Topics for each month. Teachers along with the Guidance Counselor will initiate discussions and lessons dealing with the particular character topic per month. Morning announcements will also encourage students to keep in mind lessons taught about the particular character trait and how it impacts them individually and with peers. Friendship Hill has also initiated a school wide approach to positive peer relationships and addresses the issue of bullying. We have visibly posted signs on how to positively interact with peers and how to handle situations which may be affecting fellow students socially in school. We will not tolerate bullying and have committed our school to the pursuit of healthy peer relationships which include and accept all students.

Academically, we will continue with our Awards Ceremony Program for various achievements. Also, our school will again use Title I funds to sponsor the parent organized “Star Store”. Participation in the Star Store is determined by the amount of books read and is facilitated by the use of the Accelerated Reader Program. Our parents and staff are extremely supportive of this initiative and believe it is both academically and socially rewarding for the students. Our parents have begun to “shop” for items to have at our Star Store and appreciate being a part of such a worthwhile program.

Additional Initiatives


Kid Writing – Dr. Tracey Czajkowski


Local Head Start Program introduces pre-kindergarten students to their future classrooms by having a visitation day. Transition plans for preschool, parents, and schools are distributed to the district’s Pre K Counts partners. Children register for Kindergarten in the spring. They are screened and parents meet with teachers, guidance, secretary, and administration. We will continue to host our Kindergarten Orientation Day. This will provide parents an opportunity to ask questions and express concerns they may have regarding the school. Kindergarten teachers and Pre K practitioners will be provided professional development to review the Early Learning Standards.

●Middle School Visitations/ Step Up Day

●Vocational School Presentation to Grade 5

●Fifth Grade Career Fair


Math Committee:

Tammy Bricker, Lisa Potkul

Reading Committee/Writing Committee:

Karen Yasko, Lori Detweiler, Karen Dunham

Science Committee:

Tammy Bricker, Lori Detweiler

Response to Intervention Team (RtII):

Amanda Chipps, Lisa Haught, Crystal Roderick, Tom Richnafsky, Ellen Conn, Shelly Swann, Vic Dirda, Jennifer Blout, Jeremy Kendall, Irene Rosie, Lynn Wagner, Rachel Smith, Eric Sampson

Learning Support & CoTeaching Team:

Tracy Jackson, Shelly Swann




Friendship Hill Elementary


Friendship Hill Elementary, in collaboration with our Parent Council, is currently exploring programs and activities which will meet our needs, increase student achievement and encourage the cooperation and participation of our parents.

Fall Literacy Fair $400.00

Star Store $1400.00 (700.00 each semester)

Art & Science Exhibition $200.00

Read Across America $200.00

Awards Recognition $100.00

Talent Exhibition $200.00


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