The Chicago Military Academy at Bronzeville

The Chicago Military Academy at Bronzeville

3519 S. Giles Ave.

Chicago, IL 60653

Course Syllabus

Course Name: Computer Science

Credits per school year: 1

Department: Computer & Business

Teacher: Mrs. Jennifer Butera Pohlman

Period’s 2, 4, 7 and 8

Room 412 and 411

Voice Mailbox Number: (773) 534-9750

CPS Email:


The Skills-based Learning and Assessment Curriculum of the Chicago Military Academy at Bronzeville

The Skills-based Learning and Assessment Curriculum of the Chicago Military Academy at Bronzeville is a standards-based curriculum designed to provide cadets with skills mastery of the Illinois Learning Standards, ACT WorkKeys® skills and ACT College Readiness Standards. Within these standards frameworks, course objectives are defined as a compilation of the skills and knowledge identified herein. The Critical Benchmark Skills List at Paragraph 4 (below) constitutes the learning standards of this course.

1. Course Description

This course provides a visually-engaging introduction to the most current information on computers and technology. Students will gain an understanding of the essential computer concepts they need to know to help them be successful in today’s computing world, and will be able to apply this knowledge in academics and future careers.

Students will learn the principal components of the computer and their use. Students will learn proper keyboarding techniques for alpha, alpha/numeric, and keyboarding operations. Emphasis is placed on technique and keying speed. Speed and accuracy will be assessed.

Students will integrate their keyboarding skills as they learn to use all features of Microsoft Office to integrate Word, Excel and Power Point in their courses and everyday lives.

Students will also learn the historical background of computer development, ethical uses of the computer, proper uses of the Internet, and how to use it as a research tool.


2. Course Resources

Textbooks: Computer Concepts, Pusins & Ambrose

Keyboarding, Word Processing & Communication, Gleason

Learning Microsoft Office 2007, Nielsen & Skintik

Materials: School issued Laptop & Flash-Drive

Purchased Items: Pen/Pencils (at least 1 red pen), folder, loose-leaf paper, notebook

Supplementary Items: Having the following available outside of the classroom will allow a student to complete additional assignments and practice their coursework: Computer with Microsoft Office 2007 applications, internet connection, and printer.

3. Course Requirements

It is my intention to be fair, reasonable and give clear expectations in this class. Students will be evaluated based on the total number of points accumulated throughout the semester. Please refer to CMA-B’s school grading scale and policies as seen below. All cadets are to follow rules and guidelines set forth in CMA-B student agenda.

Chicago Military Academy Grading Scale:

A = 93-100%

B = 85-92%

C = 75-84%

D = 65-74%

F = Below 65%

Computation of Grades:

• Assessments (40%)

o Midterm/Final 15%

o Tests 15%

o Quiz 10%

• Projects (50%)

o Chapter Assignments 15%

o Software Application Labs/Projects 20%

o Keyboarding Assessments & Timings 15%

• Classroom Participation/Effort (10%)

4. Critical Benchmark Skills List

National Business Education Association

Information Technology Standards

I. Impact on Society

Achievement Standard: Assess the impact of information technology in a global society.

II. Hardware

Achievement Standard: Describe current and emerging hardware; configure, install, and upgrade hardware; diagnose problems; and repair hardware.

III. Operating Systems and Utilities

Achievement Standard: Identify, evaluate, select, install, use, upgrade, customize, and diagnose and solve problems with various types of operating systems and utilities.

IV. Input Technologies

Achievement Standard: Use various input technologies to enter and manipulate information appropriately.

V. Productivity Software

Achievement Standard: Identify, evaluate, select, install, use, upgrade, and customize productivity software; diagnose and solve software problems.

VI. Interactive Media

Achievement Standard: Use multimedia software to create media rich projects.

VII. Web Development and Design

Achievement Standard: Design, develop, test, implement, update, and evaluate web solutions.

VIII. Information Retrieval and Synthesis

Achievement Standard: Gather, evaluate, use, cite, and disseminate information from technology sources.

IX. Database Management Systems

Achievement Standard: Use, plan, develop, and maintain database management systems.

X. Systems Analysis and Design

Achievement Standard: Analyze and design information systems using appropriate development tools.

XI. Programming and Application Development

Achievement Standard: Design, develop, test, and implement programs.

XII. Telecommunications and Networking Infrastructures

Achievement Standard: Develop the skills to design, deploy, and administer networks and telecommunications systems.

XIII. Information Technology Planning and Acquisition

Achievement Standard: Plan the selection and acquisition of information technologies.

XIV. Security, Privacy, and Risk Management

Achievement Standard: Design and implement security, privacy, and risk management policies and procedures for information technology.

XV. Ethical and Legal Issues

Achievement Standard: Describe, analyze, develop, and follow policies for managing ethical and legal issues in organizations and in a technology-based society

XVI. Technical Support and Training

Achievement Standard: Develop the technical and interpersonal skills and knowledge to train and support the user community.

XVII. Information Technology and Business Functions

Achievement Standard: Describe the information technology components of business functions and explain their interrelationships.

XVIII. Information Technology Careers

Achievement Standard: Explore positions and career paths in information technology.

First Semester

Quarter 1

Define what a computer is.

Compare types of computers.

Successfully open computer case.

Identify computer system components, including RAM & ROM.

Identify and describe the most common input & output devices.

Identify and describe storage devices.

Distinguish between software and hardware.

Describe the difference between applications software and systems software.

Identify the parts of the standard keyboard, including home row keys.

Identify parts and features of the Microsoft Word screen.

Identify correct typing techniques, and key (type) without watching the keys.

Save, print, retrieve, spell check and format files using Microsoft Word.

Save and print a document.

Quarter 2

Introduction of Word 2007’s Ribbon

Basic editing skills and formatting skills

Creating new documents

Using the grammar tools

Using auto correct

Aligning text horizontally

Formatting a business letter

Setting Tabs

Formatting a personal letter

Using font styles and Underline features

Using proofreading marks, Insert and Edit text

Move Text Using copy and paste

Using copy and drag feature

Opening a document in read only memory

Applying font and text effects and using symbols

Bulleted List, Number List

Formatting and Editing

Second Semester

Quarter 3

Power Point 2007 Overview

Create a Power Point presentation in different views.

Applying a Slide Layout

Moving from Slide to Slide

Move, Copy, and Delete Slides

Add designs, color schemes, transitions, animations (text and objects), picture backgrounds, and music.

Preset Animations and Custom Animations

Opening an existing presentation.

Time presentations to run automatically.

Print a presentation.

Describe effective presentation rules, and identify some presentation tips and hints.

Quarter 4

Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2007’s Ribbon

Understand the purpose and function of using the Excel spreadsheet program

Identify major parts of spreadsheet window

Creating a new workbook from a template

Enter labels, values, formulas, and functions into a spreadsheet.

Entering Formulas

Range Entry

Inserting and Deleting Columns and Rows

Using Functions

Create graphs and charts.

Save and print a spreadsheet.

Format a spreadsheet by modifying and enhancing data.

5. Administrative Standards

Attendance: Cadets are expected to attend every class on time. All school functions require pre-approval. Excused absences are recovered through the CMA-B Attendance Office and cannot be corrected via classroom teachers. Cadets missing more than 20% of scheduled class time may be ineligible for course credit.

Grading: Any cadet who fails to achieve minimal course objectives as identified in the Critical Benchmark Skills List shall not receive credit for the course. Achievement beyond minimal CBSL standards is incorporated into the computation of grades identified in Paragraph 3 (above).

Participation: Cadets are expected to participate in classroom projects and activities, including topical discussions. While participation in and of itself is not part of the final grade, it may be part of any skills proficiency assessment which can, therefore, impact the final grade.

Academic Integrity: It is assumed that all cadet work is original. Plagiarism is punishable under the guidelines of the CPS Student Code of Conduct and the CMA-B Cadet Handbook. Any second-chance options for cadets are at the discretion of the classroom teacher in consultation with the Academy Superintendent. Cheating and plagiarism are, of course, strictly forbidden.

Support: Cadet support services are available via the Academy Counseling Department. Self-referral is the preferred method of academic and/or introspective intervention. Occasionally a cadet may be referred for counseling and/or support services. When referred, cadets are required to participate in an evaluation and any first-step follow-on activities as directed by an Academy Counselor.


1. Treat the laptops provided to you with care. You will be held responsible for any damage caused by irresponsible behavior!

2. Only work with the laptop assigned to you in class, do not touch or use any other cadets laptop.

3. Save all your work to your flash drive. Flash drives will be kept in the classroom everyday!

4. Print assignments only once—proofread your work on-screen BEFORE sending to printer!

5. Do not change ANY settings on your computer (wallpaper, screen saver, etc).

6. No food/drink/gum is permitted in the classroom or around laptop computers.

7. When returning laptop to cart, please shut it down completely, and make sure to plug in the charger.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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