Riverside Primary School:

2015-16 Cobb County School District Strategic Plan

Long Range Board Goal 1: Vary learning experiences to increase success in college and career pathways.

|District Focus Areas and Priorities 2016-2019 |2015-16 Aligned Actions and Measurements (Due June 30, 2015) |Focus Priority|

| | | |

| | | |

|Focus Area: |Focus Priorities: |Key Actions: |

| |(Based on priorities identified by IE2, AdvancEd-AdvEd, Superintendent-S, and Academic Division-AD) |(List as many |

| | |actions as |

| | |needed in each |

| | |box.) |

| | | |

| | | |

|Focus Area: |Focus Priorities: |Key Actions: |

| |(Based on priorities identified by IE2, AdvancEd-AdvED, Superintendent-S, and Academic Division-AD) |(List as many |

| | |actions as |

| | |needed in each|

| | |box.) |

| | | |

| | | |

|Focus Area: |Focus Priorities: |Key Actions: |

| |(Based on priorities identified by IE2, AdvancEd-AdvEd, Superintendent-S, and Academic Division-AD) |(List as many |

| | |actions as |

| | |needed in each |

| | |box.) |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Focus Area: |Focus Priorities: |Key Actions: |Measured by: |Owner(s): |

| |(Based on priorities identified by IE2, AdvancEd-AdvED, |(List as many actions as needed in each |(Formative and/or Summative) | |

| |Superintendent-S, and Academic Division-AD) |box.) | | |

|Lexile Levels Elementary |Percent of students in grades 3, 4, 5 achieving a Lexile|Students scoring |Students with |Data for this element is extracted from |

|Schools |measure greater than or equal to the following on the |a Lexile measure |a valid Lexile score |the EOG data file and include students |

| |EOG: Grade 3: 650, Grade 4: 750, Grade 5: 850 |≥ 650 (3rd) |on the EOG |with valid scores. |

| | |≥ 750 (4th) | | |

| | |≥ 850 (5th) | | |

|On-Track for |Percent of students in grade 5 passing at least four |Unduplicated count of 5th grade students |Enrollment in grade 5 |Data extracted |

|Graduation |courses in core content areas (ELA, Math, Science, |passing courses in four core content areas| |from Synergy Gradebook |

| |Social Studies, and World Language) |(ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies, and | | |

| | |World Language) | | |

|Career |Percent of students completing a Career Portfolio in |Number of students completing a Career |Enrollment in grade 5 |Local School |

|Ready |grade 5 |Portfolio in grade 5 | | |

|Advanced |Percent of students enrolled in Gifted Resource (Target)|Unduplicated count of students in grades |Total Enrollment of grades 1-5 |State recommended target is 4% |

|Academics |classes for ELA, Reading, Math, Science and Social |1-5 enrolled in Target | | |

| |Studies | | | |

|Stakeholder Satisfaction |Aggregate of all positive responses to all items |Number of positive ("Strongly Agree" and |Total number of responses excluding "No |School Improvement Survey Report, Page 2 -|

|(AdvancED Survey) |included on the AdvancEd surveys (parents, students, |"Agree") responses on the AdvancEd |Answer" or "No Basis to Judge" |Provided by the Office of Accountability |

| |staff) |surveys | | |

|Iowa Reading |Percentage of students in grade 3, scoring on-grade |Number of 3rd grade students scoring |Number of 3rd grade students with a valid |Riverside Data Manager |

|Grade 3 |level in reading |on-grading in reading |test score in reading | |

|CCRPI |State accountability system whereby Georgia schools earn|NA |NA |Georgia DOE |

| |up to 100 points, based on required performance | | | |

| |measurements | | | |


Strategic Plan Level : Riverside Primary School


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