Forsyth County Schools

452887327Step 1: Review 15-16 School Imp. Plan ReflectionStep 2: Executive SummaryStep 3: School Improvement Plan ___ CCRPI Goal ___ Academic/Instructional Goal ___ Climate GoalStep 4: Growth Measure for Teachers of Non-SGP CoursesStep 5: Continuous, Job-Embedded Prof. Learning PlanStep 6: 16-17 SIP Reflection due Friday, June 16, 20172015-18 Executive SummaryContinuous Improvement GoalsAdvancED Standards(Check all that apply)Learner Profile(Check all that apply)Support from FCS Depts.*(List all that apply)CCRPI GoalLiberty will improve their CCRPI score to 91 by 2018. XPurpose & DirectionXPursue Continuous LearningSpecial Education, Student Support ServicesTeaching and LearningGovernance & LeadershipExhibit Strong Personal QualitiesXTeaching & Assessing for Learning XUtilize Creative & Critical ThinkingXResources & Support SystemsEngage & ContributeXUsing Results for Continuous ImprovementInteract EffectivelyAcademic / Instructional GoalLiberty will continue to prepare students to think critically and engage in a global community.XPurpose & DirectionXPursue Continuous LearningTeaching & LearningTechnology & Information ServicesPublic Information & CommunicationsXGovernance & LeadershipXExhibit Strong Personal QualitiesXTeaching & Assessing for Learning XUtilize Creative & Critical ThinkingXResources & Support SystemsXEngage & ContributeXUsing Results for Continuous ImprovementXInteract EffectivelyClimate GoalLiberty will continue to improve the culture and climate of the school community.XPurpose & DirectionXPursue Continuous LearningStudent Support ServicesTeaching and LearningFacilitiesXGovernance & LeadershipXExhibit Strong Personal QualitiesXTeaching & Assessing for Learning Utilize Creative & Critical ThinkingXResources & Support SystemsXEngage & ContributeUsing Results for Continuous ImprovementXInteract Effectively* FCS Departments: Educational Leadership, Facilities, Finance & Operations, Food & Nutrition Services, Human Resources, Public Information & Communications, School Safety & Discipline, Special Education, Student Support Services, Superintendent, Teaching & Learning, Technology & Information Services, and Transportation 2016-17 School Improvement PlanCCRPI Goal: Liberty will improve their CCRPI score to 91 by 2018.SMART Goal: Liberty Middle School students will improve their lexile score in English Language Arts as measured by the Ga Milestones EOG.?For SMART Goal: ?At least 90% of 8th Grade students will achieve a lexile level equal to or greater than 1050.Actions, Strategies and Interventions(Includes Prof. Learning Plan)Impact on Student and Adult Behavior(“If…then...” Statements)TimelineResources Needed?Who is Responsible?Students will participate in a Tiered Power Hour support class that offers a relevant experience that is interdisciplinary and driven by student choice, PH1; Standards based preview/review of Math/ELA, PH2; and Intervention/progress monitoring on specific reading interventions, PH3. If we implement the Power Hour Tiered Support classes with fidelity, then students will have an increase in Lexile scores. SY 2016-2017Study Sync, Lexile Monitoring Program (TBD), Online Reading Resources, PH Teachers, Grad Coach, ITS, Media Para, AdminELA teachers have been given specific Lexile data that relates to students performing below 1050 according to the 2016 EOG Reading/ELA assessment, as well as the autonomy to develop a plan of action to increase Lexile levels. If ELA teachers develop a plan of action to increase student Lexile’s then CCRPI will increase.Plan will be presented to the Leadership Team on Oct 6th.Lexile Data, Planning Time, AdminTeams (ELA, SC, SS, Math & Connections) will collaborate to develop a school wide plan of action.If ELA, SC, SS, Math and Connections develop a school wide reading plan and implement with fidelity, Lexile and CCRPI will increase. Implement 2nd Qtr.Resources TBDAdmin, Teachers After students have been instructed on what a Lexile measure is, they will create a Lexile growth goal and track their progress throughout the year. If students understand, create a goal, track progress, and take ownership, then Lexile scores will increase.Implement 2nd Qtr.Lexile Monitoring Program (TBD), Lexile Tracking sheet and Reading LogAdmin, Students, TeachersDescribe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:Teachers and students will monitor Lexile growth at least quarterly as determined by program (TBD) and data teams. Leadership team will monitor at least three times a year. Academic / Instructional Goal: Liberty will continue to prepare students to think critically and engage in a global communitySMART Goal: 90% of Students involved in a Liberty Showcase will score at least 85% on their culminating Interdisciplinary Project .Actions, Strategies and Interventions(Includes Prof. Learning Plan)Impact on Student and Adult Behavior(“If…then...” Statements)TimelineResources Needed?Who is Responsible?Grade level teachers will determine the specific skills (rubric) required for their Interdisciplinary culminating project which includes problem based learning, research, solution, and articulation of plan to panel of professionals.If teachers create a rubric that defines the specific skills required for an Interdisciplinary Culminating project, students will be able to apply knowledge and skills to real world situations.SY 2016-2017Rubric, panel of professionals, Learner ProfileTeachers, Students, and AdminStudents will also have the option of pursuing their passion in their connections classes- a rubric with specific skills will be developed and students will have the opportunity to develop this passion and present to a panel. If students create their project according to the rubric, they will utilize creative and critical thinking to define problems and create solutionsSY 2016-2017Rubric, panel of professionals, Learner ProfileTeachers, Students, and AdminDescribe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:Monitor through grade level meetings and leadership team.Climate Goal: Liberty will continue to improve the culture and climate of the school community.SMART Goal: Liberty will increase the School Climate Survey Component score of 73.422 as measured by the 2015 CCRPI to a score of 77 as measured by the 2017 CCRPI.Actions, Strategies and Interventions(Includes Prof. Learning Plan)Impact on Student and Adult Behavior(“If…then...” Statements)TimelineResources Needed?Who is Responsible?Focus group of parents to increase involvement If we develop more strategies for parents to become more involved at Liberty with regards to volunteering and decision making , then the overall parent experience at Liberty will improve as measured by the School Climate Survey.SY 2016-2017Liberty Middle School Climate and Morale Team (admin, teachers/staff, students)PBIS, 7 MindsetsCreation of a Liberty Climate and Morale Team to increase public student recognition and student opportunities outside the classroom to become more involved at LibertyIf Liberty’s Climate and Morale Team develops more strategies to publicly recognize our students and to provide them with more opportunities to be engaged with clubs, sports and service organizations, then the overall student experience at Liberty will improve as measured by the School Climate Survey.SY 2016-2017Liberty Middle School Climate and Morale Team (admin, teachers/staff, students)PBIS, 7 MindsetsCreation of a Liberty Climate and Morale Team to increase public teacher recognition, to provide more opportunities for teachers to lead, as well as, to showcase all the amazing things our teachers are doing here at LibertyIf Liberty’s Climate and Morale Team develops more strategies to publicly recognize our teachers, provide teachers more opportunities to lead and to showcase our teachers’ talents, then the overall teacher experience at Liberty will improve as measured by the School Climate Survey.SY 2016-2017Liberty Middle School Climate and Morale Team (admin, teachers/staff, students)PBIS, 7 MindsetsDescribe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:LMS Admin will create a Climate and Morale Team to meet regularly to focus on the “pulse” of the schoolSpotlight Student and Teacher of the WeekTeacher of the Month recognitionData will be collected throughout the year of # of parent volunteersStudent/Teacher Attendance at school and after school events# of students involved in clubs, sports and other extracurricular activitiesMonitor through school leadership teamGrowth Measure for Teachers of Non-SGP CoursesMeasure(s):Mean School SGPImplementation PlanMath and ELA will review data to determine areas of focus for non-sgp courses (Milestones EOG Math and ELA/reading/writing). Math and ELA teachers, along with the Personal Learning Team will provide professional learning to groups on Lexile. Science/SS Vertical teams will determine key components/vocab that will focus on assisting future 8th grade students. Continuous, Job-Embedded Professional Learning PlanProfessional Learning Goal(s): Our goal is to offer a differentiated, more personalized learning to staff members so that they can “own” and customize their learning and professional growth.Professional Learning Actions, Strategies and InterventionsImpact on Student and Adult Behavior(“If…then...” Statements)Timeline: Dates/Hours(Add/Modify as Needed)Connection to Continuous Improvement Goal(s):NEO/SLO (K-3), July 25NEO (K-12), July 26-27Preplanning, July 28-29 & Aug. 1-3Early Release/Prof. Dev., Aug. 31Prof. Dev., Oct. 21Prof Dev., Jan. 4Prof. Dev., Feb. 21Post Planning, May 30-31We have created a choice board for teachers to select activities based on their own personal interests.If teachers have the opportunity to choose their learning, personal growth increases.SY 2016-2017We will provide personal learning choices for teachers which will impact our CCRPI scores, student achievement and school climate.Teachers submit to an opportunity bank a classroom strategy or technology tool that they are willing to model for other teachers. This allows teachers to learn and lead.If teachers have the opportunity to collaborate and learn from their colleagues, and lead personal professional development, then student learning is improved. SY 2016-2017We will provide personal learning choices for teachers which will impact our CCRPI scores, student achievement and school climate.2016-17 School Improvement Plan ReflectionPlease provide a short reflection summary for each goal listed below. (Did you meet your goals? Why or why not? What were your strengths / weaknesses? Did you monitor your goals throughout the year?? If so, then how? Did you revise your goals throughout the year?? If so, then why? What can be improved?)CCRPI GoalAcademic / Instructional GoalClimate Goal ................

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