New York State (NYS) Pre-Filed Evidentiary Hearing Exhibit ...

NYS00156D Submitted: December 15, 2011


installed life period from installation to retirement of an sse

insulation the part that is relied upon to insulate the conductor from other conductors or conducting parts or from ground [A.7]

insulation level 100% cable for use em grounded systems or where the system is provided with relay protection such that ground faults will be cleared as rapidly as possible but in any case within one minute

insulation level 133% cable for use on ungrounded or grounded systems or where the faulted section will be deenergized in a time not exceeding one hour

interstices voids or valleys between individual strands in a conductor or between insulated conductors in a multiconductor cable

jacket a protective covering over the insulation, core, or sheath of a cable [A.6]. A thermoplastic or thermosetting covering, sometimes reinforced, applied over the insulation, core, metallic sheath, or armor of a cable lA.7]

lay the total amount of stranding required to form one completed twist of a cable

life period from fabrication to retirement of an sse

life tlSSessment synonym for llging IlSsessment

life cycle mlUUlgement synonym for life lIZImIlgement

life ,mantlgement integration of aging management and economic planning to: (l) optimize the operation, maintenance, and useful life of SSCs; (2) maintain an acceptable level of pedormance ud safety; and (3) maximize return on investment over the 'Useful life of the plant

lifetime synonym for life

maintenance aggregate of direct and supponingactions that detect, preclude. or mitigate degradation ofa

functioning sse or restore to an acceptable level the design functions ofa failed sse


malfunction synonym for failure

tnIl1"gin the difference between the most severe specified service conditions of the plant and the conditions used in type testing to account for normal variations in commercial production of equipment and reasonable errors in defming satisfactory pedormance [A.B]

mean time between failures arithmetic average of operating times between failures of an item IIEEE Std

100] [A.7]

IUlturlllllging aging of an sse that occurs under pre-service and service conditions, including error-induced


normalllging natural aging from error-free pre-service or service conditions

normal aging degradation aging degradation produced by normal conditions

normal ~itions operating conditions of a properly designed. fabricated, installed, operated. and

maintained sse excluding design basis event conditions


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normal operating conditions synonym for normal conditions

normal stressor stressor that stems from normal conditions and can produce aging mechanisms and effects in an sse

operating conditions service conditions, including nonnaI and error-induced conditions, prior to the start of a design basis accident or earthquake

operoling service conditions synonym for operating conditions

operational conditions synonym for functional conditions

overcurrent any current in excess of the rated current of equipment or the ampacity of a conductor. It may result from overload, short circuit, or ground fault [A.6]

overhaul (noun) extensive repair, refurbishment, or both

performance indicator synonym for functional indicator

periodic nuzintenance form of preventive maintenance consisting of servicing, parts replacement, surveillance, or testing at predetermined intervals of calendar time, operating time. or number of cycles

planned maintenance form of preventive maintenance consisting of refurbishment or replacement that is scheduled and performed prior to failure of an sse

post-maintenance testing testing after maintenance to verify tIuit maintenance was performed correctly and that the sse can function within acceptance criteria

potting the sealing of a cable termination or other component with a liquid which thermosets into an elastomer

preconditioning synonym for age conditioning

predictive maintenance form of preventive maintenance performed continuously or at intervals governed by observed condition to monitor, diagnose, or trend an sse's functional or condition indicators; results indicate current and future functional ability or the nature and schedule for planned maintenance

premature aging aging effects of an sse that occur earlier than expected because of errors or pre-service and service conditions not considered explicitly in design

pre-service conditions actual physical states or influences on an sse prior to initial operation (e.g., fabrication, storage, transportation, installation, and pre-operational testing)

preventive maintenance actions that detect, preclude, or mitigate degradation of a functional sse to sustain or extend its useful life by controlling degradation and failures to an acceptable level; there are three types of preventive maintenance: periodic, predictive, and planned.

pulling tension the longitudinal force exerted on a cable during installation [A.7]

qutilificlltion verification of design limited to demonstrating that the electric equipment is capable of pedorming its safety functions under significant environmental stresses resulting from design basis accidents in order to avoid common-cause failures [A.ll]


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qualifttd life period for which an sse has been demonstrated, through testing, analysis, or experience, to be capable of functioning within acceptance criteria during specified operating conditions while retaining the ability to pedorm its safety functions in a design basis accident or earthquake

raceway an enclosed channel designed expressly for holding wires, cables, or busbars, with additional functions as permitted in this eode [A.6]

radiation damage threshold the lowest dose which induces permanent change in a measured property(s) of

a material; also, the first detectable change in a property of a material due to the effect of radiation

random failure any failure whose cause or mechanism, or both, makes its time of occurrence unpredictable [IEEE Std 100]

reconditioning synonym for overhaul

refurbishment planned actions to improve the condition of an unfailed sse

remaining design life period from a stated time to planned retirement of an sse

remaining life actual period from a stated time to retirement of an sse

remaining service life synonym for renuzining life

remaining useful life synonym for remaining life

repair actions to return a failed sse to an acceptable condition

replacement removal of an undegraded, degraded, or failed sse or a part thereof and installation of another in its place that can function within the original acceptance criteria

residllallife synonym for remaining life

retirement final withdrawal from service of an sse rework correction of an inadequately performed fabrication, installation, or maintenance root cause fundamental reason(s) for an observed condition of an sse that if corrected prevents recurrence of the condition

root cause tlIUllysis synonym for failure analysis

routing the path followed by a cable or conductor

safety function the required action, non-action, or non-failure of safety-related equipment safety-related equipment that is relied upon to remain functional during and following design basis events to ensure (i) the integrity of the reactor coolant pressure boundary, (ii) the capability to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition, and (iii) the capability to prevent or mitigate the consequences of accidents that could result in potential off-site exposures comparable to lOCFR Part 100 guidelines. Safetyrelated electric equipment is referred to as Class IE in IEEE 323-1974 [A. 12]

screen a semiconducting layer used under and over the insulation of power cables rated over 2 tV to reduce electrical stresses and corona


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screened conductor cable a table in which the insulated conductor or conductors are enclosed in a conducting envelope or envelopes

semiconducting layer an extruded layer or tape of such resistance that when applied between two elements of a cable the adjacent surfaces of the two elements will maintain substantially the same potential.

service conditions actual physical states or influences during the service life of an sse, including operating

conditions (normal and error-induced). design basis event conditions, and post design basis event conditions

sse service life actual period from initial operation to retirement of an

servicing routine actions (including cleaning, adjustment, calibration, and replacement of consumables)that

sustain or extend the useful life of an sse

~heath the overall protective covering for the insulated cable [A. 7]

shield as nonnally applied to instrumentation cables, refers to a metallic sheath (usually copper or aluminum) applied over the insulation of a conductor or conductors for the pmpose of providing means for reducing electrostatic coupling between the conductors so shielded and others which may be susceptible to or which may be generating unwanted (noise) electrostatic fields [A. 7] &i4ewllU betuingpressure the crushing force exerted on a cable duringinstal1ation [A.7]

ngnifictmtaging medumism an aging mechanism which could potentially affect the functionality of the equipment if left unmitigated (see Section 4)

signijictmt tl1Ul observed Ilging mechanism the subset of significant aging mechanisms wbich are reflected in empirical and/or anecdotal failure data (see Section 4)

Bimultllneous effects combined effects from stressors acting simultaneously

solid conductor a single unit not divided into parts mess synonym for stressor wessor agent or stimulus that stems from pre-service and service conditions and can produce immediate or

aging degradation of an sse

surveillance observation or measurement of condition or functional indicators to verify that an sse currently

can function within acceptance criteria

survei11ance reguirements test. calibration. or inspection to assure that the necessary quality of systems :and components is maintained, that facility operation will be within the safety limits. and that the limiting conditions of operation will be met [10 CFR SO.36)[A.13} (use only when specific regulatory and legal

connotations are called for)

surveillllnce resting synonym for lurveilltmce, lurveillance requirements, and testing (use only when

specific regulatory and legal connotations are called for)

tape WTap a spirally or longitudinally applied tape over an insulated or uninsulated wire


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synergistic effects ponion of changes in characteristics of an sse produced solely by the interaction of

stressors acting simultaneously, as distinguished from changes produced by superposition from each stressor acting independently

temperature TIlting the maximum possible normal and accident operating temperatures for a cable; typically written on the outer covering of a cable

testing observation or measurement of condition indicators under controlled conditions to verify that an sse

currently conforms to acceptance criteria

thermalllging one method of accelerated aging. usually associated with the Arrhenius model

thernuzllife the period of time for which a piece of equipment has b.een evaluated, on the basis of Arrhenius plots of materials, to be able to endure thermal conditions and still perform its required safety function during or after the occurrence of harsh environment conditions

time in service time from initial operation of an sse to a stated time

u.sefullife synonym for service life

volkzge drop the difference in voltage between the two different ends of a cable

wearout failure produced by an aging mechanism

wire a factory assembly of one or more insulated conductors without an overall a>vering [A.6]




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