Kindergarten Lesson Plans - …
Mrs. Harvel’s Lesson Plans
Week of- March 17th – March 21st
7:05 – 7:45 Morning Room & Morning Work
|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |
|Journal Activity |Journal Writing |Book Bins |Journal Writing |Puzzles |
7:45-8:00 Lunch Count, Attendance, & Morning Announcements
8:00-8:45 Reader’s Workshop, Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, and Word Work-
|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |
|Reader’s Workshop |Phonics/Sounding Out Words |Phonics/Sounding Out Words |Reader’s Workshop |Phonics/Sounding Out Words |
|Standards: |ELACCKRF2d: Pronounce and write |ELACCKRF2d: Pronounce and write|Standards: |ELACCKRF2d: Pronounce and write|
|ELACCKRL123: Answer questions |initial, medial vowel, and final |initial, medial vowel, and |ELACCKRL123: Answer questions |initial, medial vowel, and |
|about a text, retell familiar |sounds. |final sounds. |about a text, retell familiar |final sounds. |
|stories. |ELACCKRF3a&b: Produce sounds for |ELACCKRF3a&b: Produce sounds |stories. |ELACCKRF3a&b: Produce sounds |
|EQ: Who are the characters in the|consonants and vowels. |for consonants and vowels. |EQ: Who are the characters in the |for consonants and vowels. |
|story? Where does the story take |ELACCKL1: Print many upper- and |ELACCKL1: Print many upper- and|story? Where does the story take |ELACCKL1: Print many upper- and|
|place? |lowercase letters. |lowercase letters. |place? |lowercase letters. |
|TTW read The Pot of Gold by Jerry|EQ: Why is it important to know |EQ: Why is it important to know|TTW read There’s a Map on My Lap! |EQ: Why is it important to know|
|Smath. With prompting and |how to sound out words? |how to sound out words? |by Dr. Seuss. With prompting and |how to sound out words? |
|support, TSW answer questions |Task: |Task: |support, TSW answer questions |Task: |
|about key details in the story. |TSW say the name of each picture. |TSW say the name of each |about key details in the story. |TSW say the name of each |
|TSW identify the characters and |Print the letters for the |picture. Print the letters for |TSW identify the characters and |picture. Print the letters for |
|the setting of the story. How |beginning and the ending sound to |the beginning and the ending |the setting of the story. How |the beginning, middle and the |
|does the story end? How could it |finish each word. |sound to finish each word. |does the story end? How could it |ending sound to write each |
|have ended differently? |EVAL: WR |EVAL: WR |have ended differently? |word. |
|Differentiation |Remediation: TS can refer to the |Remediation: TS can refer to |Differentiation |EVAL: WR |
|Remediation- TSW be given extra |word wall to identify letters and |the word wall to identify |Remediation- TSW be given extra |Remediation: TS can refer to |
|prompting and support using the |sounds. |letters and sounds. |prompting and support using the |the word wall to identify |
|text to answer the EQ(s). |Acceleration: TS can write |Acceleration: TS can write |text to answer the EQ(s). |letters and sounds. |
|Acceleration: Higher order |sentences using the words given |sentences using the words given|Acceleration: Higher order |Acceleration: TS can write |
|thinking questions will be asked.|for the day to sound out. |for the day to sound out |thinking questions will be asked. |sentences using the words given|
| | | | |for the day to sound out |
Reading Groups
|Purple Group |Orange Group |Blue Group |Green Group |Red Group |
|Tanis |Shelby |Brayden |Rose |Tiffany |
|Renee |Landen |Steven |Alexander |Taylor |
|Miley |Jackson |Kenan |Katie |Trystan |
|Destiny | |Hunter |Jacob |Leslie |
|Mackenzie | | | | |
| | | | | |
8:45-9:25 Language Arts: Reader’s Workshop, Whole Group, and Small Groups
Reading Groups are determined according to the most recent student performance on F & P SLOs, GKIDS, as well as classroom observations and assessments. Assessments: teacher observation/Writer Response
|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |
|Standards: |Standards: |Standards: |Standards: |Standards: |
|ELACCKRF1d: Recognize and name |ELACCKRF1d: Recognize and name |ELACCKRF1d: Recognize and name |ELACCKRF1d: Recognize and name |ELACCKRF1d: Recognize and name |
|upper-lower-case letters |upper-lower-case letters |upper-lower-case letters |upper-lower-case letters |upper-lower-case letters |
|ELACCKRF3a&b: Produce sounds for |ELACCKRF3a&b: Produce sounds for |ELACCKRF3a&b: Produce sounds |ELACCKRF3a&b: Produce sounds for |ELACCKRF3a&b: Produce sounds |
|consonants and vowels. |consonants and vowels. |for consonants and vowels. |consonants and vowels. |for consonants and vowels. |
|EQ: Why is it important to know |EQ: Why is it important to know |EQ: Why is it important to know|EQ: Why is it important to know |EQ: Why is it important to know|
|your letters and letter sounds? |your letters and letter sounds? |your letters and letter sounds?|your letters and letter sounds? |your letters and letter sounds?|
|ELACCKRF1a: Follow words left, |ELACCKRF1a: Follow words left, |ELACCKRF1a: Follow words left, |ELACCKRF1a: Follow words left, |ELACCKRF1a: Follow words left, |
|right, top-bottom, and page by |right, top-bottom, and page by |right, top-bottom, and page by |right, top-bottom, and page by |right, top-bottom, and page by |
|page. |page. |page. |page. |page. |
|EQ: How do you read a book? |EQ: How do you read a book? |EQ: How do you read a book? |EQ: How do you read a book? |EQ: How do you read a book? |
| Spell phonetically; | Spell phonetically; | Spell | Spell phonetically; | Spell |
|letters for consonant/vowel |letters for consonant/vowel |phonetically; letters for |letters for consonant/vowel |phonetically; letters for |
|sounds. |sounds. |consonant/vowel sounds. |sounds. |consonant/vowel sounds. |
|ELACCKRF3c: Read common high |ELACCKRF3c: Read common high |ELACCKRF3c: Read common high |ELACCKRF3c: Read common high |ELACCKRF3c: Read common high |
|frequency words by sight. |frequency words by sight. |frequency words by sight. |frequency words by sight. |frequency words by sight. |
|EQ: Why is it important for you |EQ: Why is it important for you to|EQ: Why is it important for you|EQ: Why is it important for you to|EQ: Why is it important for you|
|to learn to read sight words? |learn to read sight words? |to learn to read sight words? |learn to read sight words? |to learn to read sight words? |
|ELACCKRF4 Read emergent-reader |ELACCKRF4 Read emergent-reader |ELACCKRF4 Read emergent-reader |ELACCKRF4 Read emergent-reader |ELACCKRF4 Read emergent-reader |
|texts with understanding |texts with understanding |texts with understanding |texts with understanding |texts with understanding |
|ELACCKRFd: Pronounce initial, |ELACCKRFd: Pronounce initial, |ELACCKRFd: Pronounce initial, |ELACCKRFd: Pronounce initial, |ELACCKRFd: Pronounce initial, |
|medial vowel, and final sounds. |medial vowel, and final sounds. |medial vowel, and final sounds.|medial vowel, and final sounds. |medial vowel, and final sounds.|
|EQ: What can you do if you come |EQ: What can you do if you come to|EQ: What can you do if you come|EQ: What can you do if you come to|EQ: What can you do if you come|
|to a word you cannot read? |a word you cannot read? |to a word you cannot read? |a word you cannot read? |to a word you cannot read? |
|_________________________ |________________________ |________________________ |_________________________ |_________________________ |
|__ Harvel-Blue Group Level D |__ Harvel-Green Group Level E |_Harvel-Purple Group Level C |Harvel-Orange Group Level F, G & H|Harvel-Red Group Level A & B |
|TSW read Bath Time to check |TSW re- read Shoveling Snow to |TSW read Spin to Win! to check|TSW re- read The Dinosaur Who |TSW read The Cat and The Rat |
|understanding, track print, |check understanding, track print, |understanding, track print, |Lived In My Backyard to check |and One for You and One for Me |
|identify sight words, and to |identify sight words, and to blend|identify sight words, and to |understanding, track print, |to check understanding, track |
|blend sounds to read unknown |sounds to read unknown words. |blend sounds to read unknown |identify sight words, and to blend|print, identify sight words, |
|words. |EVAL: OR & TO |words. |sounds to read unknown words. |and to blend sounds to read |
| |Technology Center: Blue Group |EVAL: OR & TO |EVAL: OR & TO |unknown words. |
|EVAL: OR & TO |-Sight Word Bingo | | |EVAL: OR & TO |
|Technology Center: Red Group |Mrs. Rowland- Red Group: |Technology Center: Green Group |Technology Center: Purple Group | |
|-Letter Sound |Read: I Like Shapes and How Many |-Sight Word Bingo |-Letter Sound Bingo |Technology Center: Orange Group|
|Bingo/Starfall will be used if |Fish? |Mrs. Rowland-Blue Group: |Mrs. Rowland-Green Group: Lil, |-Sight Word Bingo |
|we have “tech” problems. |ELACCKRF4 Read emergent-reader |Reread: Big and Little |Sal, and Bill |Mrs. Rowland-Purple Group: |
|Mrs. Rowland-Orange Group: |texts with understanding |ELACCKRF4 Read emergent-reader |ELACCKRF4 Read emergent-reader |Reread: Zip |
|Read: Clay’s Surprise |ELACCKRFd: Pronounce initial, |texts with understanding |texts with understanding |ELACCKRF4 Read emergent-reader |
|Re-Read: Animals, Animals |medial vowel, and final sounds. |ELACCKRFd: Pronounce initial, |ELACCKRFd: Pronounce initial, |texts with understanding |
|ELACCKRF4 Read emergent-reader |EQ: What can you do if you come to|medial vowel, and final sounds.|medial vowel, and final sounds. |ELACCKRFd: Pronounce initial, |
|texts with understanding |a word you cannot read? |EQ: What can you do if you come|EQ: What can you do if you come to|medial vowel, and final sounds.|
|ELACCKRFd: Pronounce initial, |EVAL: OR & TO |to a word you cannot read? |a word you cannot read? |EQ: What can you do if you come|
|medial vowel, and final sounds. |______________________________ | | |to a word you cannot read? |
|EQ: What can you do if you come |Reading Center/Orange Group |EVAL: OR & TO |EVAL: OR & TO |EVAL: OR & TO |
|to a word you cannot read? |TSW read books of their choice and|___________________________ |________________________ |_______________________ |
|EVAL: OR & TO |level. |Reading Center/Red Group |Reading Center/Blue Group |Reading Center/Green Group |
|_________________________ |______________________________ |TSW read books of their choice |TSW read books of their choice and|TSW read books of their choice |
| |Writing Center/Purple Group- |and level. |level. |and level. |
|Reading Center/Purple Group |TSW write 1 to 3 sentences about a|______________________ |______________________ |__________________________ |
|TSW read books of their choice |topic of his/her choice. |Writing Center/Orange Group- |Writing Center/Red Group |Writing Center/Blue Group- |
|and level. |Remediation- TSW write words or |TSW write 1 to 3 sentences |TSW write 1 to 3 sentences about a|TSW write 1 to 3 sentences |
|_____________________________ |phrases about a topic |about a topic of his/her |topic of his/her choice. |about a topic of his/her |
|Writing Center/ Green Group-TSW |Acceleration: TSW write sentences |choice. |Remediation- TSW write words or |choice. |
|write 1 to 3 sentences about a |2-4 sentences with capitalization |Remediation- TSW write words or|phrases about a topic |Remediation- TSW write words or|
|topic of his/her choice. |and end punctuation. |phrases about a topic |Acceleration: TSW write sentences |phrases about a topic |
|Remediation- TSW write words or | |Acceleration: TSW write |2-4 sentences with capitalization |Acceleration: TSW write |
|phrases about a topic |EVAL: TO &WR |sentences 2-4 sentences with |and end punctuation. |sentences 2-4 sentences with |
|Acceleration: TSW write sentences| |capitalization and end | |capitalization and end |
|2-4 sentences with capitalization| |punctuation. |EVAL: TO &WR |punctuation. |
|and end punctuation. | | | | |
| | |EVAL: TO &WR | |EVAL: TO &WR |
|EVAL: TO &WR | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
9:30-9:40 Restroom Break
9:40-10:25 Specials: M T W TH F
Math Lab Music/Art Computer Lab Library P.E
Science Lab Writing Lab
10:25-10:49 Restroom Break/Read Aloud/
10:49-11:19 Lunch
11:19-11:30 Restroom Break
11:30-11:55 Calendar/ Number Talks/Math Frameworks
|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |
|Calendar/Number Talks/Math |Calendar/Number Talks/Math |Calendar/Number Talks/Math |Calendar/Number Talks/Math |Calendar/Number Talks/Math |
|Frameworks |Frameworks |Frameworks |Frameworks |Frameworks |
|Standards: |Standards: |Standards: |Standards: |Standards: |
|1: Count to 100 by ones |1: Count to 100 by ones and|1: Count to 100 by ones |1: Count to 100 by ones and|1: Count to 100 by ones |
|and tens |tens |and tens |tens |and tens |
|MCCKCC2: Count forward beginning |MCCKCC2: Count forward beginning |MCCKCC2: Count forward |MCCKCC2: Count forward beginning |MCCKCC2: Count forward |
|from a given number. |from a given number. |beginning from a given number. |from a given number. |beginning from a given number. |
|MCCKCC4: Say the number names in |MCCKCC4: Say the number names in |MCCKCC4: Say the number names |MCCKCC4: Say the number names in |MCCKCC4: Say the number names |
|standard order. |standard order. |in standard order. |standard order. |in standard order. |
|Social Studies –SSKH3 |Social Studies –SSKH3 |Social Studies –SSKH3 |Social Studies –SSKH3 |Social Studies –SSKH3 |
|TSW count the months of the year |TSW count the months of the year |TSW count the months of the |TSW count the months of the year |TSW count the months of the |
|and the days in a week. |and the days in a week. |year and the days in a week. |and the days in a week. |year and the days in a week. |
|TSW identify the days of the week|TSW identify the days of the week |TSW identify the days of the |TSW identify the days of the week |TSW identify the days of the |
|for today, yesterday and |for today, yesterday and tomorrow.|week for today, yesterday and |for today, yesterday and tomorrow.|week for today, yesterday and |
|tomorrow. TSW count to 100 by |TSW count to 100 by ones and by |tomorrow. TSW count to 100 by |TSW count to 100 by ones and by |tomorrow. TSW count to 100 by |
|ones and by tens. |tens. |ones and by tens. |tens. |ones and by tens. |
|MCCKCC2-TSW count forward and |MCCKCC2-TSW count forward and |EQs: How can numbers be |EQs: How can numbers be |EQs: How can numbers be |
|backwards from a given number and|backwards from a given number and |represented? How do we use |represented? How do we use numbers|represented? How do we use |
|stop at a given number. |stop at a given number. |numbers in our everyday life? |in our everyday life? |numbers in our everyday life? |
|EQs: How can numbers be |EQs: How can numbers be |Counting by Tens/Skip Counting |Tally Up Your Coins!: TSW count |Ten Frames: TSW count the |
|represented? How do we use |represented? How do we use numbers|Irish Puppies: TSW skip count |the number of tally marks on each |number on each ten frame set. |
|numbers in our everyday life? |in our everyday life? |by 10’s and write the missing |pot of gold. TSW cut and paste the|TSW cut and paste the matching |
|Before and After Activity: TSW |Counting Gold Coins: TSW look at |numbers on each puppy from 10 |matching number next to the gold. |number next to the ten frame. |
|look at the number in each row. |the number on the coin in each |to 100. | | |
|TSW cut and paste the numbers |row. TSW trace the number and | |Acceleration/Intervention: |Acceleration/Intervention: |
|that come before and after. |count on for each set of coins. |Acceleration/Intervention: |Increasing or decreasing the |Increasing or decreasing the |
|Acceleration/Intervention: | |Increasing or decreasing the |number given to start and stop |number given to start and stop |
|Increasing or decreasing the |Acceleration/Intervention: |number given to start and stop |counting to. |counting to. |
|number given to start and stop |Increasing or decreasing the |counting to. | | |
|counting to. |number given to start and stop | | | |
| |counting to. | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
11:55-12:45 Math Whole Group and Small Groups
|Square Group |Triangle Group |Rectangle Group |Hexagon Group |
|Tiffany |Rose |Miley |Shelby |
|Mackenzie |Landen |Steven |Alexander |
|Leslie |Tanis |Renee |Jacob |
|Taylor |Katie |Kenan |Brayden |
|Trystan |Destiny |Hunter |Jackson |
| | | | |
Math Groups are determined according to the most recent student performance on GLOSS/IKAN, GKIDS, as well as classroom observations and assessments.
|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |
|MCCKCC2: Count forward beginning |MCCKCC2: Count forward beginning |MCCKCC2: Count forward |MCCKCC2: Count forward beginning |MCCKCC2: Count forward |
|from a given number. |from a given number. |beginning from a given number. |from a given number. |beginning from a given number. |
|MCCKCC4a: Say the number names in|MCCKCC4a: Say the number names in |MCCKCC4a: Say the number names |MCCKCC4a: Say the number names in |MCCKCC4a: Say the number names |
|standard order. |standard order. |in standard order. |standard order. |in standard order. |
|MCCKCC4b: Last number name said |MCCKCC4b: Last number name said |MCCKCC4b: Last number name said|MCCKCC4b: Last number name said |MCCKCC4b: Last number name said|
|tells the number of objects. |tells the number of objects. |tells the number of objects |tells the number of objects. |tells the number of objects. |
|MCCKOA1: Represent addition and |MCCKOA1: Represent addition and |MCCKOA1: Represent addition and|MCCKCC4c: Each number name refers |MCCKOA1: Represent addition and|
|subtraction with objects. |subtraction with objects |subtraction with objects. |to a quantity that is one larger |subtraction with objects. |
|MCCKCC4c: Each number name refers|MCCKCC4c: Each number name refers |MCCKCC4c: Each number name |EQs: How can numbers be |MCCKCC4c: Each number name |
|to a quantity that is one larger |to a quantity that is one larger |refers to a quantity that is |represented? |refers to a quantity that is |
| |MCCKCC6 Whether a group is greater|one larger | |one larger |
|EQs: How can numbers be |than/less than/equal to another. |MCCKOA1: Represent addition and|Mrs. Harvel- Triangle Group: | |
|represented? |EQs: How can numbers be |subtraction with objects. |TSW play Who Has Less? TSW play |EQs: How can numbers be |
|Mrs. Harvel- Rectangle Group: |represented? |EQs: How can numbers be |this game with a partner. TSW take|represented? |
|TSW play Number Bingo to identify|Mrs. Harvel- Square Group: |represented? |turns rolling dice and recording | |
|numerals 1-20. |TSW play Who Has More? TSW play |Mrs. Harvel- Hexagon Group: |the amount on the game sheet. TS |Mrs. Harvel-will pull students |
|DI- TS can use the number line to|this game with a partner. TSW take|TSW play a dice game called |that has less will circle the |to assess to progress monitor |
|identify numerals. |turns rolling dice and recording |Seusstacular! TSW roll 3 dice |numeral that represents less. |tier 2 interventions. |
|Independent Center #1 |the amount on the game sheet. TS |and add to cover the sum with a|DI-Increasing or decreasing the | |
|Triangle Group |that has more will circle the |partner. TS that covers the |number of die/dice. |Mrs. Rowland-Whole Group |
|Math Games to Review Math Skills |numeral that represents more. |most sums on the game board | |TSW will play Number Bingo to |
|Sequencing Numbers |DI-Increasing or decreasing the |wins the game. | |identify numerals. TS that wins|
|Pattern Blocks-TSW use magnetic |number of die/dice. |Intervention: TS can count each|Independent Center #1 |the first game will call out |
|pattern blocks to build |Independent Center #1 |individual dot on the dice. |Hexagon Group |the numerals for the next game.|
|environment objects. |Rectangle Group |Acceleration: TSW use the |Math Games to Review Math Skills |Intervention: TSW be directed |
|Computer Center-Starfall Math |Math Games to Review Math Skills |counting on strategy to |Pattern Blocks-TSW use magnetic |to use the number line to |
|Measurement-Use unifix cubes to |Pattern Blocks-TSW use magnetic |identify the sum. |pattern blocks to build |identify unknown numerals. |
|measure objects. |pattern blocks to build | |environment objects. | |
|Fill the Line! -Identifying & |environment objects. |Independent Center #1 |Computer Center-Starfall Math | |
|Writing Numerals |Computer Center-Starfall Math |Square Group |Number Bingo- Identifying numerals|EVAL: SA & TO |
|Roll, Add, and Color- Counting |Number Bingo- Identifying numerals|Math Games to Review Math |Die Plus One Chart- Refers to a | |
|Sets & Identifying Numeral |Die Plus One Chart- Refers to a |Skills |quantity that is one larger. | |
|Matching Sets-Counting sets & |quantity that is one larger. |Pattern Blocks-TSW use magnetic|*Adding one to a given numeral. | |
|matching to the correct numeral |*Adding one to a given numeral. |pattern blocks to build |Fill the Line! -Identifying & | |
| |Fill the Line! -Identifying & |environment objects. |Writing Numerals | |
|EVAL: SA & TO |Writing Numerals |Computer Center-Starfall Math |Roll, Add, and Color- Counting | |
| |Roll, Add, and Color- Counting |Number Bingo- Identifying |Sets & Identifying Numeral | |
|Mrs. Rowland-Hexagon Group |Sets & Identifying Numeral |numerals |Matching Sets-Counting sets & | |
|MCCKCC6 Whether a group is |Matching Sets-Counting sets & |Die Plus One Chart- Refers to a|matching to the correct numeral | |
|greater than/less than/equal to |matching to the correct numeral |quantity that is one larger. | | |
|another. | |*Adding one to a given numeral.|EVAL: SA & TO | |
|TSW learn how to play War with a |EVAL: SA & TO |Fill the Line! -Identifying & | | |
|partner using a deck of cards. | |Writing Numerals |Mrs. Rowland-Square Group | |
|TSW identify the greater number. |Mrs. Rowland-Triangle Group: |Roll, Add, and Color- Counting |TSW play Who Has Less? TSW play | |
|TS that has the greater number, |TSW review sequencing numbers that|Sets & Identifying Numeral |this game with a partner. TSW take| |
|keeps both cards. The student |come before and after a given |Matching Sets-Counting sets & |turns rolling dice and recording | |
|with more cards at the end of the|numeral up to 60 or more. |matching to the correct numeral|the amount on the game sheet. TS | |
|game wins. | | |that has less will circle the | |
| | |EVAL: SA & TO |numeral that represents less. | |
| |Independent Center #2/ Hexagon | |DI-Increasing or decreasing the | |
|Independent Center |Group-TSW review sequencing |Mrs. Rowland-Rectangle Group |number of die/dice. | |
|Independent Center #2/Square |numbers that come before and after|MCCKCC6 Whether a group is | | |
|Group-TSW review sequencing |a given numeral up to 100. |greater than/less than/equal to|Independent Center | |
|numbers that come before and | |another. |#2//Rectangle Group-TSW review | |
|after a given numeral up to 22. |EVAL: SA & TO |TSW learn how to play War with |sequencing numbers that come | |
| | |a partner using a deck of |before and after a given numeral | |
| | |cards. TSW identify the greater|up to 60. | |
|EVAL: SA & TO | |number. TS that has the greater| | |
| | |number, keeps both cards. The | | |
| | |student with more cards at the | | |
| | |end of the game wins. |EVAL: SA & TO | |
| | | | | |
| | |Independent Center #2/ Triangle| | |
| | |Group-TSW review sequencing | | |
| | |numbers that come before and | | |
| | |after a given numeral up to | | |
| | |30-50 | | |
| | | | | |
| | |EVAL: SA & T0 | | |
| | | | | |
12:45-12:55 Restroom Break
12:55-1:30 Writer’s Workshop/Science and Social Studies Integration- TTW model writing. Assessment- Teacher observation, peer editing, teacher/student conferencing; Remediation- TW pull a small group to review rules of writing and work on writing skills, conferencing; Acceleration:TW challenge students to write more details and use more describing words.
|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |
|Narrative Writing |Information Writing |Information Writing |Information Writing |Social Studies-SSKG3 |
|ELACCKRW3 |Butterflies |Butterflies |Butterflies |Personal Information |
| |ELACCKRW2-Draw, dictate, and write|ELACCKRW2-Draw, dictate, and |ELACCKRW2-Draw, dictate, and write| |
|Review the mentor text from |to compose informative text. |write to compose informative |to compose informative text. |TSW sing My World Family by Dr.|
|Reader’s Workshop: The Pot of |EQ: What do good writers do? |text. |EQ: What do good writers do? |Jean. Then the student will |
|Gold |Day 1 |EQ: What do good writers do? | |state his/her street address, |
|TS(s)W discuss what they would do|TSW make a book about butterflies!| |EQ: What do good writers do? |city, county, state, nation, |
|if they found a pot of gold. |TSW give details about the life |Day 2 |Day 3: Author’s Chair/TSW share |and continent in which he/she |
| |cycle of a butterfly. TSW draw |TSW continue writing pages for |his/her writing with the class. |lives. |
|TSW draw and write to narrate an |pictures to illustrate his/her |his/her butterfly book. TSW |ELACCKRW5-Respond to suggestions |EQ: What is the name of the |
|event. |writing. |give details about the life |from peers to improve writing |city you live in? County? |
| |Writing goals for each page: |cycle of a butterfly. TSW draw |Writing goals for each page: |State? Nation? Continent? |
|If I found a pot of gold… |*Start each sentence with a |pictures to illustrate his/her |*Start each sentence with a | |
| |capital letter. *Put a finger |writing. TSW revise and edit |capital letter. *Put a finger |EVAL: OR |
|Writing goals for each page: |space between each word. *End each|writing as needed after |space between each word. *End each| |
|*Start each sentence with a |sentence with a punctuation |conferencing with the teacher. |sentence with a punctuation | |
|capital letter. *Put a finger |mark. * Draw a picture to |Writing goals for each page: |mark. * Draw a picture to | |
|space between each word. *End |illustrate his/her writing, |*Start each sentence with a |illustrate his/her writing, | |
|each sentence with a |Remediation- TSW be given extra |capital letter. *Put a finger |Remediation- TSW be given extra | |
|punctuation mark. * Draw a |prompting and support with help |space between each word. *End |prompting and support with help | |
|picture to illustrate his/her |writing letters, words, and |each sentence with a |writing letters, words, and | |
|writing, |putting finger spaces between |punctuation mark. * Draw a |putting finger spaces between | |
|Remediation- TSW be given extra |words to build sentences. |picture to illustrate his/her |words to build sentences. | |
|prompting and support with help |Acceleration: TS can write an |writing, |Acceleration: TS can write an | |
|writing letters, words, and |additional sentence giving more |Remediation- TSW be given extra|additional sentence giving more | |
|putting finger spaces between |details about the topic. |prompting and support with help|details about the topic. | |
|words to build sentences. | |writing letters, words, and | | |
|Acceleration: TS can write an |EVAL; OR & WR |putting finger spaces between |EVAL; OR & WR | |
|additional sentence giving more | |words to build sentences. | | |
|details about the topic. | |Acceleration: TS can write an | | |
| | |additional sentence giving more| | |
|EVAL; OR & WR | |details about the topic. | | |
| | | | | |
| | |EVAL; OR & WR | | |
1:30-1:40 Snack Time
1:40-2:00 Recess
2:00-2:25 Pack Up & Dismissal
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