The 4 Most Important Influences on Our Health

Name: Date:

Health: “Dynamic, ever-changing process of achieving individual potential in the physical, social, emotional, mental, spiritual, and environmental dimensions.”

Health Promotion: “the educational, organizational, procedural, environmental, social, and financial supports that help individuals and groups reduce negative health behaviors and promote positive change.”

Life Expectancy at birth was 78 years

Differences in mortality between men and women continued to narrow. Life expectancy for females is 81 years and life expectancy for males is 76 years (estrogen, stress levels, drug use)

Life expectancy for the white population exceeds that for the black population (racism, unemployment & under-education & poverty, overcrowding & poor sanitation & malnutrition, poor health outcomes). Hispanics have the longest life expectancy (family connections, diet).

Mortality Experience: Leading Overall Causes of Death in the U.S.

1. Diseases of the heart (heart disease)

2. Malignant neoplasm (cancer)

3. Chronic lower respiratory diseases (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD-includes chronic bronchitis-linings of airways red/swollen & emphysema-air sacs damaged)

4. Accidents

5. Stroke

Warning Signs of a Heart Attack

Chest discomfort Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center (uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain)

Discomfort in other areas of the upper body (arms, the back, neck, jaw, or stomach)

Shortness of breath

Other symptoms (cold sweat, nausea, or light-headedness)

Warning signs of Cancer (CAUTION)

Change in bowel or bladder habit

A sore that does not heal

Unusual bleeding or discharge

Thickening in lump or elsewhere

Indigestion or difficulty swallowing

Obvious change in mole or wart

Nagging cough or hoarseness

Warning Signs of a Stroke (FAST)

Facial Weakness

Arm Weakness

Speech Problems

Time to call 911

The 4 Most Important Influences on Our Health

1. Environment

- physical environment: safe water, clean air, healthy workplace, safe houses, communities and roads

-income and social status linked to better health

a. Africa vs. United States

b. Power plant vs. farm

c. Abusive family vs. loving family

2. Genes (heredity)-inheritance plays a part in determining lifespan, healthiness and the likelihood of developing certain illnesses

3. Health behaviors-a person's individual characteristics and behaviors

a. smoker vs. non-smoker

b. Americans are now dying of “lifestyle diseases”

4. Quality of health care services

a. everyone should visit the doctor once a year

b. everyone should visit the dentist twice a year

Which of these 4 is the most important?

Leading Overall Behaviors of Death in the United States

1. Smoking

2. Diet & lack of exercise

3. Alcohol

* Sources: "The Determinants of Health." Health Impact Assessment (HIA). World Health Organization, 2016. Web. 14 Sept. 2016. "Leading Causes of Death." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 27 Apr. 2016. Web. 20 Aug. 2016.

Quality of Life: How well you live (morbidity)

Quantity of Life: How long you live (# of years) (mortality)

Wellness: the achievement of a person’s best in all areas of health

The Health Continuum

TV using the stairs when possible being on a sports team

Smoking 2nd hand smoke not smoking

Fast food junk food 2 times a week nutritious meals

Risk Factor: anything that increases the likelihood of injury, disease, or other health problems (controllable vs. uncontrollable-age, race, gender)

Prevention: Practicing healthy habits to keep a person well and free from injury, disease, or other illness

Examples: wearing a seatbelt, using a condom, flossing

The 7 Lifestyle Factors

• Do not use any drugs (alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana)

• Get at least 8 hours of sleep each night

• Eat nutritious foods from each of the food groups daily & eat breakfast

• Do at least 30 minutes of vigorous, non-stop exercise 3 times a week

• Maintain your recommended weight

• Remain abstinent or practice “safer-sex”

• Avoid behaviors that may cause injury (not using a seatbelt, etc)

Leading Causes of Death for 15-24 year olds in the United States

1. Accidents

( The #1 cause of these accidents is DUI (males typically drive the cars and females choose to get in the car with them)

2. Suicide

• People who attempt/commit suicide do not want to die…they just want the pain to end

• More females than males attempt suicide each year

3. Homicide

• Homicide in females often domestic violence

• Homicide in males often gang violence

4. Cancer

• Leukemia, lymphoma, testicular and thyroid cancer most common

* Source:

Mandated Reporters

Who can a student report problems to?

Parent or guardian, the police, a 911-operator, a teacher, coach, clergy member, counselor, doctor, rape crisis center, battered person’s shelter, hospital emergency room

* Keep in mind the abuser also needs help and should seek counseling

Confidentiality: to keep a secret

*involves trust in a person or organization

Anonymous: do not know the name of the person

Mandated Reporters: people who work with children are legally obligated to report certain things to the proper authorities (school police, child and family services, etc)

The following MUST (by law) be reported:

• Harm to yourself or others (Suicide or Homicide)

• Carrying a weapon (bring it to school)

• Drugs

o (possession of drugs, selling drugs, and/or coming to class “high”)

• Abuse

Abuse: causing harm to someone

• Physical abuse (cuts, bruises, welts, burns, etc)

o May leave a mark (child often covers)

• Mental (emotional, verbal) abuse (name calling, put downs, etc)

o Very difficult to detect (perhaps shy, quiet, puts down oneself frequently)

• Sexual abuse (any sexual act performed without permission: rape, touching, talking, showing photos, etc)

o Painful urination, bladder infections, itching, knowledge of sex beyond years, pregnancy, STIs, and especially in older children self-loathing behaviors (drugs, cutting, suicide) & depression

• Neglect: caretaker fails to provide basic needs (food, clothing, shelter, medical care)

o May notice poor hygiene, inadequate clothing, malnutrition, no medical care


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