Thank you for requesting more info on the program. As a personal producer myself, I understand how difficult lead

generation has become. I work with top producers all around the country and everyone has run into the same issues

when it comes to prospecting.

Just think about it. Most of us are constantly on our smart phone, the internet, social media, etc. Where do you get

most your information from nowadays? How do you buy things? Do you answer phone if you do not recognize the

number? Do you let salespeople in your home? Well, our prospects are no different. If you understand that, then

you realize old marketing methods no longer work.

You need to get with today¡¯s technology and have an online and social media presence to generate and

communicate with prospects. By utilizing specialized websites and presentations you can effectively generate

leads for not only Life Insurance, but Final Expense, Single Premium life and Annuities as well.

I write about 6 million in premium per year. Mainly doing seminars. I also go around the country and do seminars

for our top producers. We have taken the concepts in the seminar and broken them down into various parts. We

built websites and presentations based on the concepts I cover in the seminar including annuities, final expense, SPL,

life insurance and retirement concepts.¡¯

We take these websites and presentations and advertise them online, mainly using a FREE Facebook business page.

We post ads onto our business Facebook page pointing potential prospects to our personalized websites and

presentations. We can choose what age group, interest and what area these ads target.

The best thing it only cost about $7 to try an ad. Since we have already tried them out and know they work, you do

not need to do that. I usually spend about $25 per ad and that will reach about 1500 people in the demographics I

have chosen. I reach about 1500-2500 people that way. Out of that I will get about 10 to 20 people or more to

respond to the ad. That¡¯s less than $3 per lead.

Remember, the majority of people today are getting their information and buying online. Even senior market

prospects are now tech savvy and using the internet and social media to buy insurance and annuities. If you are

not taking advantage of online marketing and sales, you are missing out. The days of "let's sit down at the kitchen

table" are coming to an end.

How to get started

You select a one of our personalized websites and/or presentations you want to use that will have your contact info

on it. We can add a life quoting engine to your site to make sales easier if you contract with us for United Home Life

or Foresters. We will collect what info you want on the site and build it for you.

We then create a business Facebook page if you do not already have one. We then post the ads to Facebook then

pick out the area and demographics you want the ad to run in. Then you select an initial budget of at least $7. So the

cost to get started on the ads is only $7.

Setting everything up is simple, but don¡¯t worry, we will walk you through the entire set up process. It takes less than

10 minutes.

On the few next page, you will see 5 samples of what you can select from.

RETIREMENT SEMINAR WEBSITE with 20-minute presentation.

Ads to post on Facebook and Website hosting included.

Best option to get leads for annuities, SPL and final expense. This is a short version of the seminar I do for my

practice and for agents around the country. Our typical seminal produces between $300k and $500K in premium.

When they hit submit, info goes to you.

Customized domain name not included.

Single Premium Life 7-minute presentation.

Ads to post on Facebook included.

This whiteboard presentation is the best option to get leads for single premium life. Shows how SPL can be used to

help cover cost of long term care expenses and to utilize as an asset transfer vehicle. Very effective.

Presentation ad will point them to contact you.


Ads to post on Facebook and Website hosting included.

A little different approach to sell final expense utilizing the leave a legacy concept. Most people that respond can

be sold right over the phone or just email them an app.

FREE Instant Quote Page INCLUDED for our Foresters or United Home Life contracted agents.

When they hit submit, info goes to you.

Customized domain name not included.


Ads to post on Facebook and Website hosting included.

Most people that respond can be sold right over the phone or just email them an app.

FREE Instant Quote Page INCLUDED for our Foresters or United Home Life contracted agents.

When they hit submit, info goes to you.

Customized domain name not included.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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