Patient’s Name: - Radioloksabha

|Patient’s Name: |Age/sex: / M |

|MRD NO. : |Date: /08/ 2017 |


Multiplanar, multiecho MRI of the lumbar spine was performed. Additional screening sagittal T2W images were also obtained through cervico-dorsal spine.

• Spinal cord ends at

• Lumbosacral transtition vertebrae is not noted.

• Lumbar vertebrae show normal alignment and marrow signal intensity.

• Lumbar lordosis is maintained.

• The bony spinal canal is normal.

• Lower lumbar discs are degenerated.

• Diffuse disc bulge with ligamentum flavum hypertrophy & facetal arthropathy is noted at levels indenting thecal sac, compromising lateral recesses and exit foramina.

• Thecal sac area in mm2 measures T12-L1 -; L1-L2 -; L2-L3 -; L3-L4 -; L4-L5 -; L5-S1 -.

• Rest of the exiting nerve roots, ligamentum flavum and facet joints appear normal.

• The cord and conus show normal signal intensity

• Pre and paravertebral soft tissues are normal.

• Bilateral SI joint appears normal.

Screening T2W images through cervico-dorsal spine reveal degenerative changes at cervical level.

IMPRESSION: MRI lumbosacral spine reveals


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