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January 12, 2015


Lake Norman Marine Commissioners Attending


John Marino Chairman

Mark Lancaster Iredell County

Morris Sample Lincoln County

Bill Young Mecklenburg County

John Gerke Catawba County

Staff Present

Ron Shoultz Executive Director

Bob Elliott Assistant Director

Bill Johnson Administrator


After a review of the minutes from the November 10, 2014 meeting, Commissioner Sample made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, Commissioner Gerke seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Reports – LNMC Executive Director

Ron Shoultz reported on the following items:

• Michael Nutting, the student who is working on the project Light of the Lake”, has filed for a nonprofit status so funds received can be tax deductible. He will be reporting on his project status next meeting.

• Next month we will be discussing a FERC application from Aqua for conveyance of water lines and commissioners will be receiving the application for review prior to next meeting.

• NCDOT has informed the LNMC that they will be tenting shortly to do painting of the bridge. Also, they have requested information on causeway buoys so they can develop cost estimates for replacement.

• Met with Lake Norman Dredge about the buoy problem at Slanting Bridge. They have agreed to monitor and maintain the buoys in the correct positions.

• Attended a Lake Patrol meeting coordinated by Mecklenburg County regarding patrol changes which will be happening during the oncoming year. Another meeting should occur within the next thirty days.

• Third quarter activity report for the LNMC is in each commission’s packet. This will be sent out to all the counties.

• There is also a budget for FY 2015/16 in the packet. This is an action item to be discussed later in the agenda. This budget will be a part of our funding request to the four counties for next fiscal year.

• Met with members of the HOA at the Point regarding some safety issues related to the golf course and boaters anchored around the golf course. Various options to enhance safety in the area of concern were discussed and they will take the lead on follow up action.

• Ongoing discussions have been conducted with the Water Management Group as well as discussions about the plan with county commissioners.

Reports – Enforcement

Charlotte Mecklenburg Lake Patrol

Officer Echerd reported that there were 263 incidents on the lake for the month of December. Officers participated in numerous events conducted around the holiday season. Cross training exercises were conducted with Steele Creek Officers to familiarize them with the Lake Norman area. Officers were working with the North Division during the holidays for prevention of crime.

Cornelius Police Department

No report

Iredell County Sheriff

No report.

Catawba County

Deputy Pruitt reported that there were 264 hours of service, 44 property checks and 82 total calls for service in the month of December.

Lincoln County

No report

N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission

Officer Robertson communicated that since October most of the patrol time has been committed to lake fishermen and duck hunters. Currently to this date, 103 fishermen have been checked with 6 citations being issued. 88 duck hunters were checked with 4 citations being issued. Since October, 2 boating citations and 3 warnings have been issued. A training exercise is being planned which incorporates all first responders in all of the counties around the lake.

Reports – Lake Issues

Duke Energy

A representative from Duke reported that the lake level is 97.3.

Coast Guard Auxiliary Division 26

No report

Lake Norman Sail and Power Squadron

Steve Stuart reviewed the schedule of activities planned for 2015 in the two areas of focus; public education and safety checks.

Mecklenburg County Parks and Rec.

No report

DOT/Highway 150 Bridge Repair

No report

Water Quality/Erosion/Buffers/Illegal Discharge

Mecklenburg County Water Quality

Dave Caldwell reviewed the Water Quality Report for November and noted that the report is in a new format which includes all the information on one page. He also included in the information given to commissioners a paper discussing the LUSI, Lake Use Support Index. In summary, Lake Norman is in excellent condition. Lakes Davidson and Cornelius are also in excellent condition with a slightly higher nutrients score.

ADOPT-an-Island Program

No report.

NC Wildlife Federation

No report

Catawba Riverkeeper Foundation

No report

Comments from the Public


Committee Reports

ATON Committee

Commissioner Young stated the contractor has been given the approval to work on the items on Captain Gus’s list. Markers R3 and M3 are set to have lights repaired and Marker M4 sign is to be replaced. Previously, a report was given on the problems related to the Slanting Bridge with the goal to have a permanent fix. It was noted that a Shoal sign is missing in the Holiday Marina area which will be investigated and corrected. We are in good shape as we move towards the boating season.

Hydrilla Committee

No report

The Boater Education

Commissioner Gerke reiterated the boater education schedule previously presented by the Power Squadron.

Charter Boat Committee

Commissioner Sample reported that renewal Charter Boat packages will be going out in February with committee review in March and final recommendations to the LNMC Commission in April.

No Wake Buoy

Executive Director Shoultz reported that he would like to schedule a meeting of this committee later this month.

Rafting Committee

No report


No-Wake Buoy Requests


Rafting Applications






FERC Applications

Alex Robinson, representative for the Davidson Retirement Project, made a presentation on its FERC application request. In summary, the request is for shoreline stabilization in the Davidson Cove area with the use of standard rip rap in designated areas and enhanced rip rap for areas of high visibility. Total area to stabilize is 450 feet. Ground breaking for this project is scheduled for this spring.

Commissioner Sample made a motion for approval of this application, Commissioner Gerke seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Administrative Matters

Chairman Marino referred the commissioners to the Joint Resolution Regarding Lake Norman Territorial Jurisdiction document in their packets and asked for a motion to endorse. Commissioner Lancaster made a motion to endorse this resolution, seconded by Commissioner Young and the motion passed unanimously.

Executive Director Shoultz discussed the proposed budget for FY 2015/16. Increases in funding from the counties is represented in this budget in order to cover increase in expenses especially for ATON. Discussion ensued with Commissioner Gerke making a motion to approve the budget as submitted, seconded by Commissioner Sample and it passed unanimously.

Commissioner Young made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Commissioner Lancaster seconded the motion. The motion was approved and the meeting was adjourned.


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