September 8, 2020

The Lyman County Commissioners met in regular session in the Conference Room in the Courthouse at Kennebec, South Dakota, September 8, 2020, at 8:30 a.m. with the following members present: Chairman Bill Lengkeek, Leslie Reuer, Zane Reis, Auditor Deb Halverson and Deputy Auditor Kalli Houchin. Absent: Jared Schelske. Ryan Huffman was present after bills were approved.


Chairman Lengkeek called the meeting to order with the pledge to the flag.


Motion by Reuer, seconded by Reis to adopt the agenda. All voting aye.


Motion by Reis, seconded by Reuer to approve the minutes of the August 17, 2020, and August 18, 2020, meetings. All voting aye.


Motion by Reuer, seconded by Reis to pay the following bills. All voting aye.

|Commissioners Salary |5,187.70 |

|Auditor's Office Salary |7,996.01 |

|Treasurer's Office Salary |8,991.57 |

|States Attorney Salary |5,150.19 |

|Courthouse Salary |4,280.76 |

|Director of Equalization's Office Salary |9,161.76 |

|Register of Deed's Office Salary |7,205.53 |

|Veterans Service Office Salary |362.60 |

|Sheriff's Office Salary |22,621.77 |

|Coroner Salary |173.48 |

|Nurse & WIC Salary |2,975.65 |

|Historical Society |1,808.52 |

|Extension Salary |37.58 |

|Weed Salary |568.25 |

|R&B Construction Salary |35,331.31 |

|R&B Administration Salary |8,901.35 |

|Emergency Management Service Salary |2,529.92 |

|Total August 2020 Salary |$123,283.95 |

|A-1 Roofing & Insulation Systems - Courthouse Repairs |27,824.30 |

|Agtegra Coop - RB Fuel |5,414.45 |

| RB Parts & Repairs |112.65 |

| Sheriff's Office Fuel |1,221.74 |

| RB Supplies |101.56 |

|August 2020 Apportionment - Schools |18,358.78 |

|August 2020 Apportionment - Cities |4,651.79 |

|August 2020 Apportionment - Townships |1,679.54 |

|August 2020 Apportionment - WR/LJ Water District |160.33 |

|August 2020 Apportionment - Lyman County Ambulance District |625.63 |

|AT&T - Sheriff's Office Utilities |281.65 |

| Emergency Manager Utilities |45.92 |

| RB Utilities |49.44 |

|B&L Communications - Courthouse Repairs |470.50 |

|BJ's Food Center - Courthouse Supplies |159.47 |

|Brule County Auditor - 4-H Travel |344.20 |

|Brule County Coop - RB Parts & Repairs |760.30 |

|Cardmember Service - Sheriff's Office Fuel |81.72 |

|Central Culvert Supply - RB Culverts |3,596.00 |

|Chamberlain Variety Inc - Commissioners Supplies |3,299.80 |

|Coffee Cup Fuel Stops - Sheriff's Office Fuel |95.71 |

|Connecting Point - DOE Computer |1,778.00 |

|Fed Ex - Sheriff's Office Supplies |19.97 |

|Forterra Pipe & Precast - RB Culvert (Chester Bridge) |67,068.60 |

|Halvorson Oil - Courthouse Supplies |8.59 |

| Sheriff's Vehicle Expense |81.30 |

| RB Parts |10.22 |

|Inland Truck Parts & Service - RB Parts & Repairs |102.06 |

|Kennebec Telephone Co. - Commissioners Room Phone |46.68 |

| Auditor Phone, Modem & DSL |106.92 |

| Treasurer Phone & DSL |83.54 |

| States Attorney Phone & DSL |58.05 |

| DOE Phone & DSL |69.70 |

| ROD Phone & DSL |62.10 |

| VSO Phone & DSL |63.12 |

| Sheriff's Office Phone & DSL |366.17 |

| Extension Phone & DSL |60.05 |

| RB Office & Shop Phones & Fax Line |206.46 |

| 911 Phone |144.00 |

| Sheriff's Office Supplies |140.00 |

| Sheriff's Office Vehicle Exp |39.58 |

| RB Equipment Rent |280.00 |

| RB Parts & Repairs |773.13 |

| RB Utilities |675.31 |

|Kennebec Town - RB Dirt Work |31.54 |

|Lakota Contracting Inc - Sheriff's Office Uniforms |1,376.10 |

|Lincoln County Treasurer - Mental Illness Board Expense |140.25 |

|Lyman County Herald - Commissioners Publications |535.70 |

| RB Notices |50.00 |

|McLeods Printing & Office Supply - RB Admin Supplies |337.22 |

|Menards - Courthouse Supplies |108.66 |

|Northwest Pipe Fitting of Huron - RB Parts |64.13 |

|Office Products Center - Auditor's Office Supplies |119.50 |

| Courthouse Supplies |18.50 |

| DOE Office Supplies |9.44 |

| EMS Supplies |62.16 |

|Overhead Door Company - RB Supplies |244.90 |

|Powerplan - RB Parts & Repairs |1,328.02 |

|Presho City - RB Supplies - Water |1,749.00 |

|Quill - Auditor's Office Supplies |8.50 |

| Courthouse Supplies |126.85 |

| County Owned Office Supplies |112.24 |

| DOE Office Supplies |37.99 |

|Retriever LLC - RB Supplies |220.00 |

|Rushmore Service Center - Prisoner Medical |1,802.51 |

|SD Attorney General’s Office - July & Aug Scram Payments |893.00 |

|SD Dept. of GF&P - Game Licenses Sold |72.00 |

|SD Dept. of Public Safety - Sheriff's Utilities |2,340.00 |

|SD Dept. of Revenue - August Collections - SMV |28,464.01 |

|SD Dept. of Revenue - August Collections - State Hiway Patrol |646.00 |

|SD Dept. of Revenue - August Collections - Driver's License |980.00 |

|SD Dept. of Revenue - August Collections - 4% |45,969.05 |

|SD Dept. of Revenue - August Collections - ROD |160.00 |

|SD SOS - Pistol Permits (2) |14.00 |

|SD DOT Finance Office - RB Culverts |74.01 |

|SDACO - ROD M&P August |134.00 |

|SD State Treasurer - Excise & Sales Tax Remittance |117.67 |

|Servall Uniform & Linin Supply - Courthouse Supplies |102.69 |

|Smith Law Office - May-Aug Office Expenses |2,546.91 |

|USPS - Election Postage |560.00 |

| ROD Postage |195.00 |

|WW Tire - Sheriff's Vehicle Expense |414.14 |

|  |$233,744.72 |

Deputy Auditor Houchin left the meeting.


Motion by Huffman, seconded by Reuer to approve the following August 2020 reports. All voting aye.

AUDITOR’S ACCOUNT: Cash on hand: $1,742.12; Checks in Treasurer’s possession less than 3 days old: $12,546.49; BankWest Checking: $25,017.81; BankWest Savings: $2,401,922.27; 1st Dakota Bank CD’s: $215,022.01; Dakota Prairie CD’s: $666,548.05 for a total of $3,322,798.75. General Fund: $2,191,367.44; Special Revenue Funds: Road & Bridge Assigned: $777,471.66; 911 Fund: $32,471.89; Fire: $59,046.47; Emergency Management: $22,755.16; Domestic Abuse: $375.00; TIF: $59,732.03; 24/7 Sobriety: $18,505.74; Register of Deeds M&P: $43,240.11; Trust & Agency Funds: $117,833.25. Of this amount the following entities received: State of SD: $76,219.06; School Districts: $18,358.78; Cities & Towns: $4,651.79; Townships: $1,679.54; WR/LJ Water District: $160.33; Lyman County Ambulance District: $625.63 for a total of $101,695.13.

REG. OF DEEDS FEES: $4,431.00 less $134.00 sent to SDACO for the Reg. of Deeds Modernization & Preservation Fund.


Motion by Reis, second by Reuer to approve the following building permits: Joel & Vicki Stuart to move a garden shed, steel shed and chicken house from one lot in Lyman County to Lots 5 & 6 in the W2NW4 of 14-103-73 and to build a 24’x64’ pole barn at Lots 5 & 6 in the W2NW4 of 14-103-73. All voting aye.


Motion by Reis, second by Reuer to approve A Plat of Lots 1-11 of Whitlow Addition and Wilderness Cove Drive in the West ½ of Section 4, T 104N, R 71W of the 5th P.M., Lyman County, South Dakota. All voting aye.


Motion by Huffman, second by Reis to approve a License Agreement with CoreLogic Solutions, LLC for Lyman County GIS data. All voting aye.


Auditor Halverson stated Sheriff’s Deputy Dylan Seitz has completed his 6-month probationary period. Motion by Reuer, second by Reis to remove him from probation with a new monthly salary of $3,141.67. All voting aye.


At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the commissioners chose to close the courthouse and not allow the public to attend meetings in person by passing Resolution 2020-01. Due to the fact that the courthouse and meetings have been open to the public since June 8, 2020, motion by Reuer, second by Huffman to officially repeal Resolution 2020-01. All voting aye.


Discussion was had on the current wheel tax and how much money could be raised by changing it. Auditor Halverson worked up rough estimates to indicate that raising the tax from $4/wheel to $5/wheel would raise an approximate additional revenue of $22,000 per year and keeping the rate at $4/wheel but upping the total number of wheels charged for could raise an additional $10,000-15,000 per year. After seeing the estimates there is no plan to change the wheel tax at this time.


Due to scheduling conflicts, the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan meeting, along with the LEOP and LEPC meeting have been moved to September 22, 2020. More discussion was held on the 2021 Local Emergency Management Performance Grant through the state. The requirements to the county are becoming stricter and more time consuming, making the prospect of the grant less desirable. Motion by Reuer, second by Huffman to leave the LEMPG program for 2021. All voting aye.


Motion by Reis, seconded by Huffman to approve the following corrections to the 2021 Provisional Budget. All voting aye. Final adoption of the 2021 budget will be held September 22, 2020 at 9:25 a.m.

Increase Contingency $105,000 = Total $105,000; Decrease County Jail $70,060.00 = Total $86,000.00; Increase General Fund Transfers Out for Road & Bridge $150,000 = Total $150,000; Increase General Fund Cash Applied $194,674 = $454,995.00; Decrease Highways, Roads & Bridges $50,000 = Total $1,877,215.00; Increase Road & Bridge Other Financing Sources $150,000 = Total $160,000; Decrease Road & Bridge Fund Cash Applied $202,631.00 = Total $231,858.00; Decrease Emergency & Disaster Services $7,660.00 = Total $37,537; Increase Emergency Management Fund Cash Applied $4,340.00 = Total $7,537.00


State Auditor Toby Qualm met with the Commission to inform them of the financial and compliance audit being performed for 2018-2019 and to ask if they have any concerns they would like addressed. Motion by Reis, second by Reuer to authorize Chairman Lengkeek to sign the audit approval. All voting aye. Qualm left the meeting.


Hwy. Supt. Walt Nagel was present to discuss current road projects. The Chester Bridge replacement with a concrete box culvert is complete. A resident in Earling Township would like some work done to section lines to his property along with trees removed from the right of way. Nagel will improve one path in to the property and remove trees. Nagel is currently procuring propane quotes for the winter and also requested the board go back to acquiring fuel quotes quarterly instead of monthly; board consensus is to ask for fuel quotes quarterly beginning October-December 2020. The highway department will begin work on the road to the hog confinement facility soon with assistance from England Construction. Other culverts that are deteriorating were also discussed. Nagel left the meeting.


Information on the KXL Pipeline was discussed.


Motion by Reis, seconded by Reuer to adjourn until September 22, 2020 at 8:30 a.m. All voting aye.

_________________________________________ ATTEST: _________________________________________

Bill Lengkeek, Chairman Debra Halverson

Lyman County Commission Lyman County Auditor


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