Orange Board of Education


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The positive aspects of previous professional development opportunities in the district or school include:

• Coaches, administrators and members of the school’s Common Core PLC will offer job embedded professional learning during grade level / content area staff meeting, and during common planning time.

• During grade level planning, collaboration of grade level teachers, coaches and administrators developed results-driven plans for specific content areas

• Continuation of Professional Learning Communities to afford teachers to collaborate about student work and data analysis and focused on increasing student achievement.

• Out of district training was turn-keyed to school staff during PLC, grade level, content area and staff meetings

• District PD days and District Articulation Days afforded staff the opportunity to interact and share best practices with other staff member in the district

Opportunities that address the needs of staff and enhanced student learning include:

• Enabling staff to become familiar with and implement researched-based instructional strategies via the

• Allowing staff to share best practices on grade across grade level

The school is able to document improving teacher practices and student learning and can be seen through:

• Teacher Surveys and evaluation of PD

• Student achievement using results from NJASK, Study Island, Model Curriculum Unit Assessments, Programmatic Assessments (Journeys and Prentice Hall Literacy and Everyday and Connected Math) and formative/summative assessment(s).

Previous professional learning has been aligned to the district and school priorities in key initiatives and programs by:

• By providing staff with outside and school embedded training and opportunities to support the programs and initiatives

Challenges the school faced addressing Professional development include:

• Teachers need additional content-based professional development to support the Common Core State Standards and fill the gaps the existing language arts and math programs.

School Professional Development Plan will be:

• Results-Driven

• Driven by Data

• Content-based

• Embedded professional development

• Utilize grade level / content area common planning time and staff meetings to discuss data, content pedagogy and researched-based instructional strategies focused on raising student achievement in all sub groups.

• Use funding for content specific content professional opportunities


1. Student Achievement encompasses

• Student-directed learning demonstrating rigor classroom discourse, higher order thinking, problem solving and communication skills

• Student performance on standardized tests, model curriculum unit assessments, classroom assessments, work samples, and portfolios that show growth

• Student achievement is students achieving their highest potential and being equipped with the knowledge and skills that are necessary to be productive members of our society. This will be achieved by continuing to increase the levels of instructional rigor and providing a robust educational program. This will empower to students perform at the proficient and advanced proficient range on state standardized exams.

2. The school-based performance data on the NJASK 2012 is listed in the table below

B. NJ ASK 2012

|Grade/Subject |Number Tested |Partial Proficient |Proficient |Advanced Proficient |

|3/LAL |80 |59% |41% |0 |

|3/Mathematics |80 |51.9% |39.1% |13.9% |

|4/LAL |94 |78.5% |21.5% |0 |

|4 Mathematics |94 |62.4% |32.3 |5.4% |

|4 Science |94 |34.4% |51.6% |14% |

|5 LAL |64 |51.8% |45.2% |0 |

|5 Math |64 |30.6% |53.2% |16.1% |

|6 LAL |68 |64.5% |33.9% |1.6% |

|6 Math |68 |40.9 |48.5% |10.6% |

|7 LAL |67 |64.6% |33.8% |1.5% |

|7 Math |67 |68.2% |25.8% |6.1% |

Informal and formal teacher surveys indicated the need for analyzing student assessment data, implementing higher order thinking skills and differentiated instruction.

3. Analyzing the results from NJASK, Model Curriculum Unit Assessments, Study Island Pre and Post test, Journeys unit tests, and running records are a basis for identifying professional development needs of staff. The above data indicates a greater need for Professional Development in the area of Language Arts (Reading Comprehension, Text Complexity and Opinion/Argument Writing). A continuation of content-based professional development in Connected Math and Everyday Math will improve teacher’s ability to effectively meet the rigor of the CCSS.

Calculating teacher surveys are also used as a basis for planning professional development. The surveys indicate the need for more content training, collaboration among and across grades.

Lincoln Elementary School completed a comprehensive assessment survey in professional development. NJASK test data analysis and probability and suspension/school discipline analysis.

Grade level team leaders facilitated meetings to review deficient areas identified by the data analysis and probability committee based on item analysis and NJASK cluster analysis results to determine strategies to use with students.


1. Student learning goals:

During the 2013-2014 school year, all student subgroups will demonstrate a 10% growth increase, as measured by analyses of formative and summative assessments in the areas of text analysis, research, application of tiered vocabulary, argument writing, firmness in mathematical problems, application and mastery of the Common Core State Standards.

2. Professional Development Goals:

a. During the 2013-2014 school year, all teachers will participate in PLCs to continue unpacking the Common Core State Standards and identify and fill curriculum gaps that exist, as measured by meeting minutes, curriculum revisions, lesson plans/designs, and a minimal 10% growth in student achievement.

b. During the 2013-2014 school year, all teachers will participate in PLCs to continue to analyze Danielson’s rubrics and videos and how they relate to the new evaluation system and their individual practices, as measured by self-assessments, walk-throughs, targeted observations, and a minimal 10% growth in student achievement.

c. During the 2013- 2014 school year, ESL, SE, LEP, and GE teachers will participate in differentiated professional learning experiences to increase differentiation of materials and instruction based on Study Island and Model Curriculum Unit Assessment data, to employ effective co-teaching strategies, to increase effective strategies for the continued implementation of Sheltered English, Read 180, Math 180, iRead, and System 44, in order to increase student achievement by at least 10%, as measured by student schedules, lesson designs, walk-throughs, and analysis of summative and formative assessments.

d. During the 2013-2014 school year, mathematics teachers will participate in PLCs that address professional development in grades K-5 that will continue analyzing the implementation of Everyday Math, in grades 6-7 the continued implementation of inquiry-based investigations in Connected Math, with increased attention to mathematical practices to increase student achievement by at least 10%, as measured by lesson designs, walk-throughs, and analysis of summative and formative assessments.

e. During the 2013-2014 school year, all teachers will participate in PLCs that address professional development in literacy skills as outlined in the Common Core State Standards.

f. During the 2013-2014 school year, all teachers will participate in PLCs that address PARCC format and assessment prototypes.

g. During the 2013-2014 school year, all K-2 teachers will participate in PLCs that address Children’s Literacy Initiative best practices.

The schools goals are directly aligned to the district’s goals and its DINI plan, the QSAC DIP plan, the RTTT grant, and the results of the needs assessment. Lincoln’s plan is in place to raise student achievement.


The structure of our Professional Development opportunities will include:

• Staff meetings for school-wide training

• Grade level meetings utilized to analyze assessment data results, discuss instructional strategies and content pedagogy

• Professional Learning Communities (PLC) collaboration analyzing student work and collaborative planning

• Additional Training for utilizing instructional strategies and best practices via TeachScape

All professional development will be results-driven and focus on content-based pedagogy and raising student achievement. Subject area teachers will meet for support and sharing content and pedagogy. Professional Development will be scheduled during grade level partnering, PLC’s, and special education/bilingual/ELL team meetings as well as articulation days and/or staff meetings. Opportunities will be provided for team members to observe others at Lincoln Avenue and other in and out of district schools.

There are also grade level collaborative planning and reflection meetings. Additionally, teachers are enhancing their knowledge of Writers Workshop and implement them during their literacy block. Teachers will receive results-driven professional development on focusing on assessing student work samples and planning explicit instruction for raising student performance in defined areas of weakness.

The school professional development plan will be presented in a staff meeting at the beginning of the school year. Teachers will be allowed to offer feedback and dialogue. Additionally, it will be placed on our school website.


All teachers will be involved in comprehensive collaborative planning and instructional reflection with at grade level meetings, content areas meetings, and special education/bilingual and ELL meetings. Grade level meetings will occur weekly. Additionally, an extra period per week will be added to provide teachers with a double period for common planning. Flexible scheduling is in place to meet the needs for teachers to collaborate.

Professional development goals are implemented with the grade level meetings, common planning times, faculty meetings, district wide professional development, outside consultants and partnerships, NJDOE mandated PD, and online and video training.

The collaborative learning format has served as a catalyst in our school for getting teachers to openly discuss effective and ineffective instructional strategies. Teachers will continue to analyze student results and collaborate to form the best instruction for students.


The School Professional Development Plan will enable teachers to acquire knowledge, skills or behaviors in the following instructional areas:

• Increase accountable talk and talk moves in the classroom by teachers using probing questions to promote student discourse, and increase the levels of rigor by having students analyze, evaluate and create.

• Teachers will meet routinely to analyze student results data and student work to prioritize academic needs, and align them to researched-based instructional strategies via TeachScape.

• Collaboratively planning to align curriculums with the CCSS (Collaborative Planning, Instructional Implementation and Debrief). Reflection will provide feedback dialogue about the lesson.

• Use of technology into all areas of the curriculum.

• Increase content knowledge in data analysis and probability to plan direct explicit instruction in grades 3-7

• Increase content knowledge to plan direct explicit instruction in Base Ten and numbers and numeration for K-7

2. Student data from state assessment, Model Curriculum Unit Assessments, Study Island, formative assessments and class behaviors will be used to determine how the PD impacts student learning.

3. The evidence that the staff has acquired new knowledge will be reflected in teachers’ daily plans, walkthroughs, informal/formal observations, common planning time, PLCs and progress monitoring.

4. Teachers will continue to receive ongoing job embedded collaboration during grade level meetings and staff meetings. The School Professional Development Plan encourages job-embedded collaboration by affording teachers time to meet and discuss their needs. The Professional Development is based on what teachers see as their need(s) to help raise student achievement levels. Evidence will include common planning time and PLC/SLC minutes, and increased student achievement on district benchmark and the state assessments.

5. Student achievement results from the NJASK 2013 will be reviewed in September in order to evaluate areas of deficiency. Based on our grade level and or content area needs, teachers will have the opportunity to hold focus group discussions during grade level and PLC meetings. Teachers have received surveys to evaluate initiatives and professional development during collaborative planning time. The School Professional Development Committee will examine and tabulate individual evaluation forms from specific events or team meetings to determine the usefulness of the professional learning offered in the past and what should be continued. The district provides an evaluation sheet to examine the effectiveness of the professional development as additional professional development needs.


1 We will continue to support last years’ professional learning opportunities in the areas of guided reading, writing, academic vocabulary development, literacy work stations, writers’ workshop and higher order thinking skills in Bloom’s Taxonomy.

2 The definition of student achievement is the daily and weekly improvement of skills reflected in students’ oral and written work and applying these skills to higher level thinking and problem solving.

3The Professional Goals that are connected to the student learning goals for the school /district are:

• Increase student achievement by 10% from the previous school year based on district benchmark assessments and the state exam

• Teachers will participate in workshops relating to the writing process to encourage students to be writers

• Collaborative lesson planning in all grade levels

• Co-Teaching for content area, resource and ELL teachers

• The school principal/assistant principal will be responsible for walkthroughs and formal observations to monitor classroom instruction properly aligned to CCSS and student learning

• Professional development to increase technology integration into all subject areas

• Specialty area teachers will integrate content area skills, aligned to the Model Curriculum/CCSS into their specialty area lesson.

4 The process and structure that will be used in order to provide professional development will be

• Addressing the needs of the teachers based on feedback and dialogue during staff meeting, grade level meeting, PLCs and evaluation surveys

• Student data analysis of formal and informal assessments

• Infusion of technology in all areas

• Outside consultants, district-wide professional development, on-line and video training (TeachScape, Success at the Core and Kahn Academy).

5 Evaluation of our professional development goals in the first year will be immediate feedback (workshop evaluation) after each professional development workshop, teacher survey rating the 2012-2013 workshops and teachers’ strengths and weaknesses to determine future workshops. During school walkthroughs administration will assess how teachers are applying the skills gained through professional development into their professional practice.


2012 - 2013


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