Central Administration Building - Boardroom

Notice of the meeting was given in advance by publication and/or posting in accordance with the Board approved method for giving notice of meetings. Notice of this meeting was given in advance to all members of the Board of Education. Availability of the agenda was communicated in the publicized notice and a current copy of the Agenda was maintained as stated in the publicized notice. All proceedings of the Board of Education, except as may be hereinafter noted, were taken while the convened meeting was open to attendance of the public.


At the beginning of this meeting, the chairperson announced and informed the public that a current copy of the Open Meeting Act is posted on the West wall of the meeting room.

Jim Spangler called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 PM in the Central Administration Building Boardroom. Those members present: Mitch Deines, Monte Lofing, Steve Winter, Jon Zimmerman, Tobias Tempelmeyer, Terry Cossel and Randy Coleman. Dr. Dale Kruse, Secretary of the Board was also present. Lisa Pieper was absent from the Call to Order.


The Board of Education and those attending the meeting recited the Pledge of Allegiance.


a. Moved by Steve Winter, seconded by Randy Coleman that the agenda be approved as submitted.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Motion Carried

b. Moved by Steve Winter, seconded by Randy Coleman that the minutes of the February 8, 2010 regular board meeting and the minutes of the February 2, 2010 board retreat and the minutes of the February 18, 2010 special board meetings be approved as circulated.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Motion Carried

c. Moved by Steve Winter, seconded by Randy Coleman that the proposed accounts for payment be paid.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Motion Carried

d. Moved by Steve Winter, seconded by Randy Coleman that the budgetary receipts and expenditures be received and placed on file.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Motion Carried

e. Moved by Steve Winter, seconded by Randy Coleman that the committee minutes of the Finance & Facilities Committee, Instruction & Activities Committee and the School & Community Committee be approved.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Motion Carried

f. Moved by Steve Winter, seconded by Randy Coleman that the following choice requests be approved

To Elmwood-Murdock – Morgan Boham – Gr. 12 – To Lewiston – Ainsley Sailor – Gr. 4 – Persefenie Woutzke – Gr. K – Mikayla Woutzke – Gr. K- and Hunter Burger – Gr. 9 - From Freeman – Macy Gronewold – Gr. K – Tiffany Pope – Gr. 7 and Brittany Pope – Gr. 11 – From Southern – Treslyn Laflin – Gr. 9 and Treytyn Laflin – Gr. 9

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Motion Carried

g. Moved by Steve Winter, seconded by Randy Coleman that the resignation of Chris Nelson, Business Manager and Connie Bonahoom, Kindergarten teacher at Paddock Lane be approved.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Motion Carried

h. Moved by Steve Winter, seconded by Randy Coleman that the hiring of Molly Lungrin be approved.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Motion Carried


a. The Board of Education of District # 15 recognized All State Chorus winners Silas Dell, Anna Spilker and Ryan Rabstejnek.

b. The Board of Education of District # 15 recognized Jesse Hinz the Class B State Champion - Wrestling 285 pounds.

c. The Board of Education of District # 15 recognized Andrew Nelson State Runner Up - Swimming 500 Yard Freestyle.


a. Superintendent's Report – Dr. Kruse informed the Board that Reading Classics will be held at the Public Library on March 16th. Students will be competing at 12:15 PM and 2:00 PM. Dr. Kruse shared that he had given the Board of Education four Tuesday dates in March to look at to hold a Committee of the Board meeting with Dr. Lopez to discuss the Business Manager position. At this point, he has not been able to find a date when all nine Board members could be present. Tobias is not available on any Tuesdays and all but Lisa could make in on March 23rd and all could make it but Terry on March 30th. Lisa is trying to resolve her conflict on March 23rd and if she can, we will hold the meeting then with eight members present. If Lisa cannot resolve her conflict then the dates of March 23rd and 30th will be placed in a drawing and a date will be selected for the meeting.

b. GNSA/Legislative Report –Terry Cossel reported that GNSA had met for the first time this year on February 17, 2010. Most of the meeting was spent reviewing legislative bills to determine those GNSA would support and those that they would oppose. Terry shared a short overview of these bills with the Board.

c. Student Update – Bethany Randel reported that we had five wrestlers qualify for State and we placed 7th in Class B. In swimming Andrew Nelson placed 2nd in 500 yard Freestyle and 3rd in 200 yard Freestyle. The Cheerleaders and Dance team both received Honorable Mention at their recent competition. The Speech team is the RCC Champion and Anna Spilker and Bethany Randel will be participating at State. The Girls Basketball team were District winners, but lost their first game at State. The Boys Basketball team was runner up at District and plays their first State game on Thursday. The Drumline recently placed 2nd at their Championship contest.

Bethany shared that the Jazz Band just recently had the opportunity to work with Abraham Inc., which is a Funk Jazz Band. Bethany reported that spring practices started on March 1st.

d. Review of Board of Education Goal # 2 – Jami Jo Thompson updated the Board on Goal # 2 for Summer Stephens who was away at a conference. Board Goal # 2 is to support Professional Learning Communities by creating a comprehensive long-range plan for professional development activities aligned to continuous improvement of the Learning Community and developing strategies to use data effectively. A professional development needs assessment was given in October and this data was reviewed and utilized to plan PLC and staff development activities. The SIPPLC team meets once a month prior to PLC dates to help with our PLC work and they have developed a chart indicating what each PLC group is working on. PLC teams continue to work on curriculum alignment, common assessment development and have begun working on intervention strategies as well. Jami Jo shared that approximately 23 staff members have been to the PLC Institute this past summer. Summer Stephens is attending a conference, which focuses on professional development and how to tie it to student achievement. She will also be attending several sessions on new teacher induction models, which will assist her in revising our new teacher model. The long range staff development plans include goal setting for continuous improvement. Staff will use Tableau developed data charts and tables to review baseline data, set goals at each level and set professional development priorities. Last fall, all staff participated in data analysis training, which has been utilized during the school year, but will become even more important in the fall as we review our data to set our school improvement goals. It will also be extremely valuable as we move forward with PLCs and begin to analyze student assessment data to develop interventions.

e. Energy Education Update – Bob McClelland shared with the Board that he was hired in 2007 to work with Energy Education Inc. to develop an energy management program in Beatrice Public Schools. Beatrice Public schools had done several projects to make them more energy efficient. The first step was to develop a baseline year to have the ability to form comparisons. The baseline year that was established was May 1, 2006 to April 30, 2007. Bob shared with the Board graphs showing that since we started three years ago, we have had returns each year of above and beyond the dollars spent on the program. Bob also shared with the Board projections for next several years.

Lisa Pieper entered the meeting at 7:30 PM.

f. Appointment of Board of Education Negotiations Committee – Jim Spangler appointed Terry Cossel as Chair of the Negotiations Committee with the members being Monte Lofing, Randy Coleman and himself.

g. 2010-2011 State Aid – Chris Nelson updated the Board of Education that the State Aid figures he had received for 2010-2011 shows a loss in State Aid of $381,239.93. Chris explained the loss is due to the continued negative changes to formula and changes to Tier System.

h. 2010-2011 Calendar – Dr. Kruse reviewed with the Board of Education the Calendar for 2010-2011 with school starting on August 17th for students and school ending on May 18th. During the process of developing the calendar we needed to build in time for more frequent Professional Learning Communities meetings. Late starts and early outs were considered and discussed as well as looking various days of the week to conduct the meetings. The feedback Dr. Kruse received from staff, administration and parents showed that everyone had their own preference. Dr. Kruse shared that there are several school that have PLC meetings every week such as Hasting, Holdrege, Millard, Lincoln Public, York and Ralston, some using early outs and some using late starts. In discussing whether we should have late starts or early out with the Administrative team the Middle School and Elementary preferred early outs and the High School late starts. The administrative team came to consensus to have early outs on Wednesday and this is being recommended to the Board. In listening to parents with elementary students, a big concern with early outs was daycare and the ability of parents to be able to pick up students. Dr. Kruse has discussed this with elementary administration and they will provide supervision for those students who cannot be picked up early.


a. Finance & Facilities Committee – Randy Coleman reported the committee met on March 4, 2010. The District had received two mowing proposals and four chemical proposals. Beatrice Lawn Care will provide the mowing and Jason Schmale will provide the chemical applications. The committee discussed the proposed changes to the Athletic Dismissal Policy. The committee discussed the Professional Boundaries Policy. The committee was updated that the District is scheduled to receive the state allotment for State Aid for the next fiscal year on March 10th. The next meeting is scheduled for April 8, 2010.

b. Instruction & Activities Committee – Terry Cossel reported the committee met on March 2, 2010. Summer Stephens updated the committee on Board Goal # 2. Summer provided the committee information about the continuous improvement survey that parents, students, and staff are taking. The survey is available on the District’s website. Summer updated the committee on plans this summer to make all the elementary buildings wireless internet and placing two netbooks in each general education classroom. The District will also have two teachers who will serve as instructional coaches through the summer of 2011 to help train staff on the use of web-based tools and other instructional technology. Neal Randel discussed with the Board the change in activity pass prices for 2010-11. Prices will be as follows – Adults $ 80, Students $25, and Family $175. The committee discussed Policy 4090 Professional Boundaries and Policy 6213 Curriculum Assessment.

c. School & Community Committee – Lisa Pieper reported her committee met on March 5, 2010 at Lincoln Elementary. The committee learned that Mr. Knabe’s 5th grade class had won the Idita-Read contest, which is based on the Iditrod Alaskan dog sledding. Student’s five minutes of reading equaled one mile.

Mr. Knabe’s class completed 1,100 miles. The calendar and PLC time was discussed. Staff felt that whatever is done some will be happy and others won’t, but the Board must do what is best for students. Staff also expressed that patrons need to have a better understanding of what is accomplished in PLC’s, and the affect they have on students. The committee visited Mrs. Lueth’s kindergarten class and listened to a Dr. Seuss book about pets. The committee also visited Mrs. Janssen’s class were students were learning to identify adjectives.


No one spoke in public forum.


a. Terry Cossel moved that the Board of Education of District # 15 approve the Interlocal Agreement with ESU #5 Alternative School. Tobias Tempelmeyer seconded the motion.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Pieper, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Motion Carried

b. Monte Lofing moved that the Board of Education of District # 15 approve being part of the Learn to Dream Agreement. Randy Coleman seconded the motion.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Pieper, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Motion Carried

c. Mitch Deines moved that the Board of Education of District #15 approve Policy 2205 Employment of Administrators Other than the Superintendent of Schools (Revision). Steve Winter seconded the motion.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Pieper, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Motion Carried

d. Tobias Tempelmeyer moved that the Board of Education of District # 15 approve Policy 6315.1 Athletic Dismissal (Revision). Mitch Deines seconded the motion.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines and Tempelmeyer,

Nay: Winter, Cossel, Pieper, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler Motion Failed

e. Mitch Deines moved that the Board of Education of District # 15 approved the Calendar for 2010-2011. Tobias Tempelmeyer seconded the motion. Randy Coleman moved that the Board of Education of District # 15 amend the proposed calendar for 2010-2011 to allow for one hour late starts on all scheduled school day Mondays. Jon Zimmerman seconded to amend the motion. The Board discussed the calendar at length before voting on the amended motion.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Cossel, Coleman and Zimmerman

Nay: Deines, Winter, Tempelmeyer, Pieper, Lofing and Spangler Motion Failed

The Board of Education of District #15 then voted on the original motion to approve the Calendar for 2010-2011.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Tempelmeyer, Pieper, Coleman and Spangler

Nay: Cossel, Zimmerman and Lofing Motion Carried

f. Mitch Deines moved that the Board of Education of District # 15 approve sending the letter composed by the School Attorney addressing the open meeting issue to the office of the Attorney General. Lisa Pieper seconded the motion. The Board discussed the letter.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Tempelmeyer, Pieper, Zimmerman and Spangler

Nay: Cossel, Coleman and Lofing Motion Carried

g. The Board of Education of District # 15 heard the 1st Reading of Policy 6213 Curriculum Assessments (New Policy).


The next regular meeting of the Board of Education of District # 15 is scheduled for Monday, April 12, 2010 at 7:30 PM in the Central Administration Building. An agenda for the meeting, which shall be kept continually current, is readily available for public inspection at the Superintendent’s office during normal business hours.


Steve Winter moved that the Board of Education of District # 15 go into executive session to discuss negotiation procedures. Terry Cossel seconded the motion.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Pieper, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Motion Carried

The Board of Education took a five minute recess before going into executive session to discuss negotiation procedures. The Board went into closed session at 9:05 PM. Immediately prior to the closed session, the presiding officer restated on the record the limitations on the subject matter of the closed session.

The Board of Education returned to open session at 9:13 PM.


Randy Coleman moved that the Board of Education adjourn and Monte Lofing seconded the motion.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Pieper, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Motion Carried

Meeting adjourned at 9:14 PM.

_____________________________________________________ ______________

Dale F. Kruse, Ed. D., Superintendent Date


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