7th Annual


Presented by the Career Thought Leaders Consortium

Friday, December 9, 2016

Attendee Guide



Live Events

11:30 am – 11:45 am Welcome and Introductions

11:45 am – 12:30 pm Luncheon

12:30 pm – 3:15 pm Facilitated Brainstorming Session

3:15 pm – 3:30 pm Wrap-up / Business Card Exchange

Virtual Events (No Luncheon)

11:30 am – 11:45 am Welcome and Introductions

11:45 am – 2:15 pm Facilitated Brainstorming Session

2:15 pm – 2:30 pm Wrap-up

Hashtag #CareerJam


Brainstorming Topics

For each topic to be discussed, be sure to address both “the new” and “the next.”

• The New: What is just starting to emerge and catch hold across all fields of career management? (What are clients asking about and what are you beginning to see more and more that will likely begin to impact careers, employment, job search, and how we work today and tomorrow?)

• The Next: Where are we headed? (How do you – in your wildest imagination and from your perspective on the front lines of the careers industry – envision the future?)

TOPIC #1: Career Marketing Messages & Documents

▪ Resumes, Cover Letters, Career Bios, LinkedIn Profiles & Other Career Marketing Communications

▪ Innovative Career Marketing Communications (What else are we creating for our clients?)

▪ Video Resumes, Web Portfolios & Other Multimedia Tools


TOPIC #2: Job Search

▪ Online Job Search, Job Boards & Niche Job Sites

▪ Traditional Networking & Becoming a Referred Candidate

▪ Social Networking & LinkedIn Networking

▪ How Employees Are Screened, Interviewed & Hired


TOPIC #3: Career Planning & Management

▪ Personal Branding

▪ Online Identity Management (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Blog, etc.)

▪ Strategies for Workplace Success & Advancement (e.g., mentoring, career pathing, internal coaching)


TOPIC #4: Career Coaching & Counseling

▪ Emerging Theories, Tools & Practices in Career Coaching & Counseling

▪ Career Discovery/Exploration Assessments & Other Tools (Who is using what, and why? What resources can we offer to clients?)

▪ Difficult Transitions: Long-Term Unemployed, Millennials, Older Candidates & People with Barriers


TOPIC #5: The Changing Global Employment Landscape

▪ Changing Face of “Jobs” & Portable Careers (how different individuals and different generations are dealing with the realities of today’s and tomorrow’s rapidly changing employment landscape)

▪ The Multigenerational, Globally Mobile & Diverse Workplace

▪ Industries & Professions On the Rise & In Decline (our read on the world of career opportunity)


TOPIC #6: Challenges for Career Professionals

▪ Social Media

▪ Professional Development, Associations & Networking

▪ Keeping Up With It All

Trend Report Resources

These are also available at for Career Jam registrants if the live links don’t work on your system.

Global Recruiting Trends 2016

This 5th annual report from LinkedIn uncovers worldwide recruiting trends – including a renewed emphasis on relationships and other priority recruiters share.

Global Recruiting Trends 2017

This article shares top trends and metrics for recruiting, including the role recruiters are playing in their companies, the key metrics they are concerned about, what roles are highest priority, how they are filling them, where they are spending their money, and what they are planning for the future. You can also download a short article that gives the highlights.

Labor Market Outlook 2016: Uncovering the Causes of Global Jobs Mismatch

This study looks at the 12 largest economies by GDP in 2014 and shares factors contributing to movement in the labor market and details the gaps between employers and job seekers.

Job Seeker Nation 2016

Jobvite shares where job seekers stand on the economy, job security, and the future of work. This includes their attitude about the workforce, how they search, what they are looking for from a company, and how they are working.

Recruiter Nation 2016

This study closely examines large-scale trends, recruiting challenges, and job seeker behaviors that reveal the landscape of the recruiting industry. It shares how the job market is changing, exactly how that is influencing recruiters, and what these factors mean for job seekers today. The 2015 report also provided data in a format that might be interesting as well.

Top Talent Acquisition Predictions for 2017

This report from iCIMS shares talent acquisition predictions and insights.

Indeed Global Migration Snapshot

Each year, millions of people cross borders in pursuit of better lives and opportunities. This report reviews the patterns of global job search in 49 of Indeed’s biggest markets. It covers international job search trends, where international job seekers come from, and country profiles for 12 markets.

Job Preparedness Indicator Study

This 5th annual survey of the Career Advisory Board identifies gaps between the skills candidates say they have and the skills employers seek to fill available positions. This year’s findings indicate an overall emphasis on character over skill and hiring manager receptiveness to career changers – tempered by the preference for candidates who have directly related experience.

The New Workforce on the Horizon: Generation Z

This e-book by JobVite has great insights into Generation Z, how they might impact the workforce, and how companies should recruit them. No we’re not marketing for JobVite, just sharing the great information they’ve put together.

Most Desirable Jobs Survey

This Career Advisory Board research was designed to discover the most preferred employment situations among American workers to provide hiring managers with intelligence that can help them recruit and retain talent in what is increasingly a job seekers’ market.

10 Business Trends That Will Grow in 2017

As Millennials become more influential in buying decisions, this article share 10 strategies for businesses to consider in 2017.

These 8 Tech Trends Could Be “Came Changers”

This article talks about technologies – from medical breakthroughs to better internet – that will change the workplace landscape and offer opportunities.

What Do Graduates Do? (Nov 2016 edition)

The annual publication on UK graduate destinations and labour market. The report has reliable and relevant data sources about UK labour market changes, future challenges to employment, sector and regional developments that affect everyone, not just graduates. 

Avoiding the demographic crunch: Labour supply and the ageing workforce (2015)

A report from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), the leading HR Association in the UK – and largest in Europe with 140,000 members.

More Thank 7M Briton in Precarious Employment

An important article from The Guardian on labour market trends in the UK and its implications on job security and pay.

Facts about Brexit and the Investment and Employment Landscape

Although the labour market statistics are limited, this article shares some of the conclusions that can be drawn from the data and the possible impact on recruitment intentions, worker migration, and company operations moving to new countries.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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