Personality Profile

Personality Project

Date __________________ Name __________________________________________

PRINT ALL of your results! Record all text and numerical results on the

Personality Summary Sheet

SMALLEY Animal Personality Quiz

1. Complete the Lion-Beaver-Otter-Golden Retriever. Write your results on the summary sheet.

Learning Styles

1. Obtain your Learning Styles information from the Academic Center.


1. Take the Left Brain/Right Brain quiz at

2. Print your results.

3. Record scores on the summary sheet.


1. Take the Hippocratic Personality Test by going to

2. On the summary sheet, place an “X” next to your temperament result.

Jung Typology

1. Take the Jung Typology Test by going to

2. Record percentages next to the letters on summary sheet.

3. Look up your “Team Player Role” in the following chart using your four letter combination.

4. Write your team player role on the summary sheet.

Team Player Role

|MBTI types |Function-attitude |Team Role |

| |preferred / used | |

|ESFJ/ENFJ |Fe |Coach |

|ISFP/INFP |Fi |Crusader |

|ENTP/ENFP |Ne |Explorer |

|INTJ/INFJ |Ni |Innovator |

|ESFP/ESTP |Se |Sculptor |

|ISTJ/ISFJ |Si |Curator |

|ESTJ/ENTJ |Te |Conductor |

|ISTP/INTP |Ti |Scientist |

Love Language

1. What is the way in which you show love and acceptance to others and the way in which you primarily want others to do the same for you? Take the following short tests to discover your “love language.”

2. Record your rests on the summary sheet.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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