Business Requirements - Watermark Learning

Use Case Templates


Use Case Template

|Unique ID |A random identifier, preferably a number, which is assigned to the|Date Created | |

| |use case | | |

|Created By |Name of the use case creator; consider having a revision log, too.|Priority |Use an appropriate scale (e.g. |

| | | |H/M/L) |

|Name, description |Brief description of the process (what is happening) in the use case |

|Traceability to Business Requirements |The business objective (number) which this use case fulfills |

|Traceability to Stakeholder/Solution |The business rules and stakeholder/solution requirements which relate to this use case (list numbers and/or names) |

|Requirements | |

|Actors |List all actors (people, systems, etc.) associated with this requirement |

|Pre-condition |What must occur before the use case begins |

|Post-condition |What has occurred as a result of the use case |

|Main Flow (primary |Description of the sequence of activities in the most commonly completed path or flow. The main flow is the most |

|flow of events) |routine path from the pre- to the post-conditions. |

|Actor Actions |System Responses |Associated Business Rules/ |

| | |Solution Requirements |

|List the actor steps here |List the system steps here | |

| | | |

|Alternate Flow |A1 |List the description here, and the less common sequences below that get to the post-conditions. Include any triggers, |

| | |and where the use case resumes after this flow. |

|Actor Actions |System Responses |Associated Business Rules/ |

| | |Solution Requirements |

|List the actor steps here |List the system steps here | |

| | | |

|Exception Flow |E1 |List the description here, and the sequence of actions that prevents getting to the post-conditions. Include any |

| | |triggers. |

|Actor Actions |System Responses |Associated Business Rules/ |

| | |Solution Requirements |

|List the actor steps here |List the system steps here | |

| | | |

Scenarios (Insert additional rows for each scenario)

|Scenario |Post-Conditions |Flow |

| | | |

|Non-functional |Related requirements, such as performance, security, retention, regulatory, etc. |

|requirements | |

|Assumptions |Business, technical, and project assumptions related to the use case. Do not list process assumptions. |

|Issues |List only the issues related to the use case. This is not meant to replace the issues list or issues database. |

|Source |Where the use case originated; e.g., facilitated session, one-on-one, observation, etc. |

Actor Checklist

|System Name | |

|Actor Name |Actor Type |Input|Outp|Trig|Term|Actor Goal/Purpose |

| |(Human, | |ut |ger |inat| |

| |System, Event, or Time) | | | |e | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |


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